Silent.Whispers (10/04/07)
Hello, nice site you have. I love the way it goes together. I'm going around signing guestbook and making new friends. I would love to be your friend, of course..it's your chose. I am adding you if it's not too much trouble. I hope you return the favor. Farewell.
~| Saya |~
+ The Black Rose +
Twists Of Rain (10/04/07)
thank you so much for signing my gb
BlueEyedWerewolf (10/03/07)
I live in kinda miblands too! X3
Aww happey brithday < 33
:0 your a year older than me!
Lol and thank you for your nice comments < 3
Your sites cool o.o Lol lovin' the background XD!
< 3
AikoKuroBara (10/03/07)
happy birthday~! i'm sooo sorry i replied so late.. >.>
*eats cake*
:3 niceu~! i like yourichi and grimmjow.. grimmjows HOTT!!!
*gives u hitsu plushie*
Naota-SAD (10/02/07)
CHA!!! you have an awsome layout here i never could get the codes for a site design like this to work right :P
i no want any cake Happy B-day
i just turned 18 on the 27th of last month lol well PEACE!
Darke Dreams (10/02/07)
Hey! A very happy birthday to ya! Thanks for the cake and its an honor to have you sign my gb. ^ ^
I'm going to add you, so that means message me whenever you want ok?
X~Erica Lubs Dylan~X
wiccan child (10/02/07)
Hi thanck you 4 singing my g/b! I love your site! Oh cool you live in the Midlands, so do I! Well I'm gonna add you if that's cool, I hope we can be friends! PM me some time k
Gruesome Heart (10/02/07)
Hey! Thanks for signing my guestbook! ^^ Happy birthday!! I bet you're pumped that you're 18. Ha, then again.. It makes you an old fart. XD Just kidding! Anyway, thanks for signing my guestbook. ^^ I'll add you as a friend.
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Emma! Happy birthday to you!! *has a cake with 18 candles on it* Have fun blowing all those out! Haha... XD
//Gruesome Heart//
efil4rekac (10/02/07)
Ha!Ha!Now it's my turn!Hey is it chocolate cake?Anyways happy B-day!Hope to see you around!
Laverna134G (10/01/07)
I never signed this? I can't believe it. I could've sworn that everyone on my friends list had my signature... ah well, no sense crying over what I forgot. It's not really the end of the world, now is it? Well, you wanted a signature, so here it is.
"SORRY Fergie, but only a CANNIBAL would define you as delicious.
My boy isn't on rock-rock (whatever the heck that is...)
And not EVERYTHING that ends with "icious" rhymes withe delicious.
Have a wunderful day. 0_0..."