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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Shattered Peices (11/11/07)

i am here to return the favor.

hiiiiiiiiiii! 8D

shadowposion (11/11/07)

nice site i like the background and pic

AkiNiiro (11/11/07)

Wicked sweet site!!! i totally love the wp! and your icon!!!! i was just going around on peoples site and stumbled across yours! so i just wanted to say hey and wicked nice site you have here! hope you come and see mine! see ya later Emma! ^^


vixen fire (11/11/07)

thanks SOOOOOOOOOO much for visiting my site. im going to add you as a friends too btw!^^ i love your site. obviously you like kai. i do too, hes cool^^. i changed my site so it wouldn't have the navigation, but i didn't like it 'cause i messed it up, the scrollbar wont work, and my avi doesn't show up, so i put it back^^'. do you think you can help? anyway, id LOVE to be your friend!!^^ anyway, ill talk to you later! bye!

=^vixen fire^=

Stocking (11/11/07)

Hi,I saw that a lot of people had you as their friend so I was wonderin what yur site looked like,it;s nice i like the BG.

well,i got no more to say,so later


Little Birdie (11/11/07)

Hello! Thankies for visiting and signing my gb! It is greatly appreciated by both me and Ryo-ohki-chan! ^_^ Interesting site you've got here... Beyblade, right? O.o ... o.O ... I used to watch Beyblade, but I got too busy... T_T ... Anyways, I shall be adding you... YAY, NEW FRIEND!!! XD Alrighty, I hope to talk to you soon!!! ^_^

~ LB ~

Yamis Pharaohess (11/10/07)


sprry it took my all eternity to get back to you for signing my GB! V_V But I'm here now, right? ^^; heh heh...
I noticed that you too were in the top 500. ^^ Way to go! When I saw that you said that in your GB entry, I went to the member list, and sure enough, I was in the top 500! I didn't know before then I was there! XDDD So thanks for that heads up. But enough about me!
I really love your BG! The colors go with the pattern so well! I also check out your portfolio, and I must say, your work is very nice! I like your fan art, especially. ^^ Keep up teh good work!
anywayzzz..... thanks again for signing my GB, I'm glad to return the favor. I'll add ya as a friend as well, kay? ^^

~*~Yamis Pharaohess~*~

kaka anime (11/10/07)

thanks,for sighning my gb you look like a preety cool decent personcome by my site sometimes itd suely give ya laugh sometimes!:)

chokolatealkemist (11/08/07)

Hi! Thanx for signing my guestbook, thought I'd return the favor.^^
Ur a really good artist! o.o I looked at ur portfolio, keep up the awsome work! I'll add u to my friends list, k? =)
Have a nice day! ^-^


Asphyxiated Lapse (11/08/07)

Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook.
I have another site, contaminatedxdork, aswell and I'm going to be on there as well.
Not sure which more though is all..

Yup, New Hampshire.
Isn't there a Manchester, and a Hampshire, in England?

There's a Manchester, New Hampshire here. And the little group of states around here is called New England. I just always thought that was strange somehow.

But yea.. I love the design on your background.
I'm gonna add you though alright?
Talk to yea later!


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