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In my own little corner =]
Member Since
Real Name
SAW-sha. That's how you pronounce it. :]
I have won awards for my poetry and stories that I write, trophies from golf tournaments, and I can't really think of anything else because I don't really like to vaunt.
Anime Fan Since
Ever since I was 4 I think. First anime show was Sailor Moon or DBZ.
Favorite Anime
Yuu Yuu Hakusho (overall favorite), YGO, MaiHiME, Scrapped Princess, and Tenchi Muyo Series, FFVII:AC, Gundam SEED Series' and that's all I can think of right now.Oh yeah--and Flame of Recca (manga), MAR =]
I just want to survive my all-girls high school this year and...go further in graphic arts and video making.
Writing, drawing, poetry, golf, playing video games =]
Writing depressing poetry pieces and stories, drawing, graphic design. =]
| Endlessly Fallen
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Finals--5-act epic
Well~~it wasn't that bad. The finals today, I mean. It was fairly easy. I'm just happy that it's done and over with. I feel like this huuge weight lifting off my shoulders. 4 classes down, 3 to go~ :]
Haha, some of the girls at my school are comparing this to standardized testing. This isn't as bad as standardized testing. Most people freak out about standardized testing, but it isn't that bad. It's just the sound of it and the teachers are trying to make it sound bad. That's all.
I actually like standardized testing. Not because of "no homework" or anything like that, but because it was always near Spring Break and that's what I would focus on. If I do this, it's Spring Break!! Hooray~ :] But that's in about 2 months. Gah. I can't wait until that.
Well, I guess I'll tell you how my PE final went~~We had to do the fitness testing thing. You know the one were you run for a mile, see how many push-ups you can do, crunches/sit-ups, shuttle run, jump rope and v-sit and all that fun stuff.
I ran for 10 minutes straight for the mile run. And now I have a huuge blister on my foot. And it hurts like bloody hell!! It's no fun!! It wasn't that bad, though. I go for a run every weekend, so that helped. :] That and I ate a cartload of carbs. Why carbs? Because when you eat alotta carbs before running, it will build up your stomach muscles and it won't upset your stomach while running. :] I learned that from my track coach. ^-^
As for English~~it was okay. BUT~~nevertheless, I feel very confident about my answers, and I KNOW I got an A. I know that sounded really cheesy, but that's what I'm sticking with. :]
Anyhoot~~I'm gonna stop right now because I can't think of anything interesting to say. X3 Happy day, peoples, and good luck with everyone on your finals. May the force be with you. Thanks for all the support~ :]
:] Sasha
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Monday, January 22, 2007
Finals--A 5-act epic: DAY 1
DAY 1 ACT 1Gah. Finals started today. I had my Advanced Math test and it was easy as cheese. That and the test was only about 4-5 pages long.
It looked like some of our old tests put together except the fact that she had to take some of them out. I didn't even have to use a calculator~~ :] I rarely use a calculator. xDDD It's all in teh mental math, bay-beh. I finished at about 9:15 (we started at 8 o'clock), but we couldn't leave until 10 o'clock so I pratically did the whole test in my head again and again and again. X3 'Twas fun. xDDD
And Study Skills--ah, good ole study skills. That test was soo hard. *coughcoughsarcasmcoughcough* There wasn't really a final. It was just a questionaire about how we liked the class and if it improved how we studied, do our homework, take tests etc.
Ja. I think I did really well on the math test. I feel really confident about my answers. Ooh~~and we took our test from last week after like 3-4 snowdays and I got an A~~I didn't even study for the test. It was worth a lot, though. :/ I'm happy though.
Tomorrow is going to be special. :] I'm gonna see my bestest friend and hang out and celebrate~ :]
Well, tomorrow I have PE and English. Gotta go and study. Thanks for all the support Lolleh und Jenna~~*hugsyouall* :]
Buh-bye. :]
:] Sasha
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
Hullo. I am posting again because it is a very special day for one of my friends. :] Yup, yup, yup. A birfday celebration. *breaks out party supplies, decorations and noise makers* t00t~~ :]
HAPPY BIRFDAY, LOLLEH~ :] I hope you feel better, too. Nothing sucks more than getting sick on your birthday, but that won't stop you from having fun, right? :] You can still have fuuun~ :] I baked cookies, too, so you can enjoy those while getting better, too.
Anyways, tomorrow I have finals. I'm no longer nervous anymore. They're aren't that bad afterall. The teachers are just trying to scare us with the study guides and stuff like that. :] Stoopid teachers. They no scare me. :]
Here's how it goes:
Day one: Advanced Algebra and Study Skills (study hall pretty much X3)
Day two: P.E. and English
Day three: Religious Studies and Computer Applications
Day four: Deutsch (German)
And there is no day five!! Hooray~ :] I'm so happeh. We have no school on Frday and we get out at 12:30 every day~~I'm so happeh. I just want to go downtown and hang out with my bestest fried ever. I haven't seen her in awhile and I miss her tons. I love her. :] ...As a FRIEND!!! Get your mind outta the gutter for Christs' sakes. Geez.
Aside from that, I have nothing else to say. I am bored and I just got back from church/Sunday School. Yes, I am Catholic. I'm kinda in between Catholicism and Seventh-Day Adventist. :] Yup. Anyway, happy Sunday everyone. Remember, Jesus loves you. :]
Sasha :]
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wah!! No snow. =(
Wahahahaha, teh white stuff is all gone. Curse you, Jenna!! It's all your fault that I had to go back to school on Thursday!! Haha, I'm kidding, you know you art cool and you art lubbed. :] *sobs* We had so much and then all of a sudden, they call late start and most of it melted!!
Oh well, at least I had some snowball fights with the neighbors. 'Twas fun. They all pelted me!! I was being mobbed!! Dx And then, we went to the park and some of the kids and I pelted some from their school and we were like, *pelts kids with snowballs* "Mwahaha, we challenge you to a snowball duel!!" And they're like, "You're on!!" Then I had to go because my mom was all panicky that I was gonna get pneumonia. I had it when I was younger. =/ I did go sledding down the huuuge hill near my house and it was really fun.
ACK!! I have finals coming up!! I'm really nervous!! I hope they're not that bad like the sophmores, juniors and seinors say so. They are now 10% of our grade. They use to 20%, but because of the snowstorm, they lowered it. Weird, huh?
Zohmmgee. There is this one school that majority of my classmates went to and they do not have to take finals at all!! Their finals were this week and now they're making the finals optional; that is if you have a really crappy grade in your subjects. I'm really gonna miss this semester. It was really interesting and weird. Haha, I'm gonna miss Religion, Computer and Study Skills. Those teachers were really cool or funneh to mess with. xDDD
Oh yeah. My eyes are scarred for life. Okay, we were studying STD's and we had to watch a slideshow about some of the dangers of it, and it was horrible!! I could not look at the pictures and I'd cover my eyes, and peek a little and cover them again. Pictures of the peenis and the vajayjay. Ack. I'm scared to have sex or have my own children. Dx Wahaha.
I'm kinda happeh that it's finals. We have half-days and that means that I can do stuff with my friends!! I'm so happeh!! Well..not really. They're doing construction downtown and now it takes an HOUR to get to school. They're making it more improved and improving the busses and making another MAX line and stuff like that. It's not going to be done until I'm a junior in highschool. it's gonna suck ballsack Did I say that? No, really, it's gonna suck. The busses are no longer frequent and it takes forever to get home. =(
Ack, I gotta go. Mother's barking at me to get off. I'm gonna watch LOTR at the neigborhood theatre! :]
Buh-bye. :] Sasha
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Let it snow, let it snow, let is snow!!
Zohmmgee. It's snowing. It's so coolio da fabio. I'm so excited and blahblahblahblahblah. We have a foot already. :] Haha, it's funneh actually. I got up at quarter til 6 and it wasn't snowing at all, it was clear sky. And then all of a sudden I'm getting ready and all that jazz and then my mom says, "it's snowing!!" and I opened the door and we already had like 4 inches and I was like, "Yah, nu school for us, w00t!!" But when I checked the news, they said that Public schools had school and I was like, "Ohmmgee, that's messed up" because private school follows what public school says.
Haha, anyway, just as we were pulling out, my friend Claire called me and said, "DROP EVERYTHING, it's a SNOW DAY I tell you what!!" and then I got outta the car and said, "Later, dad, there's no school!!" and it was so awesome. Sadly, I haven't been in the snow yet because there's nobody to play with. I would call my neighbor, but she just insulted me and called me a "white girl" and stuff like that and I don't want her calling me that.
Argh. I baked cookies. They are good. I like cookies. Yum, yum yum cookies. Haha, cookies. Haha, sorry, I went on a spaz rant. Cookies. Yummy. Chocolate chip cookies, too. xDDD
I hope I don't have school tomorrow. I really don't want to go to school. As Lucy said from A Charlie Brown Christmas "I never eat the snowflakes in December, I always wait until January." Haha, oh Lucy. You are so right. xDDD
Happy snow day, peoples. I am out!! :]
:] Sasha
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
And a happy New Year~!
Happy New Year's, people I hope you all had a totally awesome Chrismahannukwanzakah and the awesome Santy Claus got you everything you all wanted~! I know I did!! And now, if you'll excuse me, I shall rant about what I got 'cause it's totally awesome and I'm just so excited!! xDDD I got alotta graphic designing stuffs like Adobe Photoshop, Paintshop <----kinda like Adobe, but I can't tell the difference xDDD Adobe Pagemaker <----alot easier than using Publisher and yeah.. candy canes!!! I loooove candy canes~~ xDDD I like dipping them in hot chocolate to get the pepperminty goodness my OWN COMPY finally, but I think I'll be using the old one rather than the new one. Oh well, at least I won't have to fight with my fahza (father) over the compy whenever he gets home. Hooray!!
My break was...boring fun. I did nothing except for going to bed at like...3 in the morning. xDDD Nothing but playing video games and goofing off on the compy while talking to my friend. xDDD I'm so glad we're back in school It'll take awhile to get back into the groove, getting up at 5:45, making my own lunch, feeding the goats and chickens..blah.
Even though my Chrismahannukwanzakah was boring and quiet, it was still nice. It was nice not to hear the neighbors arguing over stoopid stuff and the kids being trouble-makers and letting the animals loose. It was a nice Chrismahannukwanzakah. New Year's on the other hand, was wild. It was so much fun *sigh* imissedthecountdownandittotallysuckedandiwasmadbecauseiwasgettingthechampagnebottle.
However, I DID get to hit the champagne bottle over the pavement which is always fun. I love doing that. xDDD Well, peoples, 2007 sounds really intersting, so let's MAKE it interesting, ja ja? Have fun at school *coughcougheventhoughnobodywantstogobackanditwillreallysuckandimalreadytiredcoughcough* Cold season..really contagious I'll tell you what. xDDD ¢¾ Sasha
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Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas~~
Happy Chrismashannukwanzakah peoples I wish you all a blessed Holiday and a fabulous New Year and have lotsa fun remembering all the memories of 2006. It was a great year, I tell you what. I hope Santa came and brought you all what you wanted!
¢¾ Sasha
P.S. Yes, I did say Santa. Yes, I still believe in him. HE DOES EXIST I TELL YOU WHAT!! He does, I'm not kidding!!
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas time is heeeeeere
Christmastime is here happiness and cheer boys and girls..and I can't remember the lyrics to that Charlie Brown Christmas song, but it's so addicitng I tell you what!! ZOMG..I can't believe it's really crept up on me this year..I didn't even finish all my Halloween candy..and I feel really bad. I dunno why..but all my friends gave me these gifts and stuff and I only gave them a card and a hug. Pretty crappy, eh? My gifts suck.
They're laaaaaame.
I'm really bad if I do something like that, am I? I feel so bad. I didn't have any time to get them anything yet they had all the time in the world to get me something. *Sigh* I tell really crept up on me this year.
This week is almost over, too. I haven't done anything. I can't wait until tomorrow, though; I'm gonna hang out with my bestest buddeh in teh whole wide world!
Speaking of which..remember that girl who I thought stopped tormenting me? Yeah, well I'm fed up with her shit. She and her best friend and my "friend" Rosie teamed up on me and sicced this kid who was in my class and he was calling me racial slang and stuff like that and I got fed up and told the principal and we all talked witht the councelors. Seriously. Councelors. It was...horrible. She made it seem like I was picking on her when I wasn't and that I was "jealous" because her best friend was friends with Rosie--my former classmate.
It was a bunch of bull. It was pointless...she said she didn't have anything to do with it when she was the one using deragatory language and spreading rumors about me and how much my family is messed up and how goddamn bipolor I am. I was pissed because she was lying, but I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I pretty much let her get away with it all..and I wrote everything and saved everything that she said about me and the councelors didn't even bring THAT up.
Look, I didn't write that just so that they could gawk at it, I wrote that because it was the truth, that there was something going on between us and she did WAS involved and started this whole thing. Oh least there's peace and I'm happy. But I know she's going to tell everybody and the whole freshman will still hate me. I hate it. It's..not what I expected Freshman year to be. I thought it'd be alot more loving and welcoming. Instead, my class is filled with back-stabbing girls, rumors ahoy and preps. SCHWA!!
After that "meeting" I called my best friend and cried. I cried the whole lunch period away. I cried until I was cold. I cried until the teachers saw me and told me to go back to the councelors. I cried so much that I looked like a baby. I cried so much, my best friend was made at Rosie and everyone who was involved. We all went to the same school together--me, Rosie, my best friend, and that kid who was calling me racial slang. ALL OF US DID. And we all became enemies in less than 2 years. That's why I can't wait to see her.
Anyway...I baked a cake. It looked like Starbucks coffee cake and people loved it. It was good.
Now I'm gonna bake cookies. Snickerdoodle cookies. And they're for Santa, too.
Yes, I still believe in Santa. NO, it's not my parents. HE DOES EXIST I TELL YOU WHAT!! He lives in Finland. And I'm gonna go there, and when I do meet him, I'm gonna laugh in everyone's faces who didn't believe in him!! HA!! My mommy told me because her grandparents told her, too, and she wrote a letter to him in Finnish--her granparents helped her--and yeah. And so I'm gonna do the same, too. It's a family tradition. What? I know...I'm laaaaaaame.
Anyway..I'm gonna go and watch some Christmas the GRINCH!! *sings* You're mean, one, Mr. Grinch doopa doop a doop and I don't know the lyrics to this song either. xDDDD
¢¨ú Sasha
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
I CAN'T EAT MEAT ANYMORE It's not for politics or anything..I get horrible stomach cramps and terribly sick.
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
>_> Tiiiiiiiiiiirreeedddd
Hahaha..I'm so laaaaaaaaaame. I'm posting this for no reason at least I think I'm posting this for no reason at all...*ponders* Nevermind about that.
I'm so tired. It's strange..I want to go to bed at 9:45 so I can get up early to at least DO something, but I always go to bed 2 hours later at 11:30. It's really strange. Everytime I do that, I never wake up and always dream about getting up and getting ready, turning off my alarm clock and eating and stuff like that and then I hear my mom screaming at the top of her lungs, "SASHA, GET UP!! IT'S 6:30!!" <---She lies whenever she tries waking me up. >_> I'll look at my clock and sleep more.
It sucks because I have to get up at 5:50 so I can get ready and feed some of the animals, then I get ready and eat (I rarely eat breakfast). It takes 45 minutes to get to my school every morning. My school is downtown. I live...kinda near the country but people "consider" it as the country. I didn't want to go all the way downtown because my old school was downtown as well and..argh forget it. I'm going on my rant about how I didn't want to go to the school which I presently go to 'cause I know you'll get bored really quickly.
It's cooooooold. And it's snowing..a little bit. It's worse where I live because I live near the river/the gorge and all the wind chills and stuff like that gets dumped on us and it takes twice as long. On Tuesday, I thought there was a 2 hour delay since it snowed, and I got an unexcused because the stoopid attendance lady wouldn't believe me and said "I can't give you an excused absence unless one of your parents were there to witness it" I'm thinking What the fudge? Come snowed for Christs' sake and you think I tried playing hooky? Gimme a break!! Luckily my math teacher gave me full credit because she actually believed me and that's all she cared about.
Speaking of math..I had a math test today. It was so easy. I'm in Honors Advanced Algebra and it's too's like the material I had last year, but we're using a different book and there are some problems new ways to solve things that I have never heard of. Progress reports are coming out too..I'm nervous..I don't think I"m failing anything...I surprised myself last time by getting straight A's. It was...awesome...
Well..I'm gonna go 'cause I gotta do sonnets. I hate Romeo and Juliet. But in the film that was made in 1968..ZOMG...the guy who played Romeo was sucha hottie. I think Tybalt is hot, too. *laughs*
¢¨ú Sasha
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