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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Oh yeah, I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I'll say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
Oh please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
And please, say to me
You'll let me hold your hand
Now let me hold your hand
I want to hold your hand...
Comments (9) |
Sunday, October 23, 2005

Comments (8) |
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Loud whispers
I know I haven't been very good at visiting everyone lately. Sorry about that. I've been given more work to do which I'm enjoying actually.
I also have pains in my back and shoulder. Maybe I've be sleeping awkwardly or something. Hopefully it goes away.
I think cows are hate me.
I was given a late birthday present on Sunday. And guess what it is...
A $600 leather longcoat.
Yessir. A genuine soft black leather longcoat. I'll see if I can get pic of that sweet coat of mine soon. If I wera my hat with it, I'm basically covered in cowskin.
And just to kick it up a notch...
That same day I got it, I had steak and eggs for breakfast with a glass of milk AND 24 oz. prime rib of beef for dinner. *laughs*
I have to admit, they are indeed very delicious.
*laughs again* ...and people call me "cowboy".

Sorry.. I went blank for a moment there.
Pleasant dreams....
- enin -
Comments (6) |
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Mr. Grinn Returns
It's about time that our favourite psycho makes his comeback. And what good timing! Halloween is coming and you just know Mr. Grinn and I looooove Halloween.
I've got a live video feed from his solitary room in the basement. All he seems to do is stare into the camera. He must've been fucking with the wiring too. I can't get a proper visual. Someone looks eager for his release on Halloween.
I can't wait either. I wonder what Mr. Grinn has in store...
Now back to daily life.
Some of you may already know that Mr. Bassist is finally out of the band. Well, at least to me he is. There is still some ongoing bullshit going on between him, Mr. Guitarist and some stupid girl who I don't give a shit about. At first, it was Mr. Bassist who pissed us all off. He lied, he lied about lying, and just for kicks, lied somemore. The night we "ganged up" on him as a band, he told us some utter bullshit just to excape the night. I could go on, but it's way too much.
I don't talk to Mr. Bassist anymore. And I'm starting to lessen my conversations with Mr. Guitarist. Why? Well, he's gone psycho. Seriously. He's contradicting himself just like Mr. Bassist does when he's in a panic. I don't know how else to explain it. I just know htat I'm starting to not like him either. For the moment, it's Mr. Vocalist, Mr. Rhythm Guitarist and myself playing the sane game.
Speaking of those two, Mr. Vocalist's girlfriend has serious abandonment issues. He can't leave her sight without telling her a million times where he's going. Even when he's gone, she's phoning him or emailing him or whatever. I hope that works out.
Mr. Rhythm Guitarist is now in his first relationship and I couldn't be happier for him. They both play guitar and they're both quite nervous about each other... or something. I think it's cute. When I heard the good news, Mr. RG and I celebrated at Tim Hortons. *laughs*
Work is going well. I'm going to receive my first check sometime next week. Work is far more laid back than I thought it would be. Sure, when I actually have something to do, it's time-consuming and sometimes a bit frustrating but since I know exacty what I want done, everything is finished nice and quickly. I should demand more to do. In the meantime, I'm playin Suikoden IV. Never before have I ever wanted to sail the Seven Seas as much as I want to now.
As for Pixie, I'm quite happy with how things are going with that beautiful, enchanted girl and myself. I see her every now and then, we've eaten Skittles, shared an umbrella in the rain, had talks about puppies and vegetables. Yes. We have quite the friendship. *laughs*
I've been thinking of doing something but I'd rather not make any mention of the details just in case it jinxes. But I'll be sure to tell you the results when I get them. Wish me luck.
Grr... I'm usually one for details so it annoys me that there's so much missing in this post. But I've rambled on for far too long.
Thanks again for your kind wishes for my 1 year here. Take care and have a lovely day.
- enin -
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
A year and two days..
...and I'm still here.
I'm glad I joined this community. I'm happy to have met all of you. I've gotten more from this site than I expected.
Where else would I find?:
A twin ninja
A west for my east
A cowboy-lovin' guardian
A Canuck-lovin' striped cat
A hamburger buddy
A hilarious wrestling champ
A Lara Croft
A black and white bear
A mooncake pal
A banner-making queen
A steel scottish lass
A burning senorita
A genius at HTML
A Kurt-a-holic
A goddess of precipitation
A video-game lovin' daughter
A pharmacist
A penguin fanatic
A pho girl from the west
A contemplative lurker
A day-dreaming sleepyhead
A J-rockette
A poetic wife
A strong-willed DBZ warrior
A sw33tie pi3
and oh so very many more.
Without listening, you rocked with me at the live house.
Without tasting, you've shared cups of tea and Pocky.
Without smelling, you delightfully inhaled the aromas of my scented candles.
Without seeing, you gazed upon the beauties of the everyday with me.
Without touching, you've been the shoulders I've leaned upon, the arms that hugged, and occasionaly, the hands that slapped some motherfunkin' sense back into me.
Your daily, coloured-text comments mean more to me than you think. Thanks for being there when I was sad, happy, kooky, nervous, hurt, starving, lonely, British, cold, warm, bored, etc.
I reached a sweet 999 hits AND got me the 999th spot on the ranks in the same week as well. That so gnikcuf rocks.
Here's to you, everyone. Thanks for everything!!
- enin -
P.S. Last year, I was toasting a girl in a scarf. Yup. That girl is Pixie . More than a year has passed and I'm still crazy about her. And guess what. She's wearing the scarf again...
...It's back to the beginning. Here's to you, Pixie

Comments (15) |
Sunday, September 25, 2005
The candles are melting wax on the cake!
Well, even though our birthday girl hasn't been around for awhile, it's still a day to celebrate her goodness.
Shanny, this is for you:

May each and every one of your sugary sweet dreams become a reality so that the cake we know as life be a bit more delicious.
Here's to you, Shantato. We'll be waiting here until you're back. Be safe, you.
- enin -
Comments (7) |
Friday, September 23, 2005
I'm almost too happy to function.

Now that I've seen your ticket, you may enter my day of Polysics goodness.
I arrived in Chinatown (where the club is located) at around 7:15pm. Since the doors were opening at 9:00pm, I had plenty of time to go for a stroll. My first stop was the bank machine. Seeing as how this is my first ever Japanese rock band concert, I thought I'd need a bit of spending cash for a few times of merchandise. So I withdrew a decent sum and was on my way.
I didn't get ANY sleep whatsoever the night before so I needed some sorta of drink. That's right. I bought me some Arizonas. In my state of excitement, they were a lovely treat. I then made a visit to my happy little anime store to see if there was anything new and exciting. I saw many Polysics tour posters and I asked if I could have one. The guy said no but it was worth a shot. So instead, I bought the FLCL soundtrack for little sister. She may torture me in ways unimaginable to man but I owe that little tater A LOT. So an album with her fave tracks was a start.
8:00pm started to near so I made my way to the club. By the front door, I saw a group of three Polysics fans. One Chinese guy and two girls. I also saw a short-haired girl keeping to herself in the corner. As we waited, we started talking to each other just to pass the time. The two rocker chickies felt the need to make "Polysics Or Die!!!!" signs so they grabbed a piece of cardboard and started drawing the letters in big print. The quiet short-haired girl eventually joined us in our fandom antics. Before we knew it, we were laughing the night away as friends.
Finally, the time came around for the doors to open. The big guy at the door shouted for all to have ID ready and have bags open for checking. My new acquaintances started to panic. "Whatever could the matter be?" I thought. It was then obvious. They were underage. I felt kinda bad that I had to leave them outside but once I was in, there was an open air window I could talk to them from.
I was first in line so I was first in the club. The moment I flashed my ID and had my ticket lazered, I skipped to the merchandise desk. There stood a cutie Japanese lady who was a part of the band road crew. I made my first three purchases of the night. One shirt for me and one for little sister (who missed out and made me feel bad. I later gave her the shirt and she loved it very muchly, so it's all good.) I also bought their latest album, "Polysics Or Die!!!!". I've listened to it a few times already and I can't get enough.
After some wandering around the empty spaces, I went back to the merch desk and started browsing through the other stuff. Since I had the money, I bought two Limited Edition Picture Discs. One featuring "New Wave Jacket" & "My Sharona" and the other featuring "Kaja Kaja Goo" & "Black Out Fall Out". To even out the spendage of cash, I bought a couple of buttons for sis and I.
I decided to visit the young ones via the open air window. By then, two more underagers became part of the group. (BTW, all of them were underage by just about a year. It sucks really but what could ya do?) They were these two boys who were very friendly but kinda odd. Big Polysics fans though. All 6 of them felt kinda sad and pretty envious that I got in. But I felt that they should get inside anyway. So what if the legal drinking age is 19? They're not here to drink! The owner still refused to law's sake. However, I told him to show some kind of mercy. So he asked the band to sign some poster for everyone. And they did. I saw them signing it!
Because the six were stuck outside (and because I was the one inside and therefore in a great and quite generous mood) I bought the six some Polysics buttons too. They said they couldn't be more grateful. While buying the buttons I noticed two different bodies other than the cutie Japanese merch lady. It was Hayashi (Guitarist/Vocals) and the lovely Kayo!!!!! I stood there stunned for a bit and since word refused to escaped my mouth, I pointed at the buttons hoping to get the message through. Kayo gave me one and I said to her "Umm. Five please." All three had a cute look of shock on their faces. They wondered why I needed so many buttons. I explained it was for my friends outside and they laughed and told me I was a gentleman (in Engrish, mind you.) It there was enough light in that room, they probably would've seen me blush.
Now being 19, I had the power to visit the bar. So I did. The guy greeted me and asked what I was having. I told him about this shot that I absolutely adore. It's called a Bazooka Joe and it consists of 1/3 Baileys, 1/3 Blue "Something" and 1/3 Banana Liquor. It is so tasty. However I heard after about 5, you're gonna be messed up. So I stuck to two. While at the bar, I had a chat with two ladies who are about 6 years older than I am. Thy were inquiring about the Bazooka Joes and asked if
I knew any other tasty shots. I really didn't so I told them Bazooka's were my fave so I think of no other. *laughs*
The opening act started around 9:45 or something. I wasn't really keeping track of time because I was too excited to care. It was some dude with a guitar. Nothing special but it did psyche up the crowd to prepare for the live madness that is Polysics.
I stayed near the window with the six up until I saw the stage people start putting up the Polysics Banner behind the stage. showtime was near so I went quickly to my spot right up front. It was a good spot too. I put my merch on the stage so I didn't have to hold it the whole time.
And the moment this crowded club was waiting for finally arrived.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of Toronto, I present to you... all the way from Tokyo, Japan...."
One by one, the band members started to appear. First came Yano, the new drummer and he sat in place. Next was Fumi, the bassist. Then my love, Kayo took the stage and stood behind her synth set. Last but not least was the lead and guitarist, Hayashi. All dressed in their orange jumpsuits with a large "P" patch on one breast and the bolded word "Polysics" on the other. They also sported their familiar black block shades. If you've seen them before, you'll know what I'm talking about.
The show started with a bang. And because of their highly-known unlimited energy, that bang last throughout the night!
Each song blasted loud and the crowd was definitely feeling the sound. I recognized most of their set but I was delighted to hear some new songs. When "New Wave Jacket" started, I went insane. It was the first song I've ever heard by Polysics so I just gave in to the music.
Four songs into their set, they experienced a minor technical difficulty that lasted for about 6 minutes. While Hayashi and Kayo tried to fix it, Fumi played some pretty wicked solo on her bass while trying to keep the crowds spirit alive. She didn't need to do so anyway because the crowd loved the band so much, they cheered the whole time. Fumi made a few cute remarks about the difficulties. "Sorry.... *points at the problem* ..Broken." Engrish is sooo cute!
Speaking of Engrish, Hayashi paused the set every once in a while to shout at the crowd. "Hello!
Hello! Hello!" he screamed. We chanted along with him. "Hello! Hello! Hello!".
At one point he said, "Toronto! Are you enjoying the show?" The crowd cheered madly. Remember, this is Engrish. "Well. We are Polysics from Tokyo, Japan and we are here to rock your fucking minds out!"
Everyone went mad. Hayashi swears so we love him even more. It just works that way.
For a good two hours, I head banged and jumped along to the sweet sounds of their energetic show. I only paused to take pictures but as you will soon see, even while taking pictures I couldn't stand still. I enjoyed every bloody minute of it!
"Kaja Kaja Goo" was probably the most energetic song they played. Hayashi told the crowd to scream with him and we did. A sea of airborne, rockin' bodies flowed through the club throughout the set and me being one of them, I'm telling you it felt sooo fucking good.
They ended their set with their hit, "Black Out Fall Out" but their live version sounded a lot more punk than their previous album release. The same version is on the album I bought that night.
After the left the stage, us fans knew for a fact that they weren't done. So we all chanted
"Polysics" in the typical encore fashion. And sure enough, they return to give us one last blast of mind-blowing sound. Two songs actually. One was "Making Sense" and the other I don't remember.
After they finished for real, the crowd cheered for a good 10 minutes before dispersing. Since I was obviously drained of any energy I had, I sat on the edge of the stage to rest for a bit while collecting myself. It was a damn wicked show. A fellow fan who rocked out beside me introduced himself and asked how long it took me to grow my hair. He said that he was completely envious that I had something to whip around so insanely. He also said he was looking to make a band so he gave me his email and said we should jam sometime. I just nodded but I doubt I will. He's a good guy though.
I went outside and was greeted by the six. The two odd guys were spazzing out because they enjoyed the show so much. We all had a chat about the greatness of the show until we saw the band return to the stage to clean up. I went straight back in to see if I could get stuff signed. The six made their way inside later because the big guy at the door left.
I first went up to the lovely Kayo. I was nervous as hell but it came out good. "Excuse me, Kayo-san. May I have your signature?" And sure enough, she gave it to me in my new album sleeve. I got the signatures of Hayashi and Yano next. Fumi went outside for a smoke so I got hers later. I'm glad I figured a way to get the flash thing on my cell phone to work otherwise my pictured would've been horribly dark. I got pics with each band member!! The six and I had a good chat with them about the show. Nobody in the band knows fluent English but it was a sweet chat regardless. Especially Kayo. I love her so..
We're not married though. That was just a phase. *laughs* Still. She's the prettiest synth/vocalist in history.
The six then had to leave because it was nearing 1:00am and the public transit was about to close.
So they left but not before we all exchanged emails.
I, however, stayed behind to watch the band clean up. I even helped out a bit by pushing a few cases outside. I had nothing better to do. The band appreciated it. So while they were distracted, I took two of their water bottle. Methinks I have Kayo's and Yano's water. *laughs* I couldn't just leave it there!
Before leaving, I said goodbye to the band and thanked them for visiting our city and for giving us an awesome show.
Now, I'm home. I'm tired. I'm aching. And I have to meet again with C.A. Teacher in the morning for my Photoshop.
And now, I think you deserve some pictures!!

Here's the stage before the band went one. See the big "P" banner? I wanted that soo bad. I would've
worn it like a cape and run through the streets.

Here's Hayashi wailing away with Yano in the background. Yano is a friggin machine. His drumming was flawless!

Hayashi balancing his guitar on his head while still managing to tap the frets.

This is pure balance here. *laughs* He's so silly.

Fumi soloing away to keep the crowd happy. I gotta say, she's a damn good bassist.

Hayashi and Fumi doing their string thing. Oh they rock so hard. So very hard.

Hayashi screaming his lungs out. I can only wish to have a voice like his. *sigh*

My beloved Kayo playing her synths in a very robotic fashion. Gosh, she's cute.

Kayo looking pretty. She doesn't get any cuter than this.

I stand corrected. Kayo with golden pom poms.

Okay. Just one more. KAYOOOOO!!!

Yano and Enin

Hayashi and Enin

Fumi and Enin

Kayo and Enin (Omigod, she hugged me.)
And now, a look at what I snagged.

My signed Polysics poster. It's not completely flat, though. I think I squished it in my excitement. On the right, you can see my ticket just peeking out.

The two Limited Edition Picture Discs, the top of the poster, the two water bottle I snagged and the permanent marker used by the band and given to me by Fumi.

Polysics' signatures in my album sleeve. Aren't they cuuuute? (and the ticket again)
I forgot to take a pic of my shirts but I can do that later. I'm really tired....
So yes. That was my Polysics adventure. I had an amazing time and I can't wait till they visit again.
I'll probably be resting for the weekend, so don't expect much from me. I'm THAT tired.
Have an awesome one, everybody!
- enin -
P.S. I love Kayo.
Comments (8) |
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Thou shalt party hard..
...and Enin partied hard and saw that it was good.
Well. Not yet. It's 3:55am and I've just finished up my personal daily quota for work. Lots of editing. Some people can't organize at all. So I did all that for just over an hour. I'm quite satisfied with my cleaning job.
What the hell kinda party would I be talking about at this time of morning? I will tell you, you impatient sexy people.
*nods rapidly* Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! *inhales* I'm going to see them and I'm going to have fun, and I'm going to listen to their music and I'm going to take pictures and I'm going to let my hair loose and rock out and I'm going to jump around and I'm going to fall down and cause a scene and my frantic madness will stop the show and then Kayo will come over and pick me up and then we'll get married and live happily ever after….
Whew. That felt good. Okay. Maybe just up to the jumping around part will happen. But know this. I will have fun. Me being 19 and all. *laughs*
But before that, I must first attend to my job duties. I'll be meeting with Mr. McConnell (Computer arts teacher) for the rest of my software and I'll be showing him what I've done so far. Should be good.
*grinns* I'm happy still, oh yes I am.
Pixie -wise, things are going smoothly. Lately I've been trying to get her to sleep earlier because she sometimes stays up late talking to me. I told her that if she slept earlier, she'd be less grumpy in the mornings and therefore have a better day. That and her dreams will most likely become more pleasant as well. And dreams are important to the both of us so it was good motivation to get her bum into bed. Silly Pixie . I should see her soon so I can poke her for calling me Joshie-pants. *laughs* Cutesy names are love.
I really REALLY want to straighten out my sleeping-pattern. But nooooo. I'm still up at fuggin' 5:00 in the morning! I can't really imagine sleeping early though. I like the night time. It's calm and peaceful. The city slumbers, dreaming dreams until the morning. Everything is cloaked in a deep blue darkness. And the beautiful moon sits in the sky and peers down on the earth below.
And I sit here. Typing away while quietly singing along with my favourite tracks. Suddenly, the thought of flapping my arms like the wings of a bird while running down the street in a Power Ranger costume hits me. And I laugh. I laugh like I've never laughed before.
And right on cue, cranky fathers voice echoes through the hallway.
"Shut up! SHUT UP!!!"
How lovely.
And now, I must scrounge for some cash for merchandise spending before I get some money money from the bank. If they've got Polysics stuff, it's mine. If not, the venue will be near one of my fave anime stores anyway so I may do a bit of spending in there instead. I can't wait!!!
And it just hit me again. They're playing where I played! During the show, I'll be like, "Yeah. I played here before." and Kayo will be all like, "Really?" then I'll be all like, "Oh yeah. Really." then she'll be all like, "Sweet. Let us wed.". Then we'll get married and live happily ever after.
*laughs* Nah. But it's still pretty cool we shared venues.
In other news, my sister has discovered that I'm deathly afraid of balloons popping. So she decides to bring home about 20 of them, full of helium. As I was rying to do some work, she comes up behind me with one of them in hand. She started making those insane squeaking noises and by this time, I was on the floor in a panic. Her nails are long and I couldn't help but notice they were digging into the balloon.
So for a good twenty minutes, I sat curled up in a ball, screaming like a girl while my sister tortured me with these floating rubber shapes of death. Get this. Not one of them popped. And guess what. Her handy video feature on her new cell phone captured it all of digital film. Though I am extremely humiliated, I gotta hand it to her. She sure knows how to mess with me. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten her Pocky....
I guess that's it from me, you sexynesses. I'll have a nice, banana-flavoured report about the concert for you tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll be planning my wedding with Kayo so we can live happily ever after....
*laughs* Okay, enough of that.
Dream sweetly and have a synth-punkafied day!
- enin -
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Return to our garden
My face hurts from smiling, I’m that happy.
Let's start with the little things first.
The job so far is going great. Since the actual office spaces are currently without walls or furniture, I'm stuck working at home on my own computer. I did receive free software for my design needs though. They have yet to give me the latest Photoshop. I bloody need it. I'm sick of those damn circle brushes. I could do fine with them but knowing there are customizable ones out there, it pains me, it really does.
I still can't wait for my own desk though.
I was walking home from a meeting with my computer arts teacher and I saw two toddlers playing inside a parked car on a driveway with their mothers having a chat outside. As I passed by, I heard a little voice say, "Hi mailman!". It was the cutest thing ever. The mothers explained to the child that I'm not mailman. It must've been my messenger bag. Heh. Silly baby.
Now since the job is going pretty gosh darn swell so far, I felt pretty gosh darn good. I picked up my sister from school on Monday and treated her and the older sister out for food. We had beef rice bowls. And while I was still out, I bought some BBQ pork for the whole family to eat later on.
Before returning home, I went to the dollar store to spend money on useless junk. Why? ‘Cause I’m happy and I felt like it. I bought a jesters hat and a plastic machete AND a Frankenstein goblet from the Halloween section. My mothers face was priceless when I return home with the hat on, a big plastic knife in one hand and a "frankengoblet" in the other.
"You can't be serious...."
I gave her a funny little chuckle and pranced up to my room to play some new Bloodhound Gang on my 5-stringed guitar.
My sister also got herself a brand new funky fresh cell phone. It's very ace. She's very into capturing moments but her regular camera is large, lunky and super professional. Her digital camera is quite expensive so she doesn't tote that thing around very often. The crisp camera feature and the envy-worthy large display on the new cell makes her happy and that's awesome..
Continuing with the good mood, I took the youngest sister out for a bike ride. She rode her bike and I pretty much jogged along. It gave me more of a motivation to get to our destination, Tim Hortons, and buy a couple of Iced Cappuccinos. She was happy and that's awesome.
I spent a lot of my time being loud and hyper. Nothing drug-induced, though with the way I drink my Arizonas, it could be. It was 1000% all natural happiness.
Talked on the phone with Mr. Guitarist. Things are alright with him. Spoke with Mr. Rhythm Guitarist. Things are fine with him as well. I decided to stop dodging Mr. Bassist and spoke with him. He seems to be doing just fine. Mr. Vocalist I spoke with too and he's doing alright.
...then I talked to Mr. Vocalist's mother.
*laughs* Oh the suspense!
Anyway, Mr. Vocalists mom and his girlfriend are planning a surprise party for Mr. Vocalists 18th birthday. They are asking the band to be the distraction while they set up the banquet hall for his big partay. Distraction is our middle name, yo. We're gonna get him a tattoo! Well, he wanted one anyway. So the plan is we take him downtown, get the tat, have some lunch then lie our way into bringing him to the banquet hall for big feast and bigger fun. And fun it will be.
And I also bought more tea. A LOT more tea.
And now for the icing on my smiling cake.
I finally saw Pixie again. I haven't seen her since May, I think. One night, I sent her a text message at about 2:00am asking if we could meet up because calling her was just out of the question. She phones me the next day saying she jumped out of bed because she keeps her cell phone under her pillow as her alarm. So the text messaging to keep quiet plan did not go so well. I felt a bit dumb for doing that.
She phoned me up again yesterday and asks if she can see me. After pinching myself repeatedly, I said sure and asked when she was done school. Before meeting with her I bought the Skittles because she was still sick and I had no time for flowers and because I wanted to apologize for waking her up in the middle of the night.
So I met with her and she greeted me with something I've been missing for the longest time. A hug. Honestly, I think hugs should officially be made longer. If hugs go for too long, it's called "holding" but I'm not worthy of holding her. So yeah. Hugs are cool. She smelled soooo pretty and her lavender purple hoody was so soft.
So I gave her the Skittles and she hugged me again while telling me she's never been given Skittles before. I explained I've never given anything to someone who was sick before. We laughed a bit and went for a walk.
It was the first time I've seen her hair black and it was the first time she saw my cowboy hat. Though we didn't talk much, we did spend a lot of time playing with each others new head features. I twirled her little pigtails and she kept pulling my hat over my eyes.
And then came the best part. Just before we parted at her bus stop, we both admitted to missing these moments. We missed just hanging out. We missed each other. A lot.
Before she got on the bus, she asked, "Can I see you again?"
"Of course."
"Oh I better see you again or I'll be sad. I'll give you call soon, okay? "
"Okay. I'll be waiting."
And off she went.
So I skipped home with the biggest of grins on my face. I really really did miss her and the time we spent together. And after a whole summer without any contact with her whatsoever, seeing her for just that short amount of time was just so awesome. We're still friends and I couldn't be happier.
And just to end the day off with a final touch of goodness, Pixie MSN's me a goodnight message before she goes off to bed, thanking me again for ths Skittles, reminding me to call her soon and wishing me a sweet night with good dreams.
This night is sweet already.
So yeah. That's why I'm so cheery lately. I love everything right now. Stab me and I'll bleed joy, that's how happy I am.
Anyway, I apologize for the lack of comments with your sites. I still visit but only briefly since I'm busier than I thought I would be. I'll try for today but don't be upset if your boxes are enin-less. *laughs* My comments are bleedin’ nonsense anyway.
I hope your weeks are going as great as mine. Have an awesome day everyone.
- enin -
P.S. Long posts are back! And boy does it feel good.
P.P.S. A stupid "Some"one is totally selling Rome Total War to me. It just sounds SO EFFIN' COOL! I can already predict many a late.... morning caused by such a game. Just wait until I get my battle-hungry hands on it....
Comments (10) |
Monday, September 19, 2005
Let the fun begin!
*thumbs way up*
I start the graphic design job today. I'm not expecting much at the beginning but I'm just so eager to get into it. I mean, I'm going to get paid to do something I do anyway! Whoo-hoo!!
I'll need to set my alarm pretty early. As someone who doesn't sleep until the birds are out, it'll be a very cranky day if I wake up late. I'll think I'll leave it to my dad to wake me up. He's always creative in that sense. Once he took his shinai and thwacked the space of pillow next to my head. The force made a gust of wind so loud, it almost deafened me. Another time he dangled one of my teapots over my head holding it up with just his pinky. Luckily the water inside was ice cold so the first little droplet that hit me didn't scald my flesh. That bugger sure knows how to get me outta bed. He's cool though. It's my mom I'm scared of. She sometimes attacks me with my own stuff. Like my guitar or drumsticks. At least dad knows when to pull back. *laughs* I love my parents.
My house is officially out of green tea. No Arizonas and no green tea leaves for hot tea either. Water isn't all that bad but the tea is my love. Love love love. After doing my work thang today, I'm going to pay a visit to the ol' market for some tea stuffs and probably a few imported treats. Yum!
I think I'll give Pixie a call and perhaps visit her. I'm not going to give her the flowers because they're sorta dying already. I think she gave her sickness to one of the friends she went out with because last time I spoke to her, she seemed to be doing fine. *laughs* Silly Pixie. I'm looking forward to seeing her. Maybe I'll buy her candy like Skittles or something. Skittles are cool, right?
Now it's obviously still September. But the special someone who we're celebreating the whole month for has taken a little break from her online life due to unexpected issues. And so, as one of her many dedicated friends, I want my dearest Shantato to know that I wish her the best in the time ahead and a safe return to us.

We'll be waiting for you.
(Yes. I put that up because it was the MSN piccie she had up the last time I chatted with her.)
With that said, I bid you a positive start to your week a yummy dinner tonight.
- enin -
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