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myOtaku.com: Endlessly Fallen

Sunday, November 26, 2006

   I live..yet AGAIN
*total spaz fit* I'm baaaaaaaaack...again. Yep...remember I said something about this being forgotten when I get too wrapped up in my sitcom life? Yeah...that's what happened. That and I have been very emotional. I dunno why I'm so damn emotional...why does it have to happen to me? I swear...what if I'm bipolar? I'm serious...what if I am? I mean...I cry alot..and...yeah...argh who am I to tell? I can't get it together.

I hate my school...it's 3 months into the school year and I've already gotten into a pointless fight with this girl for no reason at all. It went from a harmless joke, to a fight, to rumors and people taking sides and now she's telling all the freshmen not to talk to me. I drew the line awhile ago, but she just kept on going and started to get personal with me saying that my family is messed up and that I'm bipolar and everything like that. I did get pissed, but I decided not to do anything because it will all come out in the end. That's what I'm going by..but I guess she's getting the picture and hasn't said anything yet. The thing that we're saying to eachother is "Hey, I don't like you, you don't like me, so why are we fucking around with eachother?" Well, whatever...I'm just glad that she's stopped and realized what she was doing is wrong and wasn't true what she said about me.

And now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go and list what I have observed in the past events...
I hate my school
Our computer has broken down at least 5 times in the past month
I made my first colorbar and I'm making more at school
I have a new band that I'm obsessed with
it's called Lacuna Coil
they came to town last week...
I wanted to go, but I couldn't 'cause it was my dad's boirfday
I'm really emotional
I find myself crying at least 4 times a week
I have to wear glasses again
'cause my parents can't afford contacts for awhile
I went trick or treating with my two bestest buddehs in teh whole wide world
you can never be too old for trick or treating
I miss my first bestest buddeh 'cause we don't go to the same school
I called her the other day...and she said that she may have a new one and that it's too early to call me and her "best friends"
I almost cried
my second bestest buddeh and I are cool like that
she's coming over to my house for a potluck type of thing
I don't feel well
I don't think I can eat meat anymore...
it's just as well 'cause I'ma vegetarian
not for political reasons, though
I don't like how it tastes
I'm getting my own compy finally
I made my first colorbar and I'm making more at school since it has photoshop
did I already mention that?
I'm bored
I think that's all
Thanksgiving was great...
I need to visit my old school...
My school went from K-8
that was unnecessary...okay I'm leaving..

¢¨ú Sasha

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