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myOtaku.com: Emo Girl

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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omemai (05/05/08)

hey how r u?? cool site

Despairing angel (03/14/08)

Nice site, I used to use these colors, then I got a sweet background Pic.



XxDirEnGreyxX666 (03/07/08)


I'm just a very random person coming around and signing guestbooks. Well you have an awesome site! I'll add you only if you add me! Only because I don't want to add people that won't add me! I don't like fake friends you know! lol! Well ttyl


Alix ;) (02/24/08)

wow u like the same bands that i like no way

bakerrulz (01/28/08)

hey nice sight i stopped bye and thought that i would sign your gb i'm adding yuo as a friend

midnite7 (01/21/08)

first off i listen to the used all the time. u sound preety cool can we be friends?

akatsukilovers10 (01/16/08)

♥ your Site Its Awesome So I Hope You Dont Mind Me Adding U. Well See Ya Round.
I ♥ Ur Avatar Too..
♥Spread The Love♥

XCrazy AngelX (01/04/08)

hey it's me crazy angel i had to delete my site this is my new one

EmO GolDFiSH (01/04/08)

hi...hey can u sign my guestbook piz

luna101 (01/03/08)

like the site ,imz emoz too^^ umz i luvv the Used, AFI and alot of the bands you nameded um pm whenever im adding you^^

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