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A dog's body at a Tesco store
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Got to Senior Otaku++ism!! Passed GCSE's, making a lot of new friends on here, failed every single A-level, my stories have become popular on
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Writing and sleeping.
Being completely isane XD And writing, I guess.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Working In The Dark
Time: 12.33 in the pm
Mood: Hahahaha
Currently: Munching on Terry’s Chocolate Orange Mini Eggs - can’t be healthy
Song: London Bridge - Bowling For Soup (so much better than Fergie’s version) (OH SNAP!)
Quote of the Day: “Smudge, you’ve left butt prints on the path!” - Moi
I did something extremely dense this morning. I woke up, got out of bed, stumbled downstairs to make my usual cup of tea. I put the sugar in the cup, and then, this is the really dense part, I poured the boiled water into the cup and started stirring. Yeah. I’d bloody forgotten to put a teabag in the cup! How could I forget the most vital part of a cup of tea?! Damn me and my stupidity.
Anyway, thank you for your comments ^^ And, heh, I’m glad the new music is appreciated XD I LOVE Bowling For Soup. They’re just effing fab. A whole play list full of them on this site XD Can’t get much better. I’m gonna have to buy their Cds. However many there are, it doesn’t matter. I WILL be getting them. And seeing as I haven’t had a shopping trip yet this year, and then there are January sales… Heh heh heh. Hopefully HMV will have some sort of sale on. If they don’t, I’m sure I’ll find somewhere else XD
In reply to Kaisap112 and KayuraWolfwood: My boss is about 30 something?? I dunno. But all the managers are quite mad.
In reply to Magnus Lensherr: (Hahaha I just hit caps lock and your name was really big, I’ve changed it now XD), Yeah, I’m watching the first season of Beyblade at the moment. He wasn’t in season 2, but he did come back in season 3. I think. Lol.
“We have visitors”.
I just wondered why BFS stopped playing. It’s because my internetty wetty has stopped working. Again. This is gonna be very tiresome -_-’ I’m gonna have to wait until the internet comes back on every time so I can come and comment you guys -_-’
“You got a little snot - OH SNAP!” BFS’s version of London Bridge is awesome, and funny. Just as it should be.
So, today, I’m finally gonna talk about work, because last night was, well, interesting. This woman came in, and she wanted to buy this box of tampons, so obviously, it was the wrong time of the month for her. Anyway, these tampons weren’t set up on the system, so they wouldn’t scan, so they had no price. Hence why we couldn’t sell them to her. Anyway, she started ranting and raving, and she said “they were the shelf, I want to buy them, and you’re going to sell them to me” and Andrea said “no I’m not. There’s no price for them, and if there’s no price, we can’t scan them” and then Tampon-Lady was like “I’m not just not interested anymore” and walked off (after paying for some other things). And then Andrea was like “it’s not as though we didn’t have ANYTHING she could have. I mean, we have other brands, why couldn’t she just have some of them?” so then I said “PMT!” really loudly (the woman had gone) and then Andrea laughed and was like “PMT!!”. Yeah. I think Ben joined in shouting “PMT!”, too. We’re all mad.
Hahaha I’m trying to watch that episode of Beyblade again. Luckily, it’s fully loaded, and I’m skipping through it to see where I got to. And guess where I landed?
“We have visitors”.
I may actually wet myself laughing.
Back to the subject of work, then.
No, not yet. Bloody hell. I just pressed the wrong button on Veoh TV, and instead of pressing “play” I pressed “previous video”. I would’ve died if I’d had to load the whole damn thing again, but luckily, I don’t. As there is no previous video XD
ANYWAY! As I was saying before I rudely interrupted myself… Work. It was coming up to closing time (well, we close at 11pm, and at the time it was 10.30pm…).
So, there were only two customers in the shop, and me and Andrea (Ben had gone home about an hour earlier). And the customers bought something, wandered off, came back because they’d forgotten their cigarette papers, and the guy was just about to ask for them, when all of a sudden, all the lights went off!! Andrea looked around, the two guys looked around and I said “was that supposed to happen?”
Anyway, Andrea goes “are the tills still on?” and I said yeah, and she told me to continue serving (in the bloody dark - well, near darkness) while she went off… To look at the fuses. I served the guys, they ran off, and Andrea was like “well, all the fuses are on”, and she came round the tills to phone up some company thing.
I should just tell you, that the even though we switch the main lights off when we close, we always have a row of security lights still on. And these were the ones that were still on. The lights out the back were still on, too. So, as Andrea was talking on the phone, guess what happens? The security lights go off!! And so we’re left with one light on, which is by the tills. I must also say that all the heaters went off, and so did the lights in the fridges.
Anyway, we couldn’t have the customers stumbling around in the dark (which would’ve been very funny to watch, but, er, no), so we had to close. It turned out that over 100 other Tesco Express stores around the country were phoning in and complaining that their lights had gone off. Someone screwed up XD
Anyway, it’s not easy trying to close a shop in the dark. I was trying to lock the door, but I couldn’t see the colour of the key. I did eventually lock it, and these two guys were like “why are you shut?”. Andrea told me to tell them we had a power cut. They didn’t look happy. What, did they honestly want to wander around in the dark?
Oh, you’ll never guess what. My internet went off. And now this bloody episode of Beyblade has stopped loading again. On Boris’ face. I am not as such impressed.
♥ Emmah ♥
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