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England - The Midlands
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A dog's body at a Tesco store
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Got to Senior Otaku++ism!! Passed GCSE's, making a lot of new friends on here, failed every single A-level, my stories have become popular on
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To get my fanfictions even more popular.
Writing and sleeping.
Being completely isane XD And writing, I guess.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Let the Laughathon Begin
Mood: Crazy
Listening To: Last Man Standing - Bon Jovi
Howdy. Ok, I've completely contradicted myself in one of my rules. It basically says that I'm not adding anymore friends, but when I saw all my new g/b signings, I saw that most of them had added me. And I felt mean. So I added them back. So, I'm gonna delete that rule, because I know I won't be able to control myself... Oo-er.
I also have another new fanart, aside from the Hitsugaya, but if you saw my Hitsugaya, you probably saw the newest one too.
And guess what? Another's on the way XD (I know Ekedo will be squealing with excitement - well, no not really - because my next three are actually Pokemon ones, because I am useless lol).
On the wallpaper front, I got caught up in signing guestbooks, and so I forgot to do some of it. So tonight will be solely dedicated to commenting people who commented my post from yesterday (and the regulars lol), and doing that wallpaper. Which means I may have to go "offline! on MSN to save me from distractions (i.e. A friend completely and utterly rambling on and on about the man she loves, who STILL hasn't dumped his current girlfriend to be with my friend. At least she'll be with him tomorrow. I won't have to put up with her rambling. Knowing my luck he'll say "sorry I can't come" and I'll have to have a massive convo of how much of a twat he is. *Sigh*).
Anyway. Today has been... Fun, to say the least. We had Chinese. Nothing new there. Except for the fact that Laura (Beef on legs - I demand you go and sign her guestbook ^^) had a massive LAUGHING FIT for no apparent reason in the middle of the class, and WOULD NOT shut up. I think it was because when she said she was "going to visit her nan" the teacher said "for a holiday?". But then we went for a break... Which was possibly a really bad idea. Because because because... Jane (Silver star rose) and Laura bought coffee cake - with cream on top of it. Well, firstly, I prodded Laura's slab and got it all over my finger and left a big dent her hers... And then I turned on Jane's, and left a dent in her cake too.
You could say that, by then we'd officially lost the plot. But not me... I thought I could have at least some method of madness left in me. And it came in the form of smacking Laura's hand so her cake went all over her nose!!! ROFL!! T'was tres tres fun. Then when we got back into class... Laura started laughing again. Sun Xiao said that it was a good thing that we're fun. But, to me, being completely and utterly nuts in the middle of a Chinese lesson, with a Chinese teacher who think's you're all weird, is not a good time to be fun.
Then there was the seized up leg-ness whilst running down towards the train station. I won't go into that because Jane has written that I've basically invented the new osterich walk/run. And I'm not gonna go into the actual train station antics, because of accidental yuri.
So, yes. That was meh day. Our day, in fact.
So I am off to:
1) Edit profile rules AGAIN
2) Comment anyone and everyone and everything (well, no not really, but whoever I can get to)
3) Do wallpaper/ whilst talking to Laura on MSN XD (That should be fun).
Ooooh on the visit front, I now have 982... So I'm gonna stop signing guestbooks until I have 1000 so I can give one of my current friends (and yes, that includes the new friends that have added me/I've added them) to win "the prize" - which I still have no idea what that is... You'll have to give me ideas. Oo-er.
Emmah xxx
P.S. My new fanart is now up (yup, there's a lot of it coming lmao)
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