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Liverpool, Engerland, scratch that, the worst place in England
Member Since
I'm a student in school, preparing for GCSE's next year, and one this year, my art one funnily enough
Real Name
Emma Jacobsen
I haven't achieved anything. Other than, being me, I'm totally amazing
Anime Fan Since
Hmm, Pokémon, that takes me back
Favorite Anime
Shaman King or Beyblade... or Pokémon! But, I have to say Beyblade has better colouring and sharpness though. They must have a lot of money. Pokémon has gotten to that standard now, woohoo. Pity I can't buy any manga's of it in the shops.
To get my Nidoqueen at L100, it's not that far away but it takes a hell of a lot of time
Videogames, drawing, ice skating. Although my mind has mentally been shaken when I went flying about 5 metres on the ice. It didn't hurt though. Just got a bruise for 4 months.
Hopefully them above , if they aren't there's no point living my life. I could be a pro at foot ball but you kind of need to know how to play football so, um, yeah.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Popping in to say Happy Christmas
 Yugi/Yuugi-he's kind, caring sweet,adorable, but unfortunately, abit naive. Anywho, who wouldn't love him, his friends, and enimies for that matter, trust him with their lives. if you were his wife, hed probably die the most horrible death to save you. Lucky Duck!
What Yu-Gi-Oh Character will you marry? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm... That was an odd test. I don't really watch Yu Gi Oh anyway. I don't know anything about the items or nothing >_< I watched it when it pilotted, just never really got interested in it. The whole deep voice thing threw me off and went into a "What the hell?" overload. It was a good storyline anyway. Just don't know what else was bugging me. I'll watch it if there was absolutely nothing else on. I'd take a glance at it for about 10 seconds to see what've happening. It was a bit like... um... what was it called? Oh, I don't know, it had a dog that was a snowman and the lead character was called Haru... and there was a robot, with a tattoo on her arm, thought her name was Ellie. Don't know how it was spelled though.
Happy Christmas everyone!
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