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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

   Emmah's Random Ramble

Time: 11.03 in the am
Mood: Sad

Someone’s eaten my beef! Ok, that wasn’t meant to sound that random XD But yes, that is why I’m sad, because someone’s eaten my beef. Beef slices, to be exact. I bought them, and I’ve made 1 beef sandwich with them, and I had 3 slices left (there was only 5 slices in a pack). Now there’s only half a slice left!! It was my Mum, I know it. My sister doesn’t eat meat (except for sausages) and my Dad doesn’t like beef. So who else could it be?

Tattoo front: I’m not going in today, meaning I’d have to book it Friday, meaning I’d have to trundle back in in a week or two, meaning I’d have to spend £5 for the bloody bus. I reeeallly do want a tattoo though. I think it may have to wait until the new year now, though. I do want something done on Friday though. Thinking of getting my ears pierced again (I already have them pierced once). I kept thinking about getting the top of my ear done, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to, because my ears are so bloody small and they kinda curl in at the top (I have weird ears…). I really am disappointed that I won’t be able to get a tattoo for a while, though. I know my Dad wanted one, so I might see if he’ll take me one day, and then he can get one, too.

Piercings… I love piercings. I would get my eyebrow or lip done, but 1) I really dislike pain and 2) I wouldn’t be allowed it where I work. The managers wouldn’t really care, but the company doesn’t allow anyone to have “over-the-top” or “in-your-face” piercings. Or hairstyles (I only just got away with having purple - which everyone liked). So if I got my ears done again, that’d be ok. Or maybe my belly button? Ergh, the pain.

Talking of belly buttons… Rosie had her belly button pierced… But now she’s pregnant, will she have to take it out?? Hmm…

Oh yeah, Chrimboli DOES mean Christmas, btw. Damn me and the made-up words I pick out of books (I.e. the Georgia Nicolsons).

I’m hoping to get to commenting… Sometime soon XD I’m not really gonna have a free day until… Monday. And most of that will be spent wrapping up pressies. Christmas day… You must be joking. I will come online to say Merry Christmas, but there’s no way in hell I’m commenting. I’m working on Boxing Day… The day after Boxing Day I’m working… So… Sometime after Christmas (that’s ages away =O) I will get to commenting 0_o

Christmas Wisdom
When you thank Santa for your Chrimboli pressies, make sure you thank the reindeer, too. They had to drag your damn heavy present to your house, y’know!!

♥ Emmah ♥

R.I.P. Beef Slices

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