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Dreamer//Tea Drinker//Graphic Designer
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Made you smile
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I was a young lad
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Beck, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Nana
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
My band caught me. Those bastards caught me.
It was Wednesday and I had just bought the brand spankin' new Our Lady Peace album (which by the way is KICK ASS!!!) and I was on my way home from the mall and there on my doorstep where three figure I really did NOT want to see.
The night went unexpectedly well though.
The first to get up and greet me was Mr. Guitarist. He handed me a CD case. It was an X Japan DVD. He said there's a drum solo on it that I would be quite interested to watch. Mr. Vocalist got up too and gave me a hug. Mr. Bassist handed me a new pair of drumsticks. So there I was, being offered gifts by the three people I didn't want to see.
The pity set in. They were desperate. We decided to take a walk to the nearby Tim Hortons for cookies and Iced Caps. On the way, each band member had their own individual chances to ask why I disappeared. I told them about my break and what I wanted to do. They seemed to understand which was surprising to me. When we did get to Tim Hortons, we just chatted the night away like old times. It was like nothing went on between us. It's like we were friends again, laughing away and eating goodies.
Mr. Vocalist invited the rest of us to go along with him as he escorted his little bro to the tour/orientation of the new building of our former high school. Mr. Guitarist couldn't go but Bassist and I could.
Thursday came around and I met Mr. Vocalist, his little brother and Mr. Bassist at the front doors. The new building looked incredible. I'm kinda pissed off that I graduated just before they built the damn place. I'm too jealous of the students there. However, I might not completely miss out. When I'm not doing work for the Media Company, I may donate some time to assist teaching the anime unit for the different art classes. I did it before, why not again?
Lots of teachers recognized us former students and some took quite a liking to my hat and my spiffy outfit (black shirt and jeans). Liked it almost... too much. *laughs*
Mr. Bassist is desperate for a job and he asked if there was anything open for him. He has no clue that I'm going to be working with our former computer arts teacher. Mr. Bassist asked him if he had anything for him but he said no. The minute after rejected the lad he turned to me and said, I'll give you a call sometime soon about the meeting. Thankfully, Mr. Bassist wasn't paying attention so he didn't question me about it. I'll be sure to tell him eventually.
We left for our favourite Chinese mall and had a quick bite to eat before inviting Magical Nerd Bassist out. After meeting up with him, we went out for bubble tea. After bubble tea, Mr. Vocalist left for work, Magical Nerd Boy left for the arcade so it was just Mr. Bassist and myself.
Now I hate him the most. Well. No. Not hate. Hate is such a string word. I dislike him the most. I've lost much respect for him but he considers me his closest and best friend. Even over Mr. Guitarist who he's known longer. While walking through the mall, Mr. Bassist just opened up to me and just talked away about everything. Not just about him but about me too. His selfishness disappeared for me. He told me that as long as he and I succeed, he's happy. He talked about trips to BC to visit his mom and how he wants me to come along. He talked about his dreams of our band becoming famous so that he and I could buy neighbouring mansions. He just poured out all these emotions and such and he constantly told me that he considers me a true and great friend. He even admitted to making a few stupid mistakes and I told him right then and there that I think he's a fucking moron. He apologized to me! He realized his stupid ways and actually said sorry to ME for being dumb. I barely have respect for him but I can't just go on hating this guy. He's even hellbent on finding me a girlfriend. I appreciate the thought but I'm fine. I wish he wasn't so stupid. Then our friendship would mean so much more.
We walked to Mr. Guitarist house and chatted with him for a bit. They both told me to never disappear like I did again. They admitted to being retardedly confused, a bit worried and a bit panicky as well. I never agreed to that promise. I simply raised my eyebrow and gave them a look. Then the convo continued. I got home late that night and I'm still paying for the lack of sleep.
I'm not going to jam with them though. Not yet at least. As for my decisions about September 30th, I haven't made it yet. And that thing about Pixie? Well, let's just say I've alot of thinking to do.
Now Yesterday (Friday), I went with the family to the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition). The kiddies went on the rides and I spent most of my time at the International Pavilion. Guess what I bought!
Yup. I had a bit of cash so I decided to go spendy spendy. This new tea set is just wicked. It's black and has this ringed design around it. I also bought my self a new set of rice bowls. They looked funky and I had some money left so why not? (I'm such an impulse buyer.) With it, I bought a set of chopsticks and on the way out; I snagged a little tiger statue because I was born on the year of the Tiger. And since my birthday is coming up next week, I thought why the hell not?
Here. Have a look:

I present to you my brand new tea set. I think it's beautiful. I'll need three other tea-drinkers to share the first brew with me. Tea anyone?

This is my rice bowl set. Well, it's not SPECIFICALLY for rice but I imagine that's what I'll be eating out of it for a majority of it's usage. That and soup. Miso soup. Whihc I want right now. Oh yeah, check out the chopsticks too.

A closer look at the bowls. They're really pretty, eh?

"Enin. Why the hell did you take a picture of a box?"
Okay. First off, it's a pretty one. It doesn't show much here but I tired. Secondly, it's what's inside that counts (Heh).

My lucky Tiger. Born 1986 and this is the badboy in charge of my year. And it only cost me $1! Sweeeeet.
Anyway, I'm bloody tired and I need to work tomorrow so I'm out for the night. Heh. It's crazy how some things in life work out, eh?
- enin -
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
What to do...
I'm glad you enjoyed yesterdays post and the various pics of stuff. I'm still smiling that I got a chance to make it for the final day. It was wicked!
....however the smiles gotta stop one way or another eventually.
The following rant may seem childish, immature and perhaps a bit on the mental side. You might ask yourself, "What the hell is wrong with Enin?" and you know what? I don't blame you. I asked myself the same question about seventy times recently.
So I take it you are all aware that I'm avoiding the band for awhile because:
1) I want a break and some personal "Enin Time" to just relax and stuff. Okay, I'm pretty much a lazy bum as it is but they've found a way to ruin the joy of practices by turning it into relentless tiring work.
2) If I simply told them I want to take a break, they would full-out disagree and (attempt to) force me to hang out/jam with them more often, which is something I just can't do seeing as how I have other things to tned to in my life as well as band stuffs.
3) I'm a bit of a hypocrite here when I say this but they complain about their retarded lives like there's no tomorrow. I simply can't take anymore of their whines about their little 15-year-old girlfriends and all that bullshit. I mean it's retarded enough that they've entangled themselves amoung immature little girls by starting awful relationships in the first place (No offence to 15 yr old girlies out there. I hope you get what I mean.)
So yes. I'm avoiding the band. I'm planning a nice ripe bitching to their faces but seeing as how they're all caught up in their owns little f*cked up world, I'd need to first get their attention. I think having the drummer go missing for awhile is a great way to get their minds off stupid children for a minute.
I've mentioned this before but just for forgetfulness sake, I'll say it again. Our band has been invited back to do another show on September 30th. Now I thought this was great news until I heard the very different opinions of each band member of how to change up the setlist.
Nothing has been agreed on to this day and we've less than a month to practice something we haven't decided on yet. We can't even parctice together that often now that school and work has come into play for everyone in the band. What I'm saying is, September 30th isn't looking very possible anymore.
Even if it was, I'm not in...
See, I'm in a very developmental stage in my drumming life. I'm starting to better my techniques and stamina. However, the band can't advance with me. They want me to do simple stuff so THEY can stand out. So they pretty much are telling me to stick to my hi-hats and snare. I don't want to.
They also are demanding me to get a double-pedal for my bass drum. I promised myself I'd develop my single pedal skills before I even consider a double-pedal. "The type of music we want to play sounds better with double-pedal. You need one, Josh."
No, I fucking don't.
So what if I don't wanna play heavy stuff yet? What if I wanted mellower tunes?
Of course, I'm into the music they WANT to play but personally, I don't wanna get into it yet. I'm decent behind my kit but I'm also still learning.
If they think they can FORCE me to do things their way without question, in return, I'll FORCE them to find a drummer who gives a damn.
It's a shame they don't listen to me but I think disappearing like I did will do the trick.
I love music. I love my drums. I love to play. And I love my band. But when they think of me as the LAST person to be considered when it comes to song choice/compositions, I can't help but get a bit pissed off.
It pisses me off even more to know that the minute I'm out of the picture, they become helpless and extremely dependant on me. I play the weirdest, most fucked up role in the band and I don't like it anymore.
I'll be sure to tell you how things go when I do decide to set things straight. And they better fucking listen or it'll be a sad day when Something Else loses their beat.
Now you would think I'd end it here.. Nope.
You know how I said the live on September 30th isn't looking too good right now and that I don't wanna play? Guess who comes into the picture to fuck with my mind.
All of a sudden, she starts talking to me over MSN again. I happened to tell her that our band may have a live at the end of the month. She was already a bit disappointed that she missed our last one so she was extra excited about the next.
Oh goody. Pressure for me to actually go through with it.
I'm supposed to be over this girl. But she just won't leave me life. She's there. She's always there. Physically and mentally. I want to let go but I can't.
Now she wants to see me perform? Performing is almost out of the question then she steps in with a basket of false hope and heart shrapnel. Okay, here what wne tthrough my already messed up mind:
If I do go through all that band shit and actually play that day while keeping in touch with Pixie (who has already been chatting with me alot recently), I might have a good chance at being friends with her again. Perhaps a second chance at being her guy. Who knows? Imagine that. All that was once lost can be regained! Hooray! It'll be perfect! So I'll do the show, no questions asked!
Here's where I start thinking.
Now, she annihilated my heart already. We slowly faded apart and that seemed to be the end of any relationship with her. Even a friendship. To her, losing me didn't seem like a big loss. For myself, it was the opposite. I lost big time and I hate myself to this day for all my stupidity, hesitation and lack of confidence. What is making me think that there's even a possibility at reforming that relationship? I could be very well wasting my time trying to take another crack at it. And at what cost? I risk losing my band, who I can't stand at the moment and I doubt I'll be able to put up with them anytime soon. I risk completely fucking up my chance at any future relationships because it's bad enough I'm STILL crumbling over her. I'm risking what's left of my sanity.
I don't wanna do it. I just want to play it safe and stick to my break.
But we all know that there still exists that one last final strand of hope. That one little inkling that there is still a chance to make things better again. It's not impossible but what are the bleedin' chances? I don't wanna screw myself over again.
I don't.
And I won't.
I'm not making any final decisions right now but I'm leaning toward staying away from it all. It's just safer that way.
I'm sorry. All of you, I'm sorry. I didn't make sense at all tonight and I doubt I will for awhile.
Besides the madness I've just told you all about, I'm doing fine. Just fine.
I hope you all have a great day.
- enin -
P.S. Oh I can totally sense someone out there about to tell me I'm a fucking idiot.
Comments (11) |
Monday, August 29, 2005
EXPO 2005
Hooray for the greatest filled fun-filled Expo this year!
Yesh. I had tonnes of fun. I'm a bit surprised I'm awake though. I should be dead by now. I had 2 hours of sleep (because of the excitement), nothing to eat all day (Except and Arizona and an iced cappuccino) and a bed just waiting for my geeky-self to get in. But first, I must share with you my day.
Like I said, I woke up after 2 hours of sleep. I stayed up most of the night thinking about the madness I was going to see. And madness it was.
I managed to convince my dad to give me some spending money and I said I would owe him back. Cash or otherwise. I'm guessing chores. He gave me about $80 to blow on whatever and some money to my lil sis. My little little sister gave me a $20 bill and said it would pay for my entrance. I'm such a moocher!
So my sis and I made our way to the convention center where hundreds and hundreds of people gathered to shop, play, see stars and cosplays related to favourite animes, comics or sci-fis.
Costumes and cosplays a-plenty. It was a marvellous sight. I wish I wasn't struck with madness so I had time to take pics with my phonecam. My sis took enough pics though. About 100, I think. And that's not including the days she attended the expo before I did. I'm going to post her better ones. So most photo credits go to her and her little digicam. Hooray for my sister!
I mastered the art of of staring at pretty people without them actually noticing me. I can't deny that there was more than a fair share of hotnesses that day. Cosplay or no cosplay.
My sister had made a large amount of new friends from the previous days. I was surprised and a bit left out. She'd walk the aisles and people would just wave to her and stuff. The vendors and retail people knew her by name too. So she pretty much gave me a nice tour around the floors. I happened to see my highschool english/media studies teacher there wandering in the chaos.
I'm going to pointform the little details to avoid making details of the details. Get me? I didn't think so... Here they are in no particular order:
- Saw Crispin Glover (Willard & Back To The Future). Didn't go near him because he looked creepy and I'm not the most outgoing person there is.
- Saw Kenny Baker (R2-D2!) but Star Wars fans crowded him like crazy so I didn't get anything close to a photo oppurtunity.
- Goth people are unbelievably friendly. And their coats look badass too.
- Had long talks with various newcoming artists in Artist Alley. Many were quite friendly and hoped I would be interested in their works and support them. I was picky and chose nobody. I did accept the many, many freebies though. Stickers, tattoos, postcards, mini comics, posters, the works! My sister fell in love with a few art pieces and supported those artists. If I wasn't planning on spending my dough on certain other stuff, I would've made the same choices too.
- Took pics of many very well done cosplays/costumes. You'll see the pics after the text part of my post. Naruto characters were rampant and multiplying by the minute. I'm serious. If I weren't spending time comparing costumes, I would've taken pics of the (Yes. I counted.) 17 Kakashi's, 8 Gaara's, 5 Sasuke's, 3 Naruto's, 2 Rock Lee's and Kankuro in a pear tree. That plus many others. And that's not including the dozens I've seen wearing headprotectors.
- I MET THE RED VS. BLUE GUYS! F-CK YEAH! Jason Saldana (A.K.A. Tucker), Matt Hullum (A.K.A. Sarge) and Dan Godwin (A.K.A. Donut) ran the Rooster Teeth Productions booth and I was just wowed. I'm a huge fan of the series (and obviously the video game and platform the series was created out of) so I stood there for awhile chatting with the guys. I eventually bought Season 1 & 2 on DVD (WooT! Extra features!). And just before leaving the expo, I ran back to the booth and bought a touque (Or "beanie" as labelled at the booth). Oh yeah! I got my DVD inserts signed by the RvB boys too. Yee-hah!
- I didn't eat all day... Oh right. I said that already. But yeah. No hotdog for Flint.
- Some people smelled like ginger. No, not the Spice Girl. I'm talking about the root you use for flavouring. That was bloody weird.
- We met our aunt there early in the day. She was on her way to the James Marsters (Spike from Buffy) press room. She's pretty much the Hollywood lady of the family.
- Seeing cosplay after cosplay made me feel so left out. I promised my self that day that I would dedicate some time to working on a cosplay for the next anime conventions or whatever. I managed to create a make-shift cosplay at the last moment. You shall see in the last pic. And it seemed to work. People really liked my cosplay. Well... Those who understood it.
I'm sure I'm missing details but that was the point of pointform. *laughs* Making sense is not one of my strongpoints when I'm tired and stupid.
How's about some pics then? The captions will do a majority of explaining. I put little notices beside the captions indicated I was not there when that certain photo was taken. I'd like to completely credit my sister.

Here's a big crowd of people awaiting to hear the winners of the previous night's masquerade contest and other contests. I spy with my little eye a dude dressed up as toast!

A pic of the peoples. This is nothing compared to the ACTUAL crowd sizes.

[Sister's pic]
Jhonen Vasquez, creator and illustrator of Johnny The Homicidal Maniac comics and other related comics. My sister met him up close and said he never smiles. She took this pic hoping he'd crack. I think I see a hint of smirk there. What do you think?

Ignore Mr. Crispin Glover for a sec and spy that young lass staring into space, bored out of her mind. I wonder what she's thinking.
"Hmm. Some fluorescent lights are brighter than others.."

[Sister's pic]

[Sister's pic]
No. Kenny Baker was NOT in here. This R2 was rolling along the floor guided by remote control.

[Sister's pic]
Darth Vader and his homies. Sis said these guys marched all over the expo floors.

[Sister's pic]
Sis said this trooper was walking a bit TOO robotically.

[Sister's pic]
Vaders pants are falling down! Screw the force, USE A BELT!

[Sister's pic]
SsssssSNAKE!! Sis was confused when she took this pic but still intrigued regardless. I explained to her it's from a game. "What the hell kinda game uses a box for the main character?" Silly girl.

This little sonuva bitch went rampant while it's owner tried to stop it. I thought it was the greatest thing ever.

My sister just met these girls the day before. When I came on Sunday, they acted like they've known each other for years. I WANNA KNOW THEM TOO!!!

Crowded convention + Giant Pikachu = The poor bastard getting knocked over. *points and laughs obnoxiously*

Batman likes burgers. And it shows.

Joker and Harley Quinn. P.S. Batman's fat.

Why does the snowtrooper look so lost? I know you can't see his/her face but you can sooo tell.
"Guys? Why don't I get a weapon?"
"Because you suck."

This Chewy costume was pretty damn good. The dude was on stilts things to raise his height and he even scared little children! Go Chewy!

Orc Armour. 'Nuff said.

This was the first time I've seen these replica lightsabers in action. I was so impressed. I think they were designed for photo ops. Just look at how the illuminated saber came out. The glow is perfection!

The ONLY Vash at the convention. THERE WAS ONLY ONE! Thank God he pulled it off decently or I would've cried.

I've yet to see Howl's Moving Castle but I was told these are two main characters. The little little sister would be interested to see these guys though. The dude had a little flame going and everything.

*laughs* I present to you: my cosplay. I was a bishi. Just let my hair loose and posed for people. Hahaha. Why the hell not?

Mmm... Demon chick.

I don't know what possessed me to do this but I must say that my taste in girls has changed.
(I'm kidding of course. You should've seen the faces on the people walking by. By the way, Regan is a fake.)
And now, let's see what I snagged.

Autographed Red Vs. Blue Season 1

Autgrpahed Red Vs. Blue Season 2

Red Vs. Blue Touque! It has the Rooster Teeth Productions logo on the back.
And so, that was it. My happy day at the Expo. And as if I didn't have a great enough day, I had a nice casual conversation with Pixie when I got home. Just Pixie. None of that weird friend stuff.
Well. I hope you enjoyed the visuals. Have an awesome week, everyone.
- enin -
P.S. To answer a few questions from yesterday:
BrokenKokoro - I actually have several Asian malls where I live. Toronto, the world's most multicultural city!
sou-chan - Of course I wasn't referring to you. I'm sure your love shape is much simpler.
Hehe. I think I did well for a last-minute rush into Expo chaos. Hooray for me!
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Why did I choose that title for today? Mainly because I suffered it for most of the day.
I successfully dodged the bandboys yesterday. How? I left the house and didn't answer my cell if they called (Thanks Call Display!).
Instead of jamming with them, I went out with the family (minus the sister. I've got stuff to say about her later) to a Chinese mall that they wanted me to check out. And what a place it was. If I had the money, I would've shopped all day. Unfortunately, I only browsed to my hearts content. But now I know what I want when I return with cash.
I poked my head into the hair styling salons and well, the prices are sky high but their masterpieces are amazingly done. Young, Asian, modern hairstylists know their shit. This one guy had a blurple pearl shade to his diagonally spiked hair. I know it sound a bit unreal but I saw it with my eyes, man! These people are good! And hot! Yes. Hairstylists are hot. A majority of them were guys too. (Ehehe..) But their style and fashion looked simply gorgeous.
We then had dim sum together and the restaurant we ate at had these insanely delicious dumplings. Their siu mai was to die for. Honestly.
Throughout the day, I received call from Mr. Guitarist and Mr. Bassist on my cell. I didn't pick up of course but some time in the evening I did see "18 missed calls" on my display. That wasn't the worst of it. They called my house about twenty times too, leaving 8 messages desperately asking me to pick up or call them back.
Yes. I'm a prick for doing so but after all the garbage they've been doing in their personal lives, they deserve it. Stupid morons and their stupid 15-yr-old love-hexagons shit. They're pathetic. Besides, I want a break and knowing their stubborn asses, they probably would oppose to it. By disappearing for awhile, they have no say.
The paranoia bit comes into play because they know where I live, and I feared they would throw rocks at my window or somethigng retarded. Yes. They would do such a thing and that's why they're retards.
In a way I pity them. The band is completely dependant on me. Both with compositions and personal life. The world stops moving when Mr. Drummer leaves the scene. Heh. I gues their worlds are on pause for awhile then. I'm not budging from my break.
So while the bandboys paced back and forth wondering where the hell I've vanished to, the family and I visited my grandma's/aunt's house. We stayed there and had some coffee and waited for my sis to arrive.
When she finally did, she looked tired as all hell. She had been walking around all day at the Expo. I did see a very noticable grin on her face though. The type of grin that you have when you MEET ELIJAH WOOD!
She did. She got autogrpahs and pics and stuff. I'm jeolous beyond reality but I'm also very happy for her. She also snagged a bag full of stuff and she plans to do so again today. WITH ME!
YAY! I'm going to the expo! Comics, anime, sci-fi, and games! Oooo. Should be awesome. I'm going to take as many pics as I can (especially the cosplayers) so I can show you what I see. Okay? Wicked...
Ergh. Need money. Perhaps mommy will spare her loving son a btit of cash...
- enin -
P.S. *whine* I have a huge bruise on my knuckle after stretching while walking out on the kitchen. F**king doorway....
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Oh. She remembers me...
Fairly short update tonight.
I didn't do much yesterday (Friday). I woke up and started playing guitar. Then ate dinner with the family then spent the rest of the night on the computer chatting and concocting plans to avoid the damn band today.
Now I had a chat with someone I hadn't talked to for awhile. Yes. Pixie. Out of nowhere, she greets me and asks how I'm doing. I tried to play it off as nothing big but in reality, I've been dying to talk to her. Now this was all going well until she introduced me to her friend. (See, Pixie has been staying over at a friend's house for about a week or something.) Her friend then took over the keyboard and started chatting with me over Pixie's account.
"Sara has told me alot about you."
Oh no. I hope Pixie wasn't planning on doing what I thought she was doing.
In any case, the convo went alright. She asked me A LOT of questions and managed to catch my display picture.
"I love cowboys!"
Oh no again...
The convo ended after about an hour of chatting. I was hoping to talk to Pixie again afterwards but they both went straight to sleep.
That was weird..
So in other Enin news, I may be able to attend the anime expo for a bit on Sunday. My sis went for the opening stuff last night and said there is no way I could miss out. I love my sis. So yeah, Sunday. I need money.
I have a feeling I"m going to start drawing again soon...
Have a great weekend everyone!
- enin -
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Friday, August 26, 2005
A stroll along the top
Hullo Friday. Let me take your... shoes.
I feared Molleta's reasonably possible comment for my last post was going to come true. Thankfully. It didn't. The days following the perfect days aren't any worse. Things are just swell these days.
I'm becoming rather imaptient for next week to arrive. That's when the media company people will contact me about the first meeting regarding the project. Arrive, dammit!
On Wednesday, I went out with some friends to our favourite tea shop to have a bit of my current cravings, mango milk freezes. Those things are literally happiness in a glass. After two of them, I was smiling all night. I'm starting to become very suspicious though. There may be some drug substances in my drink. I don't remember the night very well but I do remember being very loud and I have never been shushed my friends before. Nor have I made so many intentional mistakes ordering just so I could talk with the insanely pretty waitress longer. Hmm.. I wonder....
Perhaps, while I wonder, I shall have another mango milk freeze. Eeehee, they're damn good.
My mom bought a new handsoap awhile ago from Bath & Body Works. It's scent is Country apple and it's pink with little blue dots in it. I friggin' love it. The scent is sooo nice. In fact I've stolen it from the washroom. I keep it in my room and I have to carry it with me every time I wash my hands. Sometimes, I'll lather for 6 minutes just to smell it. Sooo nice.
So yes. Other than bubble tea, washing hands and napping in a pile of clean laundry, I've done very little lately. I plan to keep it that way.
I just remembered my lucky little sister will be attending a Comic/Anime Expo this weekend. She will have the oppurtunity to meet the world's luckiest hobbit, Frodo Baggins. Otherwise known as Elijah Wood. Now why isn't Enin joining in on the fun? Well, first off, the sis is going with her aunt and friends. The awkwardness would never end. Secondly, I'm a bit strapped for cash and I promised myself that I would have enough to spend at the next expo and/or convention I attend. I spend like crazy so if I actually DID go, I'd probably cry just looking at the stuff I CAN'T have.
So I guess not going is the beeter of the two options. There's no loss in any case. The money I manage to scrounge up plus my sisters everlasting kindness, will mean that I may be able to at least get SOMETHING this weekend. Via the lastest technology in communication (cellphone), she'll browse and I'll choose. Ergh. This is deifinitely coming with a price. I fear to ask but it'll be worth it for the moment.
This weekend, I SHOULD be jamming with the band but I'd rather not. It's break time for drummer boy. Break from the band that is. There's no way you're going to stop me from banging the drums every now and then. Unless I break my sticks... But that's hasn't happened for awhile.
Shit. I jinxed myself.
Have a great day, you hotnesses.
- enin -
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
The Greatest Day since... the last greatest day
Yesterday (Tuesday) just couldn't have gotten any better. I swear I didn't want it to end. The main part require a bit of backstory. As in it started about a week ago.
While talking with a friend (the one Mr. Bassist liked and now has a boyfriend. HAHA.) at a local Tim Hortons coffee shop. I was supposed to just meet her and sell her live tickets. But as always, we end up chatting for 8 hours straight. Anyway, my former computer arts teacher comes along and I say hi.
He's known me for the longest time so he is quite familiar with my work. He asked if I were still interested in graphic design and if I wanted a part in this project they were doing. I obviously said yes and gave him my contacts and he said he'd call me regarding the opportunity.
Last Monday, I woke up at 3:30pm to the sound of my happy little cell phone. It was my c.a. teacher. We set up a time for a little interview for the job oppurtunity.
1:00pm Basement Offices inside residential home.
Okay. 1:00pm. That mean I have to wake up at a decent time. No biggie. I was also asked to bring some of my work to show the other two persons my ability with computer graphics programs. So all night, I gathered as much impressive junk as I could.
Tuesday came around and I walked to the location. I was greeted by my teacher and escorted to a basement where two ladies on computer awaited my arrival.
After a few questions along the lines of "Are you willing to commit?" or "Do you feel able to run this project?" and so on. I made all the right answers and they liked it. I then showed them my computer works and they seemed quite impressed. Particularly with my clone pic because they find it neat that someone would just create something of the sort out of the blue.
One girl is a former computer assistant from my high school and the other is a post-graduate of marketing courses. So I am now officially part of the team.
The project we're going to tackle is educational presentations for high schools. A majority of, if not all, education presentations are pretty lame so we'd like to Hollywood it up. I will be head of graphics and design layouts and will be making major input for other stuff and will also have part in filming and photography. We'll have professional writers, script makers, designers and all these other people working in on the project. It's a fairly young company so we'redriven to get the name out there. And I'm going to be a part of it!
Yeah. So I have a wicked job now. I'll be working with art and computers. I couldn't ask for more. But there IS more! I'll be getting my OWN desk (DOUBLE SCORE!), with my OWN computer(MULTI SCORE!). I'll also be credited for all the work I'll do, meaning my name will be somewhere in the credits (ULTRA SCORE!). What more? I'm getting paid!! (M-M-M-MONSTER SCORE!!!!)
I'm going to be contacted and told when the first inital meeting is. In the meantime, I was told to get used to sitting in front of a computer (Easyyyy). I also get to call my teacher by his first name now. This is sweet!
After the very successful interview, I walked home and on the way bought a few Arizona's to celebrate. I went straight to the PC and somehow discovered something that I'll never forget.
Lord of the Rings fans, listen up. Y'know in the Two Towers film, our good elven friend Legolas says that very blonde sounding line while looking over the vast rocky plains of Rohan? You should remember the one.
Aragorn: "Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?
Legolas: "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!"
Now not only did this crack me up for the rest of the night, it coincidentally matched the way I mocked ol' Leggy back when the movie was initially released. My cousin and I said to one another that someone should make a should based on that one line.
Lo and behold, someone did. And I'll thank them every day for doing so. (The Hobbit Theme and the Fellowship Theme done on Kazoos? I'm in heaven!)
I called up my cousin and told him to check it out. He called back after seeing it and we literally laughed for half an hour. Good times. The day was just going swell!
I was starting to get pretty hungry late in the evening because we were waiting for dad to get home. It teased me ever so much. Mommy made my favourite meal and it was just there on the stove. I totally could've started without anyone. But I patiently held back.
The wait was well worth it. Dinner was filling AND delicious. I love my mommy so much!
After dinner I watched the LotR vid again and again while chatting it up MSN styles with many many people. 10:00pm came around to I headed to my room. Why?
Our Lady Peace's BRAND NEW ALBUM was PREMIERING on radio stations across the country!
Their new stuff sounds AWESOME!!!!! I can't stress enough how much I love this band. They are my band and I am their fan. There's a particular new song (other than "Where Are You?") that I'm really into. It's called "Wipe That Smile Off Your Face". The first time it's ever been heard by public ears and I was singing along already.
One hour of premiere goodness. If you want a fresh new rock album, head out to the local music store and buy Our Lady Peace's new album "Healthy In Paranoid Times". You will definitely not be disappointed.
And so that's my day. My great perfect day. I hope to have many more this year. My last few days of the eighteenth year are turning out awesome.
- enin -
P.S. 4:26am. Spelling errors. Yes.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
The Live
Oh hello. I'm back. Pardon the lateness of this post but I've had little time on the PC since the live. And man, it was a great freakin' day. How great? You know when you enjoy something so much it never leaves your mind and you start to lose sleep and fade out of reality just trying to relive it again and again in your head?
I haven't had a decent rest for days...
Let's begin, shall we? You might wanna have a snack while reading this and play an optional rock tune while reading. It's a neat effect. So first off, this was quite an important live. Our past lives were local and not as big. So basically we performed in a public (and widely-known) livehouse for the first time. El Mocambo was it's name and the band was nervous as all hell.
The night (or early morning) before the day of the live, I blogged pretty late yet I still managed to stay up an extra few hours just lying there and wondering about what would happen during this performance. It was a battle of the bands and I just knew that we couldn't win. And no, not because I lack confidence, but because the winners are decided by whoever brings the most people. One band (A fairly awesome band, I might add) sold more than 100 tickets so they automatically had more fans screaming their name. Therefore, they win. I wasn't going for a win that night anyway. We just wanted experience and hopefully a few more fans. I finally got some sleep. The plan was to meet at Mr. Guitarist's house for a pre show meeting.
10:00am - I woke up pretty early to my surprise. I took a nice long shower and had enough time to do my hair (Brush it down and headbang for 15 seconds), choose what to wear (I had decided wear my green tee on the way there then during actually performance time, I'd wear my kick-ass Japanese dress shirt. We wanted a dress shirt kinda theme for the live so that's what I chose.) I chose not to eat just yet.
12:00pm - Mr. Rhythm (Guitarist) came to my place for a ride to Mr. Guitarist's house. But first, we needed to rent the guy an amp. Yeah, we had to bring our own stuffs. This wasn't the worst of it yet. So off to the local music store for an amp.
1:15pm - We got there and he zoomed straight to the rental section while I browsed for some sticks. I decided to get the dollar sticks. 10 of them to be exact. It took awhile for Mr. Rhythm to choose his damned amp so I played the pianos on display for a good while. Good ol' Yoshiki from X Japan got me back into playing the keys. But drums first. Always and forever.
1:30pm - When Mr. Rhythm got his ass in gear, we were off. Since we walked to the music store and had no transport for the amp, my mom gave us a ride to Mr. Guitarist's place and told us she'd drop off the amp at the livehouse later on because she needed the van. Anyway, we drove to Mr. Guitarist's house around 2pm and I took my cymbals and throne along on wheels (Drummers were asked to provide their own cymbals and other stuff. I hadn't known about the other stuff until later that day. It sucked for a bit.) Mr. Bassist and Wuzie (Magical Nerd Bassist/Second Vocalist) were already there and Mr. Vocalist came just a bit later. For a bit of inspiration, I brought over my DVD of X Japan's Last Live. If you haven't seen it, I swear you are completely missing out. As a drummer and music fan, I have to admit I cried watching the show. To put that much effort and feeling into one's performance is just in-friggin'-credible. I love it. Check it out. Now.
4:30pm - After watching for a bit, the band asked me if they looked alright in what
they were wearing. The dress-shirt and jeans look was alright but they wanted ties. Ties are too much these days so I said scrap it. After fixing ourselves up, we were on our way to the livehouse. Nobody had a car to use that day (Dammit) so we took public transit. It was all that bad though. While walking through the streets with our instruments, we looked pretty cool. Haha.
5:36pm - We met with Mr. Vocalist's friend at the subway station. They're weird and one dude was a complete clone of Mr. Guitarist. He was a nerd so we knew the difference. The subway ride was very quiet. Almost too quiet. Then a girl farted and the car roared with laughter. That did it...
6:15pm - We arrived at the livehouse just after the sound check. We received green X's on our hands if we weren't drinking and a B to notify staff we were part of the band. It didn't matter for me really. They recognized the hat, the hair and the maniac laugh. A few of the people who came to see us were there already. I suppose they wanted to see the other band because we still had about 6 hours before we were up. Since nerves overcame most of us, we decided not to stick around and watch the other bands and go for something to eat. We left our equipment with some people because if we just left our stuff lying around, it'd be stolen in and instant.
6:17pm - Just before leaving I had learned I needed more than just my cymbals and throne. I needed my damn stands, my damn snare drum, and my damn pedal. Thank goodness for mother. She managed to pick up my stuff before dropping off the amp. So I was set. It wasn't all that bad though. One guy from White Ashley (The carrot top guy's band) said he'd lend us their drummer's stuff if I didn't have it by showtime. But we pulled through in any case.
6:38pm - We went to a Pho place for the 3rd time as a band (and the 4th time for me, personally). None of us can ever get sick of it's soupy filly goodness. Except Mr. Guitarist. We all ordered Xtra Large special bowls and he ordered pork on rice. He used to be able to finish an xtra large but because he eats it like an idiot (He puts an extra big blob of hoisin sauce for every bit. No wonder he's sick of it.) We spent
a good hour and a half in there just chatting away about what we heard from the livehouse so far. The other bands all sounded the same. Screamo this and screamo that. Only four other bands stood out for us. One band played a ska-ish set and was generally pretty happy, the headliner band was insanely good (or so I heard), the band after them were really catchy but quite screamo and lastly, White Ashley who were just rockin' like badasses. Good stage presence but unfortunately they sounded pretty alike too.
8:00pm - We walked back to the livehouse and stayed outside with Wuzie's sister, her boyfriend and friend. Since entry was only allowed once for audience, they chose to stay outside until it was near time for us. That and I had to wait for our equipment to be dropped off. We had a good time standing outside. Wuzie's sis took some pic of us messing around and such and I got to know her friend, Peter. He's a cool guy, we made a lot of sexual comments and advances towards him. Occasionally he'd play along so it was all good. While standing outside, we saw alot of the various fans who came to see other bands. Man, a majority of them looked the same too.
9:26pm - You're probably wondering why I'm sometimes so precise with these times. I happened to look at my cell for the time alot that night. Anyway, the amp and my stuff arrived via the van and so we continued to stand outside, chatting up and having fun only with some additional pieces of equipment. I saw my cousins and sister arrive and so they stood with us. So there we were. A circle of fans and the band laughing the summer night away, almost completely forgetting about the live ahead. We heard a few bands from outside and they were pretty good. Instrumental wise though. Some vocals were just noisy. In my opinion. Mr. Guitarist and Wuzie ran back and forth to tell us how they sounded up close. See, as band members we can waltz in and out of the club as we please. Others can only go in once and never leave. Unless they really want to leave.
10:30pm - We decided to head in and lug all the stuff up to the livehouse. Yeah. I forgot to mention this was a couple floors up. But it was all good. We managed to catch White Ashley's performance. There was this one moment that almost killed them. "If we sound, just fucking tell us! If not, tell us anyway!" A loud booming voice from the back said "Okay! You fucking suck!". It was Mr. Bassists's cousin. I didn't tell them though. They still did great. And they had the fans to prove it.
11:00pm - Our fans started to arrive, and the band greeted them with smiles and handshakes. A friend of mine said she had a bottle of Bailey's for me. I thought it'd be best to save it for a better day. My friend (remember the girl I saved from Mr. Bassist's corruption? That's the one) was sitting with her boyfriend and Mr. Bassist saw them and he told me it just hurts to see her with a guy. I was the one who invited them and that was my plan all along. Serves the ass right. White Ashley finished up and we gave them enough high-fives to last them a lifetime. Their fans started to leave but a big majority of the crowd consisted of our fans. There were two more bands then us. Yeah. They were totally running late. The band after White Ashley kinda sucked. It's not only my opinion but it showed because the people who were close to the stage proceeded to sit down as far as they could. It was kinda embarrassing but not as embarrassing as what was about to happen. Almost everyone who was invited was already there. Showtime was nearing.
11:25pm - The band before us started their set. So it was time to prepare. I brought my cymbals and stuff to the side stage and prepared it so that I could easily throw them where needed. I also changed my shirt from the green tee to the white Japanese dress shirt. It was sexified (or so I was told). I also let down my hair. Why?
1) It waves around when I walk really fast
2) Headbanging behind a kit just looks oh so much more fun when you've two feet of hair flying in all directions
3) It's fun to confuse the nearsighted into thinking our band has a chick for a drummer.
11:38pm - The Hoarmoans were the band before us. And it was a sad sight. The club had about 60 something people left and only FOUR were standing near the stage. That's right. Four. Everyone else was waiting for us and the two bands after. They tried cracking jokes and fooling around but the place was still quiet. So with four people standing up, they did their screamo thing and then they ended. The staff guy told us to stand by with our stuff because they were going to cut the other bands set short because they sucked. I felt bad. Just a bit though. I really wanted to play. When their set ended, nobody cheered. There were only a few faint claps here and there. You're supposed to CHEER for a band! CHEER dammit! Their faces were red as cherries.
11:52pm - Two random band members from earlier started talking to me about X Japan, wondering if I was Korean. I then told them our setlist and they were pretty stoked about us covering Weezer. They told me they'd stick around for it even though the rest of their band was waiting outside.
11:55pm - We were set to go. My cymbals were in place. The amps were cranked. Guitars were tuned and the crowd gathered around the stage. Here we go.
11:57pm - We started with Meister's "My World Down" and the intro just went wicked. Oh yeah! I forgot to mentions that this is the first time I played a miked drumkit. The sound was superb. Those of you who know the song should be familiar with the opening chord then the big crash of the rest of the instruments coming in. Yeah. We owned.
Our next song was "Buddy Holly" by Weezer. The two guys from earlier jumped on the stage and started cheering in front of Mr. Bassist, pretty much scaring the crap out of him. It was too funny. Oh yeah. This was Wuzie's first song ever sung live. He did awesome. He even did a humourous intro by saying the artist and title in a very VERY strong Chinese accent. It was great.
We then played our the first original song we've ever done. It's called "All I Really Need Isn't You". It was incredibly fast-paced so the crowd flowed with rockin' heads and jumping around. It was the greatest feeling in the world. It was OUR music that was doing this. All because of us! I couldn't help but smile. And good that I did because enough people were taking flash photos of us on stage. The main chorus got the whole place laughing. I'll save the lyrics for your ears for when I ACTUALLY get a digital recording of the song. It's very us, though.
Next was another cover. A fave amoung the band and apparently, the crowd as well. "Supersonic" by Oasis. It was a good rest song because the next three were pretty much non stop. The heads bobbed as we played this very melodic piece. Wuzie sang it incredibly but at some point our instrumental overpowered him. It went great in any case.
The crowd did a good long cheer because we nailed "Supersonic" right on the noggin. "99 Red Balloons" was next and we fucking kicked ass with it. People actually started jumping. Not necessarily moshing because that's too violent for our happy songs. Mr. Vocalist did really well with the German bit that I coached him with. I really nailed the drumrolls. I get kinda sloppy when I'm in the spotlight but I did fairly well. Just for kick, when my drumming part was over, I stood on my throne and conducted the vocals with my drumstick. People seemed to love it. I perched myself on top of my throne and breathed heavily. That song was tiring!
Our latest original song was next. It's called "Lotus Floating Down A River", however it has nothing to do with floating, rivers or even lotuses. But the riff is f*cking catchy and it definitely showed with the crowd. We would've played it again if it weren't for the time restrictions. It's a great song and we're very proud of it.
12:45am - The crowd made a collective "Aww" when we said this was our last song. We always go out with a bang. This bang is called "Haruka Kanata". You all know it. Thankfully, many recognized the song because we really didn't want to explain it all. If rocking the place was a meal, our audience was more than full.
This was the first time I played drums without my earplugs for about a month. So I obviously lost a bit of hearing. I did have enough left to hear people screaming our name. We were slowly starting to clean up our stuff when the club guy said the last two bands dropped out. They DROPPED OUT!! We didn't make any assumptions but the thought of them dropping out because of us is a good feeling. It kinda sucked though because had we known earlier, we would've extended our set.
1:00am - We can officially now say we've been rockin' out since yesterday. Talkin' with friends and fans was fun. The best part was getting compliments from complete strangers. "Teach me your technique!" one guy said. I'd no clue what he was talking about. I just drummed what I could. The club owner gave me a nice firm handshake and said our set was awesome and was nice for a change. He too thought all the other band sounded the same. And I successfully confused someone into thinking I was a chick behind the kit. Well, sorta. He knows me but he still thought otherwise.
The sponsor for the event offered us and another band another gig on the 30th of September at a larger, less trashy club. We inquired why only two bands. Only the good ones were chosen they told us. F*ckin ace! So not only did we kick ass, but we've been invited to kick some more ass in the future.
2:00am - Most of the people have left and the club closed up. We felt like celebrating at our favourite bubble tea shop. After Mr. Guitarist's friend picked up all our junk, we were off to the bubble tea place. Unfortunately, the fastest public transit lines there were closed. So we had to take a longer alternate route.
3:00am - Mr. Guitarist got in shit with his mom and had to go straight home. Mr. Vocalist wanted to stay with us but his tiredness was near death so we let him go. Only four of us remained. Mr. Bassist, Mr. Rhythm, Wuzie and myself. By the time we got to the tea shop, it would be closed so we decided to go somewhere else. After trudging our tired asses to Mr. Bassist's house, he took the car and we drove around the city looking for a bite to eat. You're probably wondering why we didn't stay close-by to the club. It was in CHINATOWN after all. Well, we were tired and thinking wasn't on the to-do list, okay?
4:23am - Good ol' 24 hours Dim Sum restaurant saved our hungry selves. Yes. There's a 24 hour Dim Sum Restaurant. And boy did we eat. I was mostly thirsty but I had my fair share. I had two pitchers of water! Anyways, we had a toast to our great night with tea drank up and paid the bill. Then headed home.
6:00am - Washed up and stayed awake thinking about the night. Boy was it great. There's more than enough missing in this post but I can't just tell you all. It's more of a "You had to be there" thing.
And now for a few piccies!
On The Street
Dancing like fools on the street outside El Mocambo.
Left To Right: Mr. Rhythm, Mr. Bassist, Me, And Mr. Vocalist
The Hats
Me and Mr. Vocalist
These pics were taken by Wuzies sister. She named us the hat duo. Pretty lame but she's crazy anyway.
Never Leave My Side, Guitars.
The incredibly nervous Mr. Guitarist
Loose jeans
Wuzie's Sis thought this was amusing. She has a thing for my ass. These jeans do nothing for me. They're only my B grade ones. I've a pair that are fitted beyond reality. She'd go mad if she saw those.
Oooo. Pretty!
A blurry pic of the lighting inside the club. It looks pretty...
Aaaahh. Pretty!
Another random pic of inside the club. It's not the greatest venue in the world but it's a start.
WE're on next? Shit...
The bandboys just before goin' up. They're pretty nervous.
Moment of Thought
Anxiously waiting for the damn crap band to finish up. I haven't changed yet.
Live 1
The live! This is Mr. Vocalist singing away while Mr. Guitarist tried to stay alive. There's me in the back.
Live 2
Wuzie! Greatest Chinese Vocalist ever. He looks like a nerd but plays bass like a god and sings like a madman. I love him to death.
Live 3
The whole band shot. Mr. Bassist with his attempt at looking cute with stickers all over his guitar. Mr Guitarist lost in space. Me drumming. Mr. Vocalist "feeling" the music. And last but not least, Mr. Rhythm strumming away.
Something Else!!!
Ahh... Right. That's the first time you've seen my band. I told you we're nothing like the rest. Now I can't wait for you to hear us.
I'm working on website stuffs with Wuzie's sister and as for MP3 recordings, we'll see.
I'll try my f*cking hardest to get back on MyO track with the visits and stuffs. It's 7:19am and I should be asleep so give me a break for now. I hope you enjoyed the loooooong post. That was the live. Thanks. Rock the f*ck on.
- enin -
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Feel the music. Be the music.
There is absolutely no turning back now. The live is today. Why would I turn back in the first place?
I'm super stoked about it. Here's the info:
As you already know, we're playing a Band Wars battle at a clue called El Mocambo. There are 14 bands playing with one feature band (They're supposedly big). My band, Something Else, wil be the third last band to play. And guess what time we're up?
Yeah. We're up pretty late. I'm sure it's common for these type of events but we've never done this type of event before. Our run goes from 11:45pm to 12:20am. So basically we can say that we've been playing since yesterday. That's pretty wicked..
Yesterday we met a few of the band performing. I have to be honest with you. They ALL looked the same. The same hair (longish and curly or dyed pitch black), the same clothes, and same freakishly tall frames. Giants they all are! We're this crazy little Asian band so we got enough stares as we walked into the meeting. It was all good though. The band "Stopping Sebastian"'s lead singer talked to us for awhile and even asked our contact number so we could do show with him (SCORE!). Another band with a bandmember who looked like Carrot Top was alright. They're way too sterotypical looking for a rock band.
It's definitely going to be weird to see a bunch of clone bands in a row. Then us.
But then that's exactly the reason we named ourselves so.
"Tired of clones rockin' out the same bloody thing? Over and over and over again?
You need Something Else."
*laughs* I love it.
Anyway, we have to meet up at Mr. Guitarist's house before heading down to the livehouse. We're going to watch the other bands and/or wander around the area (It's Chinatown!). Once we're up we'll rock the house. Then afterwards, we're off to celebrate somewhere. I'll give you all the details when I can. Until then, wish me stamina and strong sticks. Have an awesome day.
"The shoes will be off and the elastics will stretch coz we're are totally going to rock some socks!"
- enin -
P.S. I'll have pics for sure. I also am working with others for a band website soon. That's means, MP3's, pics, vids and the whole lot. I can't wait!
P.P.S I totally had more to say but I gotta get to bed and my mind shut down an hour ago. I'll have a nice gigantic post for you later on. As for visiting sites, I'm sorry but I'll try to make it ASAP, okay?
Comments (9) |
Monday, August 15, 2005
Scribbles from a drummer
Okay. I'm making a quick stop here then I gotta jet again. I'm friggin' busy.
First off, I'm going to post that wretched Vacation Post of mine that I've been shrugging off since I got back (last month). Just know:
- I saw Elvises
- I bought drumheads
- Went to the beach a buncha times and enjoyed the summer sun
- I made a sandcastle
- I bought jeans
- I brought along a 24 case of Arizona Green Teas and drank the lot
- I DIDN'T DROWN! (Coz I can't swim, remember?)
- Drank lemonade
- Cooked a lovely dinner one night for the family
- Jammed on me guitar in the happy sun
- Looked smokin' in my cowboy hat *laugh*
I had alot of fun. So yeah. I may throw up some pics soon but don't count on it.
So what the heck is Enin so busy with?
In case you didn't catch it before, I have a live coming up this Thursday and the bandboys and I have major practising to do. Sure, there is awkwardness floating around because the fact that they're asses (mostly Mr. Bassist, who I hate with a fucking passion) but our music keeps us together.
I think I mentioned before that our alternate vocalist is Magic Nerd Bassist (Who is on anti-depressants and a whole list of other prescription drugs that make him a bit koo-koo.) He'll be doing vocals for a few of our songs. He has a nice house by the way.
So a few band updates include:
- Our band is bloody broke. We don't even eat that much anymore.
- Resident Evil 4 played as a team (Well, one player with five guys behind you screaming and going on) in the dark with the sound cranked is fun as hell.
- The band is becoming way too dependant on me. Observe->
"Can you jam on Thursday?"
"We're never gonna finish that song. Dammit, Josh."
That's the least of their stupidity. *sigh*
So anyway, the live is going to be fun. It's a big break for us actually. First of all, our band name (Something Else) is printed on the flyers and tickets! (See below) We've even been given an offer for a website by someone I don't know! I'll fill you in as time goes on.
A jam today awaits. I must sleep now. Have a great day and I promise to visit your sites when I can.
- enin -
P.S. My post suck these days but as a guy who sleeps from 7am to 12pm with a diet of barely anything and a mind set on drumming and drumming only, my mind is expected of much. Yes? Yes.

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