Birthday 1992-08-16 Gender
Female Location good ole texas Member Since 2005-09-13 Occupation uh.. student i guess Real Name Kerri
Achievements none so far -tear- Anime Fan Since scince i watched sailor moon Favorite Anime Any kind really. im not racist xD Goals to be a graphic designer and live a happy life Hobbies drawing ... tennis ... video games Talents drawing .... tennis ... video games enchanted love
Hey guys whats up? welcome to my site! if u ever need help with your site or need help with anything just feel free to pm me! im always here to help!!
true u know this only if i know u well Dark Beauty! You're mysterious and a riddle for everyone, and that's exactlly what people attract to you. You often wear a cold mask to not show that deep inside your soul is as pretty as your looks.
merry christ mas fer me!!!
hey everyone sorry i havent updated in like..... FOREVER but i've o how u say?... been busy playing video games? ha i finally beat kingdom hearts chain of memories as sora! ^^ i play riku now!! w00t! but we had our christmas a lil earlier than usual this year cause were not gonna be home for christmas.-tear- but yea... on the bright side! we got our presents early! this is what i got!!
1.sasuke keychain
2.sasuke t-shirt (total hottie)
3.i love anime wrist band
4.awesome cargo pants
5.wonder woman t-shirt
6.Ps2! w00t!
7.a awesome alarm clock that can play my cd's and i can wake up to my favorite track!!! yay!!
8.lots of candy
9.britany spears fantasy perfume
10.and a scratch card that i didnt win with.
ha but yeah that was our christmas . Oh and by teh way. MY MOM COOKED GUMBO! W00T!I LOVE HER GUMBO! ITS SOOOO GOOOOD. (cajun food for all u clueless readers) -yawn- well im tired i'll talk to you all l8tr