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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Kakashi Lover7573 (02/19/07)

hey cool site
i hate the color pink but your site is still cool
well uhh adding you as a friend if thats ok


sauskelover (02/19/07)

i luv your site its really pretty! im addin you as a friend kay

Princess Roxxi (02/19/07)

nice site u got..wow ur very smaryt...i want my gb and stuff like urs andway like ur bg! ^--^ avi...soooooooooooooo cute! and plz pm me!

XbangXbangX (02/19/07)

thanks, i know it's quite emo, seeing as how i'm quite emo myself, but to each his own, right? i love your sailor moon theme! its really cute!^.^ thanks for the comment!. i'm gonna add you as a friend, you can add me to if you want!


hamstagirl11795 (02/19/07)

Ello, ish hamsta, you can call me ham or poe X3 I like your site! ^^ Ish cool!!! Pm me whenever ya want ^^

kc38 (02/19/07)

omg you have a rlly neat site! Thx so much for signing my G.B. I love your style and it's so cool that you live in England!!

9Breaker (02/19/07)

Hiya! Thanks for signin in my GB! Your site is cool im gonna add you as a friend. So you got annoyed by the intro? me too...LOLZ

Schultzie (02/19/07)

Well now, where to begin? Where to Begin?

Ah, I have it! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my site. I just take what looks cool to me at the time and put it up with what Little HTML code I know.

Ill see you around the compound Charlie Brown.


Lelavadee (02/19/07)

Hi! Thanks 4 signing my gb! Your site is so cute! Luvin' the pinkness! lol Well, I'm gonna add u nd hope we can be friends! Pm me anytime! Buh bye!


InuYashaFan4-ever (02/11/07)

Hey! I like your site! I bet it's cool to live in England! I love to sleep and I also think it's impossible to get a ranking -_-. Sometime I feel like I'm glued to my computer! *_* Well I hope to see you sooN! ^^


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