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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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hihi4 (03/26/08)

^_^ HELLO ^_^

this is a really cool site. everything is very cool. i have heard that you post often and are not leaving the myo like so many others have. im gonna add u as a friend if that alright with you. hope you do the same



Hey, thanks for signing my gb. It's appreciated. Its nice to know that we have so much in common *hugz*
Take care

star wars fan (02/25/08)

nice site you have here!
you signed me a while ago,
but i didnt really log on
at that time.
i normally log on more,
but i was busy.

i love the background you have.
the sheep are such funny
characters in those movies.
i also love the layout of your site.
i love how the links are on the top
and not to the side like normal.
i must say, good job.

well, ill leave it at that.
ill add you to my friends list.
PM or comment whenever youd like.
then again, im not really posting
till version vibrant comes out.
no ones really posting or commenting.
oh well.
PM me then i guess.

-Star Wars Fan
[my name's Megan, btw]

Jangalian (02/14/08)

I've come to officially sign your guestbook as my other name too. lol Thank you for being my friend as Ikyuu-Nyuu-Kon, and I hope you will come back with me to my old name, Jangalian.


yumi08uchiha (02/07/08)

I was looking at your fanart.
They're awesome!!! XD
I'm so jealous, I can't draw at all T_T

ooo tea!! I like tea!! XD

lol I swear alot too~

you like fruits basket ne?
I love it!!! It's one of my favourite animes ^^

Anyways, I really love making new friends, so you're probably guessing I'm about to add you...and you're right!! XD
I hope you don't mind, and I also hope you'll add me too?

Take care~

byee ^^


Morgorat (02/01/08)

helloooo! thanks for signing my gb. =] hmmmm u dont like one liners eh? welll then i will just babble like i am now. you never said that was bad. =P sooo anyways you seem cool and i hope that we can be friends.

kumi101 (01/24/08)

Hiya! Name's Kumiko, I like tea too!!
YAY anyways drop by me sometime! Seeya! PEACE!

-Kumi ^.^

CrystalSin (01/21/08)

nice site and i like your avi too
:p byes

cocomo101 (01/19/08)

Hi! I was just looking around and your name caught my eye! Plus, people mentioned you in some posts ^^. I love your site!! Your playlist is awesome! Don't worry, I don't mind if you swear, I sometimes swear myself in some of my posts XD. Hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend! Have a wonderful day!


MusicLuvsRachel (01/12/08)


I don't know if you remember(no hard feelings if u don't) but I used to be doose-doe but then I deleted my account. But now I'm back with a spankin' new one and I would like to be ur friend again!
Anyways, check out my new sight if you get a chance!


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