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Saturday, November 24, 2007
Hey people! I am updating once again! ^^ How was everyone's Thanksgivings?? Mine was fun!^^ 'cept there was soooooo much food! O_o I get full too soon and I don't get to try all the foods we made -_- But oh well^^'
Well, today's the 24th of November! And you know what that means? I've now been a member of myO for exactly one year!!! WOO HOO! I think I shall celebrate! Cause that's what I do lol X3
Anyway, about my still unfinished layout....I haven't really had a lot of time to work on my site. So it's been unfinished for a couple of weeks O_o I still kinda don't have time to work on it, but I have a BACKUP PLAN!!! *loud music plays in background*..........that was weird >_>..........*ahem* AAAAAAANYHOO, I pre-made a layout about a month ago. So I shall save this layout to work on later and I'll be putting up my.......let's call it READY LAYOUT!!! *more loud music in the background*.....(actually you don't have to cause that's kinda lame. I have no idea where I got that O_o....AND WHERE IS THAT MUSIC COMING FROM???? O_O;;;)....Yeah, anyway, I'll put up my pre-made layout sometime soon!! YAY!!!
One thing is still bothering me.....WHERE IS THAT BACKGROUND MUSIC COMING FROM???? *loud music plays in background* O_O It seems to happen whenever I type in caps....hmmmmmmmm >_>...................FROZEN MEATLOAF DINNER!!!!!!!*loud music plays in background*
Bah! Oh, yeah, I think I'm comming down with something. My mom got a cold just before Thanksgiving and now I probably have it.....oh joy!
Ok, now I'm gonna be finished with this post.......FINALLY!! *waits for loud background music to play*.....................*cricket churrips*...............>_> hmmmmmm.............well......ja ne!
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
Hey people! How are you?
Well, I'm working on my new layout...as you can see, it's not exactly finished though O.o
Anyhoo, not really much to talk about. I finished the layout for zombiepenguins. Click on her name if you wanna see it. She's kinda new here so you could maybe sign her guestbook and stuff while you're there....*ahem*...anyway, yeah. I'm gonna go. Have a great day!^^
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Saturday, November 17, 2007
HOLY CRUD! My site is a horrible horribe mess!!! jk jk ^^'
Acutally, I kinda was panicing about my site though. Shred told me it was fine and that I was just over exaggerating -_- I still feel weird about it though. Soooo, yeah....I really have to work on this when I get the time. I sort of haven't had the time lately.
Oh! And I was making this Blood Plus layout for zombiepeguins today! I haven't ever seen Blood Plus, but I kinda know about it.....Anyway, I think it turned out....really great actually XD I think it's the best layout I've ever made! I hope she likes it. She hasn't seen it yet. She will hopefully get to see it tomorrow though^^ I'll have to show you guys too, ,won't I?? X3
Well, it's getting late now. I'm gonna go try to visit a couple of sites before I go to bed. So byes^^
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
I'm kinda too tired to make a real post. I'm just gonna put up some pics that me and my sister took over the summer.
This is one of our cats, Pookie. Yeah....she's a snob >.> But isn't she cute? xD

Here's the tarantula we see around sometimes. I don't like him >.<

Isn't this pretty? ^^

This looks kinda cool.

I think this is cool too^^

OK, one more. I find this cool^^

OK, yeah, I'm done^^'
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Sorry....I don't know why I did that O.o ...
*ahem*....Aaaaaanyway, how's everyone?? I'm doing ok myself ^^ I'm kind of sick on and off though....a cold or something...
I got to visit a ton of sites today! YAY! ^^ I feel better about that now!^^ Ok, I have nothing else to post about, so bye everyone! Have a great day!^^
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Monday, November 5, 2007
Hi everyone!
Wow, I haven't updated in a few days O.o Wow. I'm really sorry you guys. And I'm sorry I haven't been visiting much either T_T GOOOOOOOMEN NEEEE!!! I'll try harder to visit around and stuff, ok?
Weeeeeeelll.....actually, I don't really have anything to post about O_o .....Seriously....wow, um....
Have a great day everyone. Byes.
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
Hey, guys.
I know I haven't posted or commented in a while and I'm sorry. The server situation was partly to blame. The other reason is one of our two computers fried a couple of days ago. So now other people take the computer and I don't get to be on T_T Sorry people.
OK, and in other news, I changed my site around again! Yay!! XD I'm almost done with it. I just need to fix a couple of things and get some music up here. Anyway, what do you guys think of it so far??
Today is the first of November! That means I've almost been on myO for an entire year. It'll be exactly a year in about 23 days. I can't believe it's almost been a year O.o
Ummmm.....well, I was gonna post about something else too, but now I forgot what that was O_o....Oh, well. I'll remember sometime ^^"
Anyhoo, I hope everyone has had a good week, and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to you guys later!^^
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
It's weird, but imeem started working agian O_o At least it works though XD
Uhhhhhhhhhh....short post O_o
Have a great day everyone.
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Monday, October 22, 2007
I'm pretty much switching over to ProjectPlaylist now. Imeem doesn't hardly let me on it anymore. There's a way to fix the problem, but it's getting complicated. So I found it easier to switch to ProjectPlaylist. Now I'm making new playlists there! Yay! I'm probably gonna be putting some new music up on my site soon now.
Just out of curiousity, what kind of music would you people like to hear on my site?
Ok, well, I'm gonna go visit some sites and stuff. So bye for now. Have a great day!
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
Hi people!
First off, sorry I haven't been visiting you guys much lately. I get to a site here and there, so I'm still visiting. Really^^
Um....what else can I post about?? I don't really have anything to talk about...Just randomly updating because I can I guess O_o
HOW DOES DEVIANT ART WORK????!!?! I've had an account there since April and I still don't know how to use it....was I starting to rant? Sorry ^^'
Gonna go for now. Have a great day every one. Byes^^
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