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myOtaku.com: Endlessly Fallen

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Oh, hey, yo! My name is Sasha =] and welcome to my site. =] I know, it's a bunchuv crap, but I'm werking on it. I have a lot to do.

'Kay let's see..what else...I'm fourteen, and I'm in high school. =] I have some rules, but I'm not gonna be all OCD about it =]

Visit me, I visit you and vice versa
Feel free to rant and whatnot, I am here no matter what. =]
I have a knack for making up words or altering the english language =]
Aaaand that's all I can think of right now. If you wanna talk, IM me!! I'm mostly on MSN though. It's endlesslyfallen@hotmail.com <---IM me. =] I get bored at times. =]

Friday, March 9, 2007

   Gaah. I'm sorry, once again. =\
haha, yeah, I'm not dead, it's just that I'm really busy. I didn't think how busy I'd be with golf and stuff. I'm really, really, really sorry. =\ I promise to do better in the future. xDDD

Anyhoot, my Lent thingie is really harrrrd. I didn't think giving up cursing would be this hard. Seriously, it's harrrd. Trying doing it. Do it. Go on, I dare you. Try going the ENTIRE day without cursing and only saying, "fudge, shizzle, beezy, eff" and whatnot. Do it. It's really funny, too. xDDD But other than that, it's really harrrrd. I should've given up tormenting Cameron 'cause he's boring right now. xDDD

And..let's see...Oh yeah. Forecasting is happening. I got into 3 honors classes: Honors Geometry<---hafta take that again, Honors English 10 and Honors World History. =] w00t. I'm not gonna take English though. I don't like English. Blaaah. The Honors class is really hard from what I've heard. =\ I don't want to make it any harder on myself. =] And I'm glad that I'm taking honors classes next year than this year. At my school, Freshman aren't allowed to take honors classes. I dunno why. It's really we-yerrrd.

So that's all I can think of right now. Have a good weekend, peoples. =]

I'm so kewel, I make people drewel,
Sasha =]

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

w00t~~I finally have muh own compy and that means that I can do whatever the fudge I want with it~~Yaaay~~and I can talk to everyone endlessly without my father interrupting me and making me get off!! Hooray!! Three cheers for happiness!! =] I'm really sorry I haven't updated, it's been a week, eh? I'm sorry, but I got to all of your sites and commented when you posted. =]

Anyhoot, nothing really is happening, spring sports have begun and I'm on the Varsity golf team. =] w000t. I'm one of the 3 or 4 Freshman that are on the team. Aaaand my first match is on March 16. I'm kinda nervous, but at the same time I'm not because I have played at this golf course before. =]

I gave up cursing for Lent. I know, it sucks for me, but I made up some new words to replace them!! Shizzle=s**t
and other stuff I can't think of. Right now, I'm saying "hobag" and stuff. I dunno why, but it's a little joke for my friends. xDDD

Well, I gotta go do my stoopid Prayer Devotional thingy for Christology. *hugsyouall* Have a good day and week, everyone. =] How is everyone, anyway? I want to hear from youuu~~ =]

I'm so kewel, I make people drewel,
Sasha =]

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy Shrove/Fast/Mardi Gras People =]
w00t, today is Mardi Gras. I remember when I was in second grade and we had a huuuge celebration and we had so much food. It was fun. I wish I went to my old school today, but then again, I can't go off campus until I'm a sophmore. =\ *sigh*

Ohmigosh, my 2nd grade teacher's birthday is coming up!! And she may be retiring this year!! Nuuu!! She was my favorite teacher, I loved her alot, she made everything so fun. I remember whenever we came back from recess, she would read to us for half an hour and do these little voices for the characters and it was so funneh. =] I'm gonna miss her if she leaves, then I won't have a reason to leave the school when it's lunch time. =\

Well, tomorrow is Lent and I hafta go to mass tomorrow. even though i don't want to I told you, I am a horrible Catholic and I hate doing forced Catholic shit. Speaking of which, I'm gonna give up cursing. And possibly tormenting Cameron, but if I do that, then he'll start poking fun at me and I won't have something smart to say back to him so he'll shut up!! Nuuu!!

Gaaah, well I might not be on for awhile, my father dismantling this compy and giving it to me while he sets up the new compy for him. Nyah. So I won't be on for awhile, I'd just thought I'd let you all know in advanced and won't think that I'm dead. xDDDD But I'll probably be back in about a week. IF my parents let me have internet connection. =P Well, I'm gonna go. Have a great week everyone. =]

I'm so kewel, I make people drewel,
Sasha =]

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