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Liverpool, Engerland, scratch that, the worst place in England
Member Since
I'm a student in school, preparing for GCSE's next year, and one this year, my art one funnily enough
Real Name
Emma Jacobsen
I haven't achieved anything. Other than, being me, I'm totally amazing
Anime Fan Since
Hmm, Pokémon, that takes me back
Favorite Anime
Shaman King or Beyblade... or Pokémon! But, I have to say Beyblade has better colouring and sharpness though. They must have a lot of money. Pokémon has gotten to that standard now, woohoo. Pity I can't buy any manga's of it in the shops.
To get my Nidoqueen at L100, it's not that far away but it takes a hell of a lot of time
Videogames, drawing, ice skating. Although my mind has mentally been shaken when I went flying about 5 metres on the ice. It didn't hurt though. Just got a bruise for 4 months.
Hopefully them above , if they aren't there's no point living my life. I could be a pro at foot ball but you kind of need to know how to play football so, um, yeah.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
I return with new pictures!
I have drew Hao Asakura, me as a Pokémon trainer (don't ask why, I was bored out of my skull, drawing me is not really my thing) and Ash and Gary. But, they haven't been submitted yet. Aw, I just piddled on your bonfire. That must be one of the best sayings on this earth.
I must tell you about how my hair got abused last night. I had to sleep with it out because I had no bobble, and that's annoying because... I can sit on my hair. There was a box next to me which had been freshly opened and had cardboard tape on. I was on the toilet (telling it as it is here) and I seen a whole reel of it stuck in my hair, it was MURDER trying to get it out, it was BRUTAL murder. Oh the pain, I don't know how I came out of that with any hair.

What Sanrio Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
I done this for a laugh, I'm not really a Hello Kitty fan, or a frog fan. Although, my email address contains the word Frogger. But, you know? Frogger was that frog that liked to get ran over and got rescued by a really speedy ambulance.
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