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Eventually Japan
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Emiko and Himiko number 1 *hugs Himiko number 2 aka Hikaru^^*
Making so many great friends on MyOtaku!
Anime Fan Since
September 2006!(well I liked Pokemon when I was little...but I could never watch it *tear*)
Favorite Anime
InuYasha,Fruits Basket,Ouran HighSchool Host Club,Alice 19th, D.N.Angel,Ranma1/2, Loveless,Chrono Crusade,Neon Genesis Evangelion,Imadoki,Naruto,Death Note,Bleach,Immortal Rain,Wolf's Rain,FullMetal Alchemist,xxxHolic,Tsubasa
To become a Japanese/English translator or to become an English teacher(to Japanese students)
Drawing, Dancing, Archery, reading, watching anime,learning Japanese,
Picking Up Languages( I still want to learn Spanish, Italian, Chinese, and German to go along with my English, French, and Japanese), and hmm... watching anime?(is that a talent?)
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/20/07:
Awww...He's kinda creepy from what I've read with him in it....
Result Posted on 03/20/07:
Sweet! *is about to start reading book* This seems to fit.
Result Posted on 03/18/07:
Oh cool^^ I like roses and daffodils the best though^^
What kind of flower are you?
 YOU ARE A SWEET PEA!!Sweet Pea flowers are given to people as a "Thankyou" or out of innocent love. This flower is almost always in constant bloom, and gives off a sweet and fragrant smell. You, my little sweet pea, are feminine and innocent. Though you're sometimes shy, you're SO polite and are the biggest sweetheart! You sometimes have to depend on other people to help you, but that's okay. You're still learning to stand on your own two feet. ^^ Learn to raise you voice a little higher! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/07/07:
Oh yeah! I'm SO emo...^-^
Result Posted on 03/03/07:
Cool...Kikyo does kinda fit ways...
Result Posted on 03/02/07:
Umm...ok...Yeah I geuss it kinda fits...^-^
Result Posted on 02/19/07:
ok...Who ever made this is on something.....
Are you beautiful?
 You are gorgeous! Dont let anyone tell you otherwise because everyone is beautiful wether it be skin deep or not. True beauty is always found if you dig deeper. No one is ugly thats why I really dont like these quizzes in a world already so judgmental we dont need somone else to top that off. SO GO HAVE FUN BEAUTIFUL PERSON! THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR TAKING MY QUIZ!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/19/07:
That's really cool..
What obsolete skill are you?
 You are 'regularly metric verse'. This can take many forms, including heroic couplets, blank verse, and other iambic pentameters, for example. It has not been used much since the nineteenth century; modern poets tend to prefer rhyme without meter, or even poetry with neither rhyme nor meter.You appreciate the beautiful things in life--the joy of music, the color of leaves falling, the rhythm of a heartbeat. You see life itself as a series of little poems. The result (or is it the cause?) is that you are pensive and often melancholy. You enjoy the company of other people, but they find you unexcitable and depressing. Your problem is that regularly metric verse has been obsolete for a long time. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/19/07:
Well It fits me I geuss...It's kinda a boring shape though...My friends got squiggels...lucky ducks!
What shape are you? A triangle, a circle, a rectangle, a square, or a Squiggle?
You are a circleThe circle is an ancient symbol. It is the most used shape in religions. Circles are the people who seek harmony. Circles are the caretakers, the peacemakers, and the nurtures of the world. Circles simply need to help. They love people with problems! They are the huggers and the smilers. The circles motto is "forget your troubles and just get happy!" Circles are the teachers and office workers who put smiley faces on things. Circles are the sales associates who always say, Have a nice day. Circles are talkative, self-critical, warm, caring, sensitive people. Circles are real people persons, with lots of friends. Circles love to gossip, but generally not maliciously. It is just that everybody tells them everything! Circles cannot stand conflict. They are joiners and often belong to many clubs or organizations. If we consider how circles think, they are both linear and non-linear, left brained and right brained; they can think in both styles and are the only shape that has this duality. Circles combine their thinking styles in a unique way that makes them somewhat intuitive. They have a sixth sense when it comes to communicating. Why? Because they can read people. They are the best communicators of all the shapes. Jimmy Carter is a circle. Please rate. you don't have to message! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/17/07:
Hmmm...well I usually think I'd look like myself...I mean I already look like an anime person...^-^
What would you look like in anime? (cool descriptions) Your Result: pretty and innocent your long, curly hair is like spun gold. your round, shining eyes are the color of amethysts. you have a round, rosy face and a pretty, cheerful smile that lights up even the gloomiest day. You are dressed in a long, silky cream-colored dress, making you look like an angel. | mysterious and attractive | | girly and elegant | | dark and beautiful | | cute and sporty | | unique and stunning | | What would you look like in anime? (cool descriptions) |
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