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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Sunday, November 4, 2007

   Emmah's Random Ramble

Time: 5.09 in the pm (though it may be a lot later than that when I get around to posting this XD)
Mood: Psychotic. But happy
Song: All Across The Nation - The Black Europeans (Beyblade music! Woohoo!)

As you can blatantly see, I have changed my theme XD I may need to change the colour of the text or something? I dunno, guys, what do you think?? Yeah, I’m having an immense Kai mood recently XD No idea why, I just thought “Ahhh I remember the days when I liked Kai…. He’d be a good new theme”. Yeah. I’m currently making a new Beyblade play list of music, too, on imeem, hence why this post may be posted at like, 6 or something ridiculous XD

Erm… Not really much to say, only, it’s very difficult to get a guestbook signing, Y’know?? I’ll go and sign a few people (I sign at least 10 a day) and only about 2 or 3 (if that) come back. I mean, dude… Heh.

Oh yeah, my Nan’s house got burgled last night. Well, someone broke into her outhouse (she leaves the door unlocked, she’s too trusting). So technically, the didn’t break in, but Y’know, it still counts as breaking it. They’d opened one of the cupboard doors (she used to keep coal in it, but they no longer have an open fire anymore) and obviously found nothing in there. So they went out the back garden, and literally peeled open the shed door (it’s metal and has a padlock on it) upwards, and they stole my Granddad’s chainsaw and hedge trimmer. Bastards.

I’ve inherited the Bayles temper, as well, so I’d better not meet them XD

Anyway, we know who it was. The police know who it was. And the one policeman last night said to my Granddad “We don’t want to hear what happens to Shram (the guy who everyone thinks stole my Granddad’s stuff), but whatever you guys do, make it good”.

I mean, LMAO! You’re the police, you shouldn’t say stuff like that! But everyone in the town DOES know us. Quite literally. So all we have to is ask anyone if someone’s tried to sell them a chainsaw and stuff, and Shram and co. are fucked. We went looking for Jimmy last night, too. We originally thought it was him who stole the stuff. And he might have had something to do with it. And Jemma (Jemma, Shram and Jimmy are all drug-addicts [heroin, and Jemma’s pregnant] and they nick stuff. Jimmy stole stuff from his own Mother’s house) came round my Nan’s house because the police had broken into her flat and searched the place. Guilty conscience much?

So, yeah. When I see one of them, I’ll kill them XD Dad was like “what if you found out they’d nicked something of yours from down your Nan’s?” (I tend to leave stuff down there) and I replied with “I’ll fucking kill him” (my parents don’t seem to care when I swear anymore - like when we were in the car looking for Jimmy and co. and I said “he’s just a piss-faced bastard”, my Dad laughed).

I’m just seeing if I can download off imeem without paying… Also I wanted to watch Fruits Basket episode 9. Veoh have DELETED the episodes!! And I ordered Fruits Basket volumes 7 and 8 from Waterstones.com XD I think that might be all. Have a great Bonfire night tomorrow, you guys (the ones that live in England, anyway, since we’re the only ones who celebrate it XD).

♥ Emmah ♥

P.S. Heh, it’s only half 5 XD

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