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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Monday, March 10, 2008

   Boiler Man, Boiler Man, Does Whatever A Boiler Man Does...

Time: 11.36 in the am
Mood: Chipper
Currently: Eating pancakes and drinking tea. Of course.
Song: Hold On - Good Charlotte

DUDEZ! I have pancakes =D Yup. For breakfast. Ok, admittedly, I didn¡¯t make them, I bought them from work last night. But hey, a pancake is a pancake, right?

Ok, the number of comments I¡¯m getting has dropped DRAMATICALLY. Have loads of people left already, or have they just buggered off to TheO? I still don¡¯t know what to do. I¡¯ll just have to drink lots of tea and eat lots of pancakes (and Wine Gums! They¡¯re buy one get one free when I work!) and have a good, long, hard think, and ponder where everyone¡¯s disappeared to.

Lytjuh, I¡¯m glad you liked the Lolcats XD They are quite funny. Always guaranteed to cheer you up, too XD

Alphonse122, yeah, Laura¡¯s probably texted your number to me *goes to get phone so I can turn it on*. Ok, that was weird. I didn¡¯t even press the ¡®on¡¯ button, and it just turned itself on =S This phone has a mind of it¡¯s own. Ok, she hasn¡¯t sent me a text XD Don¡¯t worry, I¡¯ll send you a PM, too, to give my number to you =)

Kyofanatic13, I¡¯m glad someone gets what I mean by the ¡°funny as in weird¡± thing XD Sometimes, I don¡¯t understand myself, so I applaud you for actually understanding me XD

Koon, hahaha, I was under the influence of Smirnoff on Saturday, but not yesterday. I don¡¯t need to be drunk two days in a row. My parents will start to think I¡¯m an alcoholic otherwise lol!

DaFeather, I know what you mean about not wanting to leave because of friends. To be honest, that¡¯s what¡¯s keeping me here at the moment. That, and the fact that I can rant my little heart out, and no one will complain XD But, all my chums are disappearing =S Like, hardly anyone is updating or commenting now.

Ok, since WHEN do I reply to comments? I guess it¡¯s because I have nothing to talk about XD Oh, you know I FINALLY got some sleep Saturday night? Well, last night, it returned to rubbish sleep. Because of the frickin¡¯ wind. It was sooooo loud and noisy!! I just couldn¡¯t get to sleep.

When did I take my earrings out? I can¡¯t remember doing that =S Oh, I took my belly bar out again last night, and then I DROPPED the ball that needs to screw on the top. So there I was, on my hands and knees, trying to find the tiniest of balls (HAHAHA - I have a dirty mind LOL), and I was going ¡°here, little bally bally.¡± Is that normal?

Ok, this bloke just knocked on the door and said ¡°I¡¯m here to service the boiler¡±. Oh, ARE you now? And my Mum and Dad didn¡¯t tell me about this, WHY? Anyway, I opened the door, and he was like ¡°you look surprised. You¡¯ve had a letter¡¦¡± and I¡¯m like ¡°yeaahhhh, parents haven¡¯t told me is all¡±. Anyway, I can hear this bloke bustling around downstairs servicing our boiler. Actually, it sounds more like he¡¯s washing the dishes. He can if he wants to. I¡¯m not complaining XD


Traffic Light Cat

Who Maked My Water Go Hard?

Breakfast Cat

I Has A Toilet

Haven¡®t Had Meh Coffee

Unsuspecting Cat Suspects Nothing


Oh yeah¡¦ I have my dentist appointment today. At 4pm. I need to go to the doctor¡¯s, too. To make an appointment or find something out or something. I hope the weather doesn¡¯t stay like it is now (I.e. raining).

Boiler man has gone now. I had to spell my name for him *rolls eyes*. I don¡¯t mean Emma. I think everyone knows how to spell that. I mean my second name. Bayles. At school the teachers used to say it wrong ALL the time! They used to say ¡°Bayliss¡± which is SO not how to say it XD You say it Bayles, like, bales of hay. Which brings back memories. Some kids used to tease me about that, and whenever someone shouted ¡°oi! Bales of hay!¡± I¡¯d give them either a sharp slap round the head or verbal abuse LOL. Apparently, Bayles is also a small Hamlet in the North of England. I didn¡¯t know that. I¡¯m going to go live there now LMAO.

It really is windy and rainy. And I swear there is a bit of snow coming down, too. Can¡¯t be sure, though.


♥ Emmah ♥

Edit: I just got all excited because the post came. For a good reason, too. MY LEANER'S DRIVING LICENSE HAS COME THROUGH! Woo!! Now I ned to phone up for lessons... Christ on a bike, I'm a busy bee XD

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