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myOtaku.com: Emmah

Thursday, November 20, 2008

   I'm On A Roll...
I'm posting everyday!! I shouldn't mention it, actually, because then I'll miss a day... Lol. I still might not post of weekends, because Saturday and Sunday are my busiest days of the week -_-'

I can't give you any LOLs!! I've just uploaded some to Photocuket, and all the codes underneath them have disappeared!! I'll try and figure it out...

Ergh, the smell of paint is giving me a headache.

Oooooh!! I can give you LOLs!! All the codes and shit appear when you roll your cursor over them! LOL! I'm sorry, a lot of shit has changed in the three week that I've not been on the interwebs, and I'm still trying to get used to it all again XD

Work last night was... Amusing. Dave the new Team Leader was on shift last night. With me (obviously). And Dale. Whom we both cannot stand. Last night, Dave called Dale a 'numpty' many times. What made me laugh even more was the fact that Dale just readily accepted that fact that he was a numpty.

Also, when Dale said something REALLY stupid (e.g.: "Emma, I see you're wearing your famous Spongebob earrings") I COULD NOT look at Dave, because we were both close to laughing. Dave a laugh.

Omg! What if he's actually Dave The Laugh out of the Georgia Nicolson books?!

Oh bloody Hell. Bob the Builder has made a new album. I'm sure my cousin would love it.


Ergh... I must go and... Write something. Or get warm. Toodloo!

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