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In my own little corner =]
Member Since
Real Name
SAW-sha. That's how you pronounce it. :]
I have won awards for my poetry and stories that I write, trophies from golf tournaments, and I can't really think of anything else because I don't really like to vaunt.
Anime Fan Since
Ever since I was 4 I think. First anime show was Sailor Moon or DBZ.
Favorite Anime
Yuu Yuu Hakusho (overall favorite), YGO, MaiHiME, Scrapped Princess, and Tenchi Muyo Series, FFVII:AC, Gundam SEED Series' and that's all I can think of right now.Oh yeah--and Flame of Recca (manga), MAR =]
I just want to survive my all-girls high school this year and...go further in graphic arts and video making.
Writing, drawing, poetry, golf, playing video games =]
Writing depressing poetry pieces and stories, drawing, graphic design. =]
| Endlessly Fallen
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
w00ties no skewel =]
w00ties, no skewel tomorrow. I'm so happeh =] Now I can relax and do some more organizing. Thank you Lincoln and Washington for doing great stuff for America!! =] This past week has been so hectic and I'm so ti-yerd. And I miss Doernbecher week. It was so much fun.
Speaking of Doernbecher week, we had our own American Idol type of thing, but we called it "SMA Idol" and the teachers sang karoke tunes. My English teacher and the seinor English teacher sang the Sonny and Cher song "I've Got You Babe" and they actually dressed like Sonny and Cher. Ohemgee, Mr. Ward is so kewel but in a strange way. He had his shirt unbuttoned and oh my eyes are scarred!! And he sang nasally, too. XDD Hilarious, yes. I should have video taped it.
haha, I looove tormenting the administator compy dood, Cameron. It's so much fuuun. Cameron and I are best friends for lyfe. XDDD Well, I dunno about that, but I just looove tormenting him. You see, during Graphic Design class we had to take pictures and Photoshop them. So my friend Claire and I were going around the school taking pictures and checking them off our list until I saw Cameron!!
And so I said, "HI CAMERON!! *waves*" and he knows me alot and he goes, "Hi, stud-what are you doing? Are you two skipping class already?! What is going on? Why are you wearing a Peter-pan character hat?" And I said, "Well, it's Peter Pan day, and I'm Schmee!! (sp?) and we're not skipping class, we're taking pictures for Graphic Design 'cause we're kewel. =]" And so he goes, "uhm..okay.." And so I said to Claire, "Hey, we need an academic object!!" and I looked at Cameron and I said in a sing-song voice, "Oh Cameron!!" He sees the mischivous stuff in our eyes and goes, "NO!! If you take a picture of me, then you'll distort in all in Photoshop!!" and I said, "ooh, yeah, you totally gave me an idea to do that!! muwahahaha!!" and he runs away. Poo. But I DID manage to get a picture of him while I was taking a picture of my backpack. I wish I didn't delete it though, I could've sent it to him through e-mail!! xDDD
Getting away from tormenting Cameorn, I posted all those pictures on my deviant art account. =] So yeah. Oh yeah, and I'm feeling a little bit bloo, so I'm gonna post something that's been on my mind for awhile and it's been hurting me really bad. I just need to get this off my chest. =/ So yeah, I'm gonna go. Enjoy the weekend and President's day. =]
I'm so kewel, I make people drewel,
Sasha =]
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
How ca-uuuuuuuute~~~ =]
Ohehmgee, today was probably one the greatest days ever. We had this group from Uganda, Africa sing for us and it was really cute~~=] They were cute songs about Jesus and having hope because they're orphans. My heart went out to them when the little kids spoke into the microphones and told their stories, I almost cried!! But they were so happy at the same time!! They were happy to perform for us and sing praise about finding hope. It was so cute!! And I loved their little accents!! It reminded me of my dad's accent since he's from Nigeria. xDDD I also wanted to give them hugs, but only the people in the MLK club/group could eat lunch with them and stuff like that. =\
Well, that's all I wanted to say, really. xDDD It just touched my heart and I really want them to come back next year!! I hafta contact one of the juniors who invited them. They were so kewel!! =] Well, have a good rest of the day, peoples~~how is everyone by the way? =]
I'm so kewel, I make people drewel,
Sasha =]
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Monday, February 12, 2007
Hoor-ay~~Doernbecher week~~
Hoooray~~today is Doernbecher week. And today was also Pajama day and I didn't hafta change!~~ w00t!! xDD So much fun, we get to have penny wars and we fill our jars with pennies and which ever class has the most pennies wins!! Sadly, there's a catch, if we have a dollar in our jar, then we lose a hundred pennies from our points and it sucks. *sigh* At least there are fun games during lunch!! Doods, on Thursday, I am soo gonna do the SMA Idol thingy. That is gonna be soo much fun. haha, I know. I'm laaaaame. That's what I do, yo. =]
Gaaah!! I seriously hate the song "It's a Small World After All". Seriously. It's buggin' the hell outta me. They're playing that song all week for the whole day. It sucks. They play it at the beginning of school, break, first five and last five minutes of lunch, and when school's out.
Make it stooop!! I can't take it anymore. If I hear another "It's a small, small, world" I'm seriously gonna throw/break something. But I do remember when I was in kindegarten and we sang that for our eighth grade buddies or something like that!! It was so much fun!! But at the time I was a poor, defenseless kindegartner who didn't know any better!! xDDD Kidding. I miss kindegarten. Finger painting. I love doing that. =]
I also started working my financial aid off. It's not that bad. It's really easy. All I have to do is clean where the coffee is, make copies of the daily planner and put them in the teachers' mailboxes and put them up around the main floor. It's actually really fun. =]
Well, I'm gonna go. Have a good week, everyone. =] Luff you all!! =]
I'm so kewel, I make people drool,
Sasha =]
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
Hoooraayy~~~the rain ist hier!! =]
haha, sorry. I couldn't think of anything else to post. Is everyone having a good weekend? Ja ja? :] I'm so friggin' bored. Nothing to do. I finished all my homework. Well, I still hafta do my stoopid Ethan Frome essay which will be the death of me.
Gawd, I seriously hated that book. It was boring and pointless. Don't ever plan on reading that book ever, kids. It's horrible and it kinda teaches bad morals. xDDD Well, in my opinion. And it can kinda be a bit confusing, too which is not really good. =/
Well, I'm reading this book called The Year of Wonders and I need to have one of my parents sign a permission slip because it has cursing and other graphic stuff. haha, if you ask me, my parents don't really mind. I'd rather read that than The Lord of the Flies or To Kill a Mockingbird I already read those books last year. =/
I'm so tired, too. The rain is making me sleepy. I'm gonna go, now. I can't think of anything else to say. Have a good weekend, everyone. :] Take care. :]
I'm so kewel, people drewel,
Sasha :]
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
I am not a globe thief!! xDDD
Well, today was really interesting. Hint hint, the title. xDDD But, I will tell you what it means. It's a long story, actually. Oh, and I dunno if I put my DeviART link up, but it's <---Go there. Really, go there. It will make me really happy. And that's where my hibiscus flower picture, my reflections and other graphic designing art is. Really fun. Enjoy. :]
Guuh. I hate Visual Arts class. The teacher talks too much and always talks about rules when we already know them. Hell-o. It's halfway through the year. It's not like the school is going to suddenly change all the rules for a split-second. And, we're in highschool for Christs' sakes and we should probably know right from wrong. Not that everybody doesn't or anything like that. *coughcoughSARCASMcoughcough*.
Anyway, we're doing the Earth Day competition. The one where you come up with a slogan and put it on paper and if you get honorable mention or something like that, your art is on a bill-board and people will get the message. The theme is reduce. And we had to do an assignment in which we would look up stuff about reducing and the competition rules.
I learned something interesting from that!! Did you know that the average office person uses 10,000 sheets of paper per day? Yup. No friggin' joke. And did you also know that the average Minnessotan person makes a ton of garbage a year? X3 Yup. Once again, no friggin' joke. It's all on <--Go there. Seriously. You could save the world. :]
Anywhoot, the globe thief thing. Yes, it's true. I'ma globe thief. Well, I'll tell you my version of the story. You see, I was doing my Earth Day artwork and I wanted to draw the Earth. I couldn't see the Globe thingy because it wasn't clear enough, so I asked my teacher if I could borrow one from one of the foregin language teachers. So, here I am looking for a globe and I'm near the Spanish room and I thought te door was locked. There wasn't a class at all and the teacher wasn't in her room and I decided to wait for her to come so I could ask and stuff.
I waited awhile longer and played with the knob and realized the door wasn't locked. I looked around and I saw the globe so I went over and got it. xDD So, here I am with this globe and I'm literally running away with a globe.(I'm running in my socks while doing this, too, why? I have no idea xDDD) I'm about 10 feet away from the art room and the Spanish teacher spots me with her globe!!
So I'm thinking, "Cah-rap, I'm in for it now, I am soo gonna get a detention for this." And she's like, "Where are you going with my globe?!" And she has this nasty look on her face. I was so scared of what was going on and I was hesitant and I'm like, "Uh, I need--" And she goes, "Aha, thief, gimme something of high value RIGHT NOW!!" So I thought it would be really easy, I'd give her something in exchange for her Spanish globe. So I said, "Here, have my Chapstick, I can't live without it" and she looks at me and goes, "More value" and I reached into my pocket and brought out my ribbon. That thing seriously means alot to me. I cannot live without it. xDD She must've thought I was really crazy and said, "More value, your cellphone, iPod, wallet" and I had to do it. I gave in and said, "Okay, I'll give you my iPod." So, my teacher comes out and he's like, "What's going on?!" And she's like, "She owes me her iPod, and I'm gonna listen to all your music, mwahahaha!!" I was so embarrassed.
I did get it back, eventually. My iPod was on a different language setting and the battery was low. xDD I'm so glad she didn't do anything to it. I had to carry that globe everywhere with me. It was really interesting. xDDD I just bonded with it, too. =/ Why must things end for me? xDD Anway, this was a hella long post and I"m really sorry you had to read it all. I just thought it'd be funneh and interesting. So, yeah. I'm gonna go.
Buh-bye. :]
Sasha :]
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Monday, February 5, 2007
Gaaaah!!! I'm so sorry!!! =/ Plus long post!! X3
Gaah!! I'm so sorry. I haven't been on lately!! I'm really, really, really sorry if I didn't comment on any of your posts!! Forgive me!! =] I promise that I will do all of that ASAP. =] 'kay, we all good there? Good. :]
Anywhore everything that I did was boring. I was so happeh that it was the weekend. I was so flipping tired. @___@ I didn't want to do any homework at all. Thank goodness it wasn't that much homework. If I did, it wouldn't be kewel. xDDD
I dunno why, but for some really odd reason, I've been saying the word "kewl" "kewel" "kool" and "cool" lately. I dunno why. I'll be talking to my friends and I'll be like, "Oh yeah, well I'm so kewel!!" xDDD haha, I'm so kewel!! <-- That is another I have been saying, too. xDD Must stop. Somebody help me!!
haha, even Ms. Gorman is getting tired of it. haha, she's eating lunch with us because we're so kewel. Well, she has lunch duty and she "hates it and wishes she never signed up for because nothing happens in the cafeteria since all the Freshman are in the Commons." But it's nice having a teacher eat with you. It's not everyday having a teacher who throws people off Noah's Arc wanting to eat lunch with you. xDDD
Well, she doesn't do it literally, she just takes a sticky note and puts your name on it and puts it on her Noah's Arc baby blanket thing. Either that or "The Road to Hell". haha, I know one girl who was put on the "Road to Hell" twice. haha, it was so funneh. haha, Ms. Gorman totally loves me. Even though she won't admit it. She's so kewel. haha, I need to stop saying that. xDDD
Ugh. That Frosh Quest thing was so stoopid. It was. I hated it. I didn't want to be apart of it. It was like Orientation again 'cept it was half-way through the school year and we knew each other but still about half of the freshmen didn't know each other. It was laaaaame. I hated talking about the cliques and stuff like that and some people were like, "Well, I don't think there are any cliques here at SMA" and I'm thinking, "Hell-o, are you cah-razy. Of course there are going to be cliques at SMA. It's an all-girls school for Christs' sakes. Are you even listening to what you are saying?" And some were like, "Yeah, there aren't I mean, we went to public school and it was horrible and blahaahaha".
So what? It doesn't make any difference. No matter where you go, where you live, there are always going to be cliques. Don't ever say that there aren't any cliques in high school because there are. But really, the worst place for cliques are in Middle Schoo. Seriously. In high school, it isn't that bad, it's just the media making it seem like that is what high school will be when you get there. It's not that bad. If you hang out with the people who are like you then you'll be fine. And if you leave the "preps" alone, then they'll leave you alone. Careful though, I said "if". I also heard that a few people were crying because of that whole discussion. But then again, it's just a rumor. X3
Gaah. I got my grade report. I was so nervous. I got all A's 'cept for a B+ in English and my mom keeps on bitching at me about it because she wanted me to get an A-. I don't care. I hate English. I don't like the class. It doesn't make any sense to me at all. I just do the work. And I really don't care if I get into Honors English next year. The teacher said that I might get into it, but I'm not really counting on it. Out of the 190 Freshman in my class, I probably won't get in.
It doesn't matter to me. Just because I'm in an Honors class doesn't mean that I'm sooper smart or anything like that, it just means that I need to more challenged. And I do. This school doesn't challenge me at all. Especially in Math, Computer and English. Gah. Oh well. Only 3.5 years left in this school. haha, I'm too kewel for that shizzle anyway. xDDD
Aaaand today is my bestest bestest bestest friend's birthday today!! I called her during lunch and left her a message (we don't go to the same school =/ ) but I called her after school and she was out with her mom and her mom was like, "Ohmygosh, Sasha, you are so sweet to remember her birthday and sucha a sweetheart and blaahahaha". I would never miss her birthday. I love that girl to pieces. :] And we're gonna move to the Scandinavian countries and I'll be her intrepreter when she becomes a famous ballet star :] haha, I'm so kewel. xDDD
Anywhoot, I can't think of anything else to say. And if you read this whole thing, thank you. That means alot to me. And if you didn't, then you are not kewel. xDDD haha, just kidding. I don't really care. Just know that I love you guys and thank you so much for everything. :]
:] Sasha
P.S. Oooh, I also made this in Graphic Design for a Religion assignment. No, I did not steal it from someone, I seriously made this. It may not show up. It didn't show up when I posted it on my photobucket. Oh well, if you want to see it, you can look at on my deviant art. :] What's my secret? I'll never tell. I'm magic. haha, and I'm kewel. :S haha, later doods. :]
Here's my deviant art link by the way:

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
w00t~Frosh Quest~~ =]
w00ties~~Tomorrow is Frosh Quest and that means that I don't have to do a damned thing!! Hooray!! I just get to sit around and eat and make fun of the sophmores, juniors and seniors because they hafta go to school. Neener, neener, neener, neener!! xDDD's during school. It's in the school since we're the freshman and we still have alotta boundaries before we can actually do anything. Oh well, it beats doing school work. X3 It's more like this "spiritual retreat" type of thingy where we act like God is our main thing and stuff like that. Guh. I hate doing things like that. I'm Catholic and all, but I don't like doing any of that "forced Catholic" type of stuff. I am a horrible Catholic. xDDD Seriously, I am. I never pray. xDDD But our family goes to mass every Sunday. X3
Gaaah!! I can't take it anymore. Stop all the syllabi!! Stop passing them out!! I am not going to sign or look at another syllabi today. I am done looking at them and I already know what the course is going to be covering and what we're doing in the class!! I don't need a piece of paper telling me that!! That tree risked its life making paper like that!! I can't take it anymore!!
Now that I am done with my syllabi rant, I made something cool in Graphic Design class~~ Check it out!! Seriously, Check it out~~

Isn't it awesome?! I think it's the most awesomest thing ever!! Besdies the numerous colorbars I have made. xDD Anyway, I can't think of anything else to say. Other than Frosh Quest I am really excited for and I can't wait for the "adventure" they have stored for that. Until then, Godspeed and happy Tuesday, everyone!! :]
:] Sasha
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Monday, January 29, 2007
Gaah!! Second Semester is here!!
Gaah!! It's second semester already and the school year is almost over!! I can't believe it!! I want it to be October again when it was Frosh lock-in on Friday the 13th and I was freaking out because I thought the teachers and seinors would play a trick on the freshman while we were sleeping and whatnot!!
I was seriously freakng out. It wasn't even funneh. xDDD I had to hold onto one of my friend's arms just so that they would make sure I was okay. =/
Anywho...with that done and over..NO MORE FINALS!! Hooray!! Only 5 months until finals come again. And this time I'm not so scared about them anymore because the teachers don't give out homework and that means that I can relax even more!! :]
I had my second semester classes today. I don't like it. Now I have to run all the way around the school just to find the class that I'm in!! At least I didn't get lost. That's a good thing. It was like the first day of school all over again. The teachers handing out the syllabus and wanting us to sign them and bring them back unless we want points in the class. :P Blah.
Here's what my second semester looks like:
Period 1-Advanced Algebra YR
Period 2-Graphic Design S2
Period 3-Intro to Theatre Q3
Period 4-English YR
Period 5-Visual Arts S2
Period 6-Christology S2
Period 7-German YR
I had English, Visual Arts, Christology and German today. It seemed fine. Our Visual Arts teacher is really nervous, though. He was sweating couldn't complete some of his sentences most of the time. It was hilarious. I felt sorry for the poor dood. :/
And Christology is really interesting. The teacher is like, "Is it all good in the hood" type of stuff and we're all laughing at what he's saying and stuff like that. He also likes to have this "deep thought" moment where he dings the bell and then he'll look like he's in deep thought for awhile and wait for us to be paying attention. xDDD He's apart of this group called the "Religios Merry Men" thingy and they go around singing at Ms. Gorman<-----my old Relgion teacher from last semester--watches them and is grumpy.
Haha, yeah. She dubs herself the "Wicked Witch" that likes to eat little children's souls and throw them off Noah's Arc xDDD Haha, she's hilarious. I'm gonna miss her. Good thing her room is near Mr. Hemmen's (Christology teacher)
Well, I can't think of anything else to say 'cept I'm feeling better and everything is great. :] Thank you to everyone who supported me while I was taking finals and while I was sick. xDD Have a good one, peoples. :]
:] Sasha
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Friday, January 26, 2007
Gaah. I'm feeling a bit better. I guess. 8D
Yep. I didn't take the test on Thursday. I was so sick. It was horrible. I was burning up like HELL and I couldn't even move. My head hurt, my eyes hurt, and I was shivering like all the time even though I had a fever. And my temperature was..*drumroll* 102.5 degrees. Woah. I really was sick. I guess I didn't realize it. Anyway, I won't have to pay the $50 to take the test (^-^) and I can take it on Monday.
In the mean time, I'm checking all of my grades online. Only two of my grades are posted though and it's making me even more nervous about my others. *sigh* I need to stop thinking negative!!! xDDD
Anyway..I'm feeling a bit better. 'Cept for the fact that when I cough it hurts uber bad and I'm kinda losing my voice. =/ But nevertheless, my temperature is down and I'm feeling like myself in a way. 8D Oh well. I guess that buys me more time to study a little bit for my German final. I am so glad we didn't have school today. I would've died. I can't take anymore finals!! @_@
Well, I can't think of anything else to say. I'm gonna go. Buh-bye, peoples. Have a good Friday/weekend. :]
:] Sasha
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Gaaah!! One more final and I'm sick =(
Gaaah~~!!! I can't believe it. I finished all my other finals and I had to be sick for the last one. I think I caught what you had, Lolly~Dono. =( Oy. It sucks too. It costs $50 dollars to make a final, too. I do not want to do that. I must take this final. Then I can be sick on Friday.
Blah. I am burning up. And I'm cold, too. Ever get that feeling when you're cold, but at the same time, burning up? Yah, that's what I'm feeling right now. It suuuucks. I haven't been sick at all this year. It hurts so much.
I had my Religion and Computer today. Religion was pretty easy. I know I did well on it and I had plenty of time. The one thing that I had trouble with was the STD's (gaah, my eyes!) and the book of Ruth. Wahahaha, I don't ever want to talk about sex for awhile. I swore to myself to not make a joke about it. It will take about a month or two to make another one. X3
And Computer? was fine. That's an easy A for me. We had to do a brochure type of thing on a famous person in the arts like music, photography, painting, you name it. I had Frida Kahlo. The lady with the huuge unibrow. xDDD
I was doing fine, but we only had an hour and a half to complete and we couldn't stay for two hours. It sucked. But, somehow, I managed to complete it. It kinda looks crappy, too. I didn't have time to make it all pretty like I normally do with my computer assignments.
Oh well. At least I have a late start tomorrow. That should buy me some time to get better. And I keep on thinking that we have school on Friday. I am so happy that we don't. I just want to relax and get some sleep. I am really tire. This flu/fever/whatever the fuck this thing I have is killing and draining me. *sigh* Guess I'll have to make the best of it. =/
Well~tomorrow I have German. I don't need to study for that. It's a really easy class. All I have to do learn how to draw Germany and the five bordering countries and one fact from each and I'm done!! Wish me luck~~ Thanks for the support. =]
=] Sasha
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