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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I have no reason to have a reason
...and the reason for that is that having a reason needs a reason to begin with. And without a reason, there's no reason.
Happy Wednesday, people.
Just a few update appetizers for today. Meals are $30 and up, and you must dress formally.
First day back in class went well. I have two classes on Tuesday, both with the same professor. He's Jewish and honestly the best professor there. for homework, we get to make a "zine" about ourselves in any style. (A zine is essentially a common low budget magazine that artists and similar folk would produce for some pocket change and to get their thoughts out there to those who are interested. It's quite fun.) We also have to write a marketing journal. This weeks topic is anything related to sex. So basically, I have to find something marketed towards us that's sex related, and write about it. I'm probably going to find something completely obscene and praise the crap out of it. Should be good for marks.
The trip oome from class was hell. Both the train and the bus were delayed. On the train, I was less than a stop away from the station I needed to get off at and the power shut down because some crazy retard decided to walk along the tracks. My sadistic side was hoping the bugger would get zapped by the current and we'd get to see a news story unfold. It didn't happen. What happened instead was I stood on the train for half an hour and eventually saw police officers escort a nutjob to a station.
Normally, a half hour delay like that wouldn't bug me. But I hadn't had any sleep the night before and felt disturbingly tired. Running on empty, I continued my trip home and got on the bus. About 4 kilometers away, the bus stopped because of a flat tire. And since it was rush hour, the buses were packed so when another one came along, it was a sardine can. It didn't help that I was surrounded by irritating women and was falling asleep. My fatigue allowed me to become rather paranoid. I felt like everyone around me was judging e and laughing for some reason. When I took off my headphones, it was rather quiet (well, except for the irritating women).
After a long trip home, I decided to at least end the day with a bit of sunshine and visit Leona at the store. I figured I was gonna get a chocolate bar or something since I heard only change in my pocket. just before going in, I looked at the money I had and lo and behold, I had a few nickels and a penny. What the fuck... No chocolate and no excuse to see Leona. Bummer, eh?
[Note: I haven't reached the level where I could just walk in and just say hello. Not enough experience points yet.]
Oh well... My father prepared an awesome pasta dinner. I drummed for an hour or so afterwards to kill time so I don't sleep too early and wake up too early. I have 3 blisters on three separate fingers now. This is what happen when you use cheap sticks and suck ass.
And yeah. I'm graduating in three months. I'm pretty excited despite feeling intimidated by having to make a living and becoming an adult. *laughs* Let's hope I stay motivated and productive.
...well. Actually, I still feel like a holiday bum. Since I went to bed early last night, I woke up early, watched some Samurai Champloo, had breakfast and flaked out for a bit. Don't worry though. Class is in the afternoon so I'm doing SOMETHING. I can be a bit annoying in the morning though. I kept distracting my parents and youngest sis from their morning routine with entertaining videos found online.
Speaking of my youngest sister, she just turned 13 (Well, on the 2nd of January) and was recently asked out on a date by her little sweetheart. Just because she's a teen now, she levels up all of a sudden. What the hell? Aw well, they're just little ones still so it's cute. The guy is a momma's boy too so if anything, I know hell treat her right.
Fuuuck, why am I all big bro-ish?
I need art supplies. Badly. My 2b and 6b pencils are disappearing. Fuck. I still need a tablet too. Fuck.
I still need to learn Korean too.
Fuuuuuck. Okay. Carry enough change to buy candy and see Leona. I still haven't wished her a happy new year yet. C'mon, Josh! Exp. points! Level Up!
I have too much on my mind right now. Thanks for catching the spill. Take it easy, fans.
- enin -
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Monday, January 7, 2008
Hullo, 2008!
I have to make this one a short one.
To those who I haven't spoken to yet since last year, I wish you a very prosperous new year. Peace of mind, body and soul to you all.
For new year, I served drinks and had some to drink as well. This lasted for several days in several houses. I can't say much else except that I thoroughly enjoy conversations with anyone plastered.
After the drinking spree, I did nothing but relax for the past few days. Had some nice meals, tasted some of my new wines, watched dvds and played some games. If you know me well enough, time to myself like that means plenty of thinking. I'll have more about what's been on my mind for tomorrow.
In the meantime, I must prepare for my final quarter at school...
.. I fuckin' graduate in three months.
Time to pull out the big guns.
- enin -
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Monday, December 31, 2007
Current Year - 2007.9999999984
Whoa damn. This one is almost up.
It certainly felt short. I was busy with school all year and had little time to just spicy chill, so that's probably why.
But first, a quick note about yesterday and the miniature amounts of goodness that happened.
So I didn't sleep at all that night. I was up and pacing in my room trying to tired myself out until long after the sun rose. Then at around 10am, I tried to get at least half an hour of sleep. It didn't work. After deciding I'll sleep better after a day out, I got out of bed and headed downtown to get my Wacom tablet issue checked out. Oh, I put on clothes and a coat first though. It was cold.
I was expecting to see a lineup of customers waiting to return/exchange their items at the store. Thankfully, I was wrong. I went straight up to the desk and told the employee my deal. She was very pleasant about it and said I could go check if they had a replacement of an alternate item. Unfortunately, they were completely out of stock for tablets. She gave me a full refund instead. I may not have a tablet at the moment, at least I'm not stuck with a $200-something hole in my credit card. I'm going to wait a few days until I look for another one.
I'm not sure why, but everyone I encountered that day was very pleasant. It's not like I was expecting asses, jerkoffs, and jerking-asses-off or anything. It's just a nice feeling to see smiles everywhere you go.
My next stop for my afternoon run was the music store downtown, called Steve's Music Store. *laughs* That sentence sounded so great. I should narrate a children's show....
...nah. I'm better off voicing a cartoon frog.
Anyway... The drum section is located upstairs so up, up, up the stairs I went. I saw a couple of customers and about 4 employees, all resembling a drum-type bunch. They didn't say anything when I walked in, but I felt welcomed anyway.
I spent about 15 minutes trying to decide on what kind of sticks I wanted try out this time. Meanwhile, the guys behind me were waiting for a cymbal to come up from storage, so they could give it to a kid who preordered. They were a fun bunch of characters, speaking in a manner that would amuse anyone. "The money you hold in that very hand of yours is now summoning a QUALITY cymbal of crash. Use it well, my friend." *laugh* I loved it.
I picked up my sticks, took them to the cashier and was told I am self sufficient in my stick choosing. With enough change left over, I figured I could make a stop at the Vietnamese sandwich store for lunch.
When I arrived, I was greeted by the lady who makes the best sandwiches. She spoils me with the lemongrass sausage so much sometimes, I feel like I'm not paying enough. Heh. Since I didn't get to give them their Christmas card a couple of Fridays ago, I gave it to them then. As a thank you, they gave me yet ANOTHER calendar featuring extremely pretty Hong Kong stars. After wishing her a Happy New Year, I left, but not before faintly hearing "It's full of beautiful ladies" from behind the counter. That just made my day.
Just before hopping on the streetcar to the subway, I saw a public demonstration with a large number of Chinese folk (well, it was Chinatown...), announcing that over 300 million (I think that's what it was) people have left communist China in the past 3 years. They also had performers, giving a taste of the upcoming Chinese New Year celebration. It was fun to watch for a bit, but I needed to get home. The lack of sleep was catchin' up on me.
After getting off at my stop, I decided to stop by the convenience store to pick up a drink. Annnnd yeah, Leona wasn't there. It was sort of a good thing though, because I don't think I'm prepared to see her at the moment. I keep having these nightmares about her saying she's married, or telling me I have the writing of a four year old. *shudder* I'd probably collapse if that happened.
Her mother was at the cashier instead. Keeping the feel of the day consistent (and moreso to my relief), her mom had a very pleasant look on her face as well. I bought a milkshake of triumph because of my good mood. I didn't ask about Leona, but I did wish her a happy new year. She wished me the same and bowed all Korean-like.
I didn't go straight to bed after because my dad was cooking a mass amount of dumplings. I wasn't going to miss out on that.
I slept quite soundly just after seeing that you guys enjoyed the videos. I'm glad you did. I don't think I'll be doing that again for a long time though. I think one of my resolutions this year will have to be give better gifts. And I will... Oh ho ho..
I have just under 12 hours until the new year. Even though my resolutions stay the same for the most part, I'm gonna scribble up a list in a bit. I have drinks to mix tonight for the festivities. Mostly shots because they're fun. Sweet shots are like the snipers of the bartender world. You certainly don't see it coming when they hit. *laughs* I'm gonna stick to my wines this time. The flamethrowers of the bartender world. I'll get toasted nice and slow.
I'm sure most of you have festivities to attend to yourself so I'll end this soon.
Knowing most of you lot for these past years makes me grin like a fool. I haven't been around much this year. Looking back on it, I haven't done much besides school. Well, I did turn 21 and have the BBQ of a lifetime. And I moved to a new house. And had the best fuckin' Halloween of my life. Mr. West came over all of a sudden too to eat mango at my Uncle's birthday and play Wii at my place. *laughs* Okay, so maybe this was a pretty sweet year.
Anyway... I want you to remember I appreciate you all no matter what. It would feel like eating sushi without the fish without you. What would be the point? Cucumber rolls never counted in my books. They were just to kill time chewing while my chopsticks picked up another fat piece of sashimi. Know this well, my friends:
Prepared in whatever fashion
I was once told
Be it fried or poached
Raw or rolled
Blackened, grilled
Hot or cold
In a soup
In a bowl
In little bits
Or eaten whole
Is good for the body
And great for the sole soul
*laughs* I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. Canadians are into the poetry these days.. And I think I'm having fish for dinner tonight.
Back to the point now. I hope you all had a sweet year. I wish you a great '08. So great, it make 2007 look like a dress rehearsal. Here's to the awesome that awaits us. Let's make it happen, everyone.
Oh so toasted,
- enin -
P.S. Maybe that bit about my not recording another video was a lie. MAYBE.....
P.P.S. I'm gonna hug my laptop now so hopefully the words in my post are still warm when you hug yours. Do it.
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
I had lots of it within the past week. Particularly because I received a lot of wine for Christmas. Since the summer, I've been getting into wine and all it's fine goodness. I haven't refined my taste all that much yet, but I know what I like and I know what's awesome and what's purple piss.
For Christmas eve, the family and I joined my father side of the family to celebrate. Lots of food and lots of laughter. Most of us were on the floor laughing from making fun of each other. And nobody was drinking (that much). Great times.
On Christmas day, my Godfather (the Gandalf of the family who's British, wise, and walks with a staff---err, I mean cane.) took my family out for Christmas lunch to this insanely expensive restaurant. I had the traditional turkey meal with a smoked salmon platter to begin and a bottle of white wine (forgot the name). The place was exquisite. Guests had to book at least 4 months earlier for a sitting on Christmas day. And THAT's why he's Gandalf. Wizardry, yo.
Later that day, we joined up with my mother's side of the family for a lot more food, strong drinks and hi-def movie watching. I attempted to play the piano there and figured out how to play a track from Nobuta Wo Produce as well as a few video game melodies. Again, lots of fun. Tiring, but fun.
Since I don't ask for anything for Christmas anymore, everything becomes a surprise for me. Bottles of wine were a few. I also received The Orange Box for Xbox 360 and Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii from the sisters, some DVDs (Little Britain: Abroad and other Britis humour fun) and some wine stuff from my Godfather (inc. a winerack/display table, 9 bottles of various wines, a chef wine opener, some clay cups for my red wine and a book about drinking.), more wine and money from the parents and some nice shirts and cards from everyone else.
All the gifts are great... which kinda makes me feel cruddy as ever because I was limited to cards and random bits of joythings as the gifts I gave out. I still made promises I'd do better next year. Hopefully that'll hold for now.
Lil' sis got a Lord of the Rings board game from my Godfather. I don't think I've ever been so intense about a board game ever before. The main goal should be obvious... Destroy the ring. You get to play as the four hobbits (and if there are five players, you play "Fatty" the hobbit. What the f---?).
It's awesome because it's a cooperative game instead of a competitive one. My two younger sisters, my cousin and I played it a couple of days ago and we failed 4 times to win. It's fuckin' tough. We kinda missed a detail or two in the rules as well. So when we try again, it should be a little bit easier (I doubt it).
Even though we played for hours and hours, it was a lot of fun We had the movie soundtracks playing and for whatever reason, the more intense music played during the moments we were quite literally fucked. It's probably just our geeky minds. But yeah, lots of fun.
I'm gonna head back to the store where I got my tablet today because I really need it to work and I don't have time for waste without it. Not only do I need it for school, I still have a load of fanart I wanna post and it's rare that I feel this motivated to do fanart. Hopefully I get that taken care of.
I also need to pick up new drumsticks because I (finally) set up my drumkit in the basement. It's not completely clear yet and still looks like a storage room, but there's enough room for the kit and walking space. I'll slowly be sorting the other stuff out as time goes by. It feels nice to play again. Feel even better to jam without restriction either. I don't have to worry about neighbours or anything. And oddly enough, my parents are enjoying my sessions too. Even though it's a helluva lot louder, they prefer it when I play with a backtrack blaring from speakers, instead of just hearing drums while I use my headphones. Since I'm only using PC speakers at the moment, I'm probably going to invent in an amp sometime soon. It'll make amateur recording easier too.
And now for the main course of this post. The videos!
Okay... I'm very very VERY sorry that they're so late. And I'm even more sorry that they suck. I made them really early one morning and was just sobering up from.... Wine. What else? So I won't make a lick o' sense. And after editing these vids for the past while, I really hate my face and I hate my voice twice as much. And I didn't know that dimple on my face was so dominant.
Despite all that, I did make a promise. And here they are. Late, but still within a reasonable time.... I think. Hopefully, you're still enjoying holiday spirit fallout at this point. Otherwise, I'm sorry. Enjoy!
The Intro Video
This is to start things off, as well as greet those who didn't request a vid.
To Shadow
To Vicky
To Alina
To James
To Alexa
Feel free to check out the other vids. It's not all that fantastic because you'll be seeing more of my fugly mug and listening to my frog voice. It's up to you really. *laughs* There's another vid I'm working on for one of you with the late request (you know who you are) so expect it in a PM or something.
So I apologize again for the late vids and the cruddy content. I tried...
Let's see how New Year will go down this time. In the meantime, rest easy, everyone!
- enin -
Comments (5) |
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It's 5:00am right now. I managed to make the videos for you who commented but I don't think I make sense because I'm so bleedin' tired. I've been up since 7am and been busy since. I'm gonna re-record video greetings for you four sometime today. If you'd like, I'll show you the original ones too. In the meantime, I hope you're all having a swell Christmas day or a holly jolly whatever else.
I'll be back with something good... I hope.
- enin -
P.S. You can make your way to SomeGuy's page to get a juicy serving of annual tradition posted on TheO's frontpage. He did it again, yo.
Comments (5) |
Monday, December 24, 2007
After all there's only one more sleep 'till Christmas...
God, I love that movie. A Muppet Christmas Carol, that is. I only saw a glimpse of it before heading out today but the songs got stuck in my head instantly. Made me feel all holiday-ish and crap.
Speaking of feeling like things, I suppose you two (Banane and Shadow) were right about the Korean mom thing. Perhaps I do have a hope left.But dam, that stare! I'm too battle damaged to go back for a bit. I'm gonna wait it out until I decide to see Leona again.
Last night, I had sushi with the family at our favourite sushi place. Unfortunately, my sushi cat wasn't there. You may or may not remember her. She's a waitress I have a crush on and she reminds me of a cat. Anyway, the meal was great. Usually a good meal gets me all smiley and stuff. I ate a order of beef udon soup, a boatfull of sashimi, some tempura, an order of deep-fried oyster, and some teriyaki chicken on rice. Then I picked on everyone else's food too. Then the owner came out started embarrassing me in front of the family and other customers again. It was cute though, she spoke in Engrish and said I should go into "moderring" and asked if I had a "girrfriend". *laughs* She's sweet.
Well. It's Christmas eve. I'm crap with presents this year. I only managed to give cards and greetings to family and friends. I scribbled "IOU a good gift next year" inside their cards. I'll be graduating in March so the student life will be behind me and I should be able to keep my promise.
I really wish I could've gotten something for you guys. The best I can think of is some sort of video greeting. Well, how 'bout it? Comment to this post and you get my ugly mug wishing you a great holiday in full motion picture style. *laughs* Seriously.... You deserve something.
Oh right. I hope you have the music still playing as you read. It's one of my favourite Christmas tracks and I've had it for years. I think the artist is Seiko Matsuda. It's such a cute medley.
I should be asleep. It's 4:30am and I need to be up at 8:30ish to help a buddy set up some extravagant decorations for his bash. Why am I so generous? I'm not. I'm getting paid. *laughs* See? Art student life!? Pitiful, Josh... Pitiful.
So yes. If you have any requests for the video greeting, do mention it. Otherwise, I'll have to improvise the content based on who you are.
Have a Happy Christmas Eve, everyone. However you celebrate, I wish you a great one.
- enin -
P.S. I have a special something for certain peeps here. It's not all that special, but it's... special. Aw fuck, I'm tired.
P.P.S. My mac screensaver makes it snow just like in real life! I want a snowman.
Comments (4) |
Sunday, December 23, 2007
That's what I get for enjoying myself...
...ohhh woe is me.
I knew this would happen. But why now?!
As far as my experiences go, whenever I'm a a good mood, it tends to fade away after awhile. Well, it's not all that bad. It's just that a few things haven't gone my way for the past little bit and it's kinda bumming me out.
I'll start with the one that worried the shit out of me.
My mom was in the hospital last Thursday. I had thought it had something to do with diabetes (which she was recently diagnosed with) but fortunately, she's physically fine. I don't know the details, but my dad said it might have to do with stress. I feel like a big chunk of it is my fault because I can be terribly useless around the house. Not anymore though. I don't care what it is that could be stressing my mom, I just know I'm not letting her visit the hospital for the same reason ever again.
Now because of this sudden incident, Christmas is no longer going to be held at our house. the parties for each side of the family will be held somewhere else. Of course this takes a whole load of my mom's shoulders (and everyone else in the house) but that doesn't mean we'll stop readying the hose for visitors. Even though our families aren't coming over, I still want to organize the crap out of stuff (including the room in the basement where I'm suppose to have my drums).
Mumsie is doing fine right now though an back to her usual self. Joking about how dad is loco and telling my youngest sis to mind her posture (no slouching). So no huge worries.
And now for a couple of other things that kinda took my mood a number of levels down.
I bought a new Wacom tablet on Friday because my old one (the one given to me by former boss/computer arts teacher, aka the free one) konked out and stopped working. So I got me a nice Intuos 3 for some decent coin. When I got home to try it out, the pen wasn't working as smoothly as it should. The tablet sometimes doesn't detect the pen so I have to wait for it to do so or use the mouse. That completely ruins the purpose of the fucking tablet. It's supposed to make things easier, not more complicated. I've contacted support about the issue so hopefully, that problem will get resolved soon. In the meantime, I'm stuck with this brand new, moody tablet piece of shit.
Since the tablet is being a dick, I can't work on the fanart I've been wanting to do for awhile. And I reeeally wanted to finish these ones up. I'm just too pissed off about all these little sitches that I just feel so uninspired to do anything now. And fuck, I was on such a roll too...
On the same night I bought the stupid-ass tablet I bought the last minute cards I needed. One of them was for the ladies at the Vietnamese sandwich shop but they were closed when I passed by and I don't know when I'll be able to go there again to drop it off. I doubt it'll be anytime before Christmas so I guess there's goes a perfectly good card.
As you probably already know, the other card was for Leona. I didn't get a chance to (attempt to) write something in Korean so that cute idea went straight out the window. Actually, I think what I wrote in English is illegible too. I was trying to write on the train ride home (giving me time to pass by her store). Unfortunately, a mix of nerves, 3rd grade penmanship, and movements on the track made what I wrote look... well, retarded. As much as I didn't want to give it to her, I had to. I've gone this far, right?
When I finally made it to the store, I felt as if someone had punched me in the lungs from the inside out. Instead of Leona's welcoming smile and greeting, I saw her serious-faced mother at the cashier. I wanted to just turn right around but this was pretty much my only opportunity to get the card to her because I have way too much to do for the next few days. After grabbing my milkshake of failure, I paid for it, and asked where Leona was. With a face as straight as 2 x 4, her mother answered "She's not here. Why?" I asked her to hand her the card when she had a chance and left promptly. It was as if I were too late or something. As if Leona somehow already had an arranged marriage or something crazy like that (which honestly wouldn't surprise me considering how bleedin' cute she is). After leaving the store, I turned around and waited for the door to slowly shut so I could belt out the loudest "FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!" I've done in awhile. I could swear, even though she didn't say anything, her mother was trying to tell me "Don't bother, kid." She had one of those "what exactly are you trying to do" kind of looks. Y'know. The kind of stare that pierces your very soul with a thousand spears of displeasure.
Auugh... It killed me. Killed me so much, I didn't even drink the milkshake. I felt unworthy of it's fattening goodness. I had a bag full of regular 2% milk instead (thankfully not lactose intolerant here, though it still made my tummy make funny noises.) My card was so lame too. I don't think my efforts went anywhere this time. I give up. For serious this time. I'm not going to that store ever again. I can get my convenient goods elsewhere... Or just make someone else get 'em.
How depressing...
Spare me your pity though. As disheartening as my days seem right now, I know they'll pick up. I mean, Christmas is almost here and that means good times with the fam and lots of delicious eats. I think a good meal oughtta bring up the HP, eh?
Anyway, sorry for the miserable post. I'll have something a tad more cheery on the 'eve. Promise.
- enin -
P.S. I don't say cheers anymore. Too many people say it both digitally and in day-to-day speech which is kind of annoying. I'll stick to the word that makes it as if you've all raised your glasses to me. Which you should be doing.
...I'm okay. I'm okay....
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Yawning too little
Hullo. It's 7am at the moment. I hear people getting up... Well.. Trying to get up. I've heard alarms go off a bunch of time but no movement afterwards. Heh.
I slept really early, in case you're wondering why I'm up. I had 4 chicken sandwiches and then passed out in my room. I know sleeping right after eating is totally not healthy, but I couldn't help it.
Speaking of sleeping, I tried the dream thing and I don't remember exactly what I dreamed about, but I do remember it was Christmas time and I was in my old house opening presents. Not weird enough you say? I was 6 years old in this dream and at that age, I was in a different house. So it kinda jumbled up there. So yeah. 6 years old and young enough to still be wearing pajamas while opening gifts...
...actually. I wear pajamas for gift time still. It's weird opening gifts on Christmas with regular clothes. As soon as I receive a gift, I tell them to wait till I get home to change. *laughs* I'm kidding. Well, not totally kidding. I do like pajamas on Christmas. It makes eating treats more comfortable. Heh...
I've made a little more progress with the drawing stuff. This time, I did a vector of Yuki Nagato from Haruhi. She's awesome. AND an alien. But yeah... Have a look:
You might recognize the scene but there's a small change. Everything's explained in the comments.
I think what I love about Yuki is that she doesn't say much. She's quiet most of the time and when she says something, there's good purpose for it. Otherwise she just answers with a syllable. Same goes for Mori-sempai from Ouran Highschool Host Club, another favourite character of mine. I think I'll do fanart of him sometime. But I've got a list of other stuff I want to illustrate first.
And yeah, BASE BALL BEAR is a sweet band. They've got such a highschool feel to their look and music. Again, I'm struck by memories of my band days. It sucks that it had to end but I at least got to experience it. And I still drum of course. Not as often as I want to but I do. As soon as I clear out the fucking basement room, I'm set. Augh! I still have to do that!!
I still need to buy a few Christmas cards. One for Leona (Korean girl) and one for the ladies who work at the Vietnamese sandwich place. They spoil with with so much extras when I go there, I can't NOT thank them. And they gave me a wall sized calendar for 2007 featuring hot Hong Kong actresses. They deserve thanks for sure.
And I might make a (laaaaaame) attempt at scribbling some Korean in the card for Leona. Iunno what to say or how to say/write it though. I'll think of something. I'll try to get that figured out today.
Random thought: My mom is weird. She gets medium coffees with one cream and one milk at Tim Horton's. I love her to bits though. That is all.
Before I go, I wanted to show you something I just whipped up.
*laughs* It was fun. Lots of photo manipulation though, but I think it looks alright. I effed up the glass and there's no straw. I lost style points there. I think it was Monkey Orange who said "It's rare to see anyone who actually looks like their avatars." *laughs* True... It'd be different if everyone was as kooky as I am.
Oh right. Watch Beck if you haven't.
Enjoy your thirst-day!
- enin -
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
3am orange shirts rapid eye movement bullet train
Holy wow pants avec la pomplemousse. For the sake of showing you what I was talking about with regards to the Haruhi/Linda Linda Linda thing, I went searching for some screencaps of both the episode and the film because I swore they seemed really similar. It seems Haruhi fans at the SOS wiki laid it all out in detail already. I knew it! I bleedin' knew that there was some sort of connection!
The Wiki page featuring tidbits and trivia about the episode, including some very obscure references to Linda Linda Linda, that I missed.
A series of screencaps that feature the scenes that struck me as familiar while watching the Haruhi episode.
Oh maaaaan. I so knew it. I mean, it kinda hit me once I saw four females in a rock band performing at a school festival. Just that one shot of the stage clicked the lightbulb in that topsy turvy attic of a skull of mine.
By the way, if you haven't seen Linda Linda Linda, do try to find it on DVD. The screening run is long over by now so the VIZ production w/ subtitles is your best bet. It's a cute story. I mean, for someone who tried the "let's make a band" thing himself, it sorta was a memory lane kinda deal. Of course in my case, we were all guys. I mean, we ARE all guys. I haven't spoken to the bandboys for quite some time, but I'm sure they've got their 'pieces' intact.
I made a inch of progress with the drawing stuff yesterday morning. After cleaning my room, I started browsing through scenes of Nobuta Wo Produce to see what I felt like drawing. I ended up drawing an interesting character who didn't really have a name. Well, he had a pseudonym because he did some writing. Delphine Sakurada. He's a book keeper. I think the actor who played him (Imawano Kiyoshiro) is a rockstar.. I remember seeing him do some punk cover of something. Anyway, he was a great character and had wicked hair for his age.
I drew him in about... an hour, with only a paused video as a reference. So it kinda sucks. You can see it here:
Imawano Kiyoshiro
Oh yeah. I've some other junk to see there as well. Even the Resident Evil Zombie packaging I redesigned.
I don't know if anyone remembers, but there was this trick I recommended awhile ago that involved drinking coffee (or something with caffeine) just as you're about to go to bed. The trick is that you need to be sleepy in order for it to work. Otherwise, you just stay up. If it does work, what happens is that your dreams a boost of adrenaline and you start to dream about stuff like people and events from the past that wouldn't regularly cross your mind. I think it works because the caffeine jolts your memory, takes some thoughts hidden in the back and pushes them up the queue.
I tried it a number of times before. It works for me, I'll tell you that. My dreams blended people from flippin' elementary school with people I know at the moment. And the wildest part is that your dreams switch from one scene to the next really quickly. It's such a trip. My friend from Lebanon tried it by mistake after downing some energy drinks and dozing off. He told me about his experience so I explained to him why. He went banonkers.
I think a majority of you have a lot to do these days, but if ever you wanna try something new... Do the caffeine dream adventure.
If it works tonight, I'll tell you the results.
Dream trippy, people.
- enin -
P.S. Regarding the Linda Linda Linda bit.. If you can't check out the movie, at least try to seek out the music. This includes the original soundtrack with PARANMAUM (the fictional girl band) and instrumentals by James Iha (of former Smashing Pumpkins fame), BASE BALL BEAR (not featured in the film but the girl who played the bassist is the actual bassist for BASE BALL BEAR), and last but not least, the inspiration for the flick, The Blue Hearts. Start off by checking out some YouTube vids. They've got some good sound and great energy. So hurry up and give your eardrums a serving of awesome.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Excuse for lazyness! Fuuuuu!
Who digs Hard Gay? I know I do!
Well, I'm slowly releasing myself from that slump I was suffering from earlier. I think what's getting me out is the fact that I have absolutely nothing to do for the next three weeks. Yes, it's the winter break.
Now if you can hear the music (and you should because I picked a random flash music player so it'd work on all browsers), you might be able to recognize it if you've seen Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu. It's the music that plays when thins are relatively normal. I find something very uplifting about this track. This is the kinda of instrumental I could listen to all day.
Speaking of instrumentals, I've been addicted to the OST of Nobuta Wo Produce. Actually, I've been addicted to everything Nobuta Wo Produce. If you haven't see it, I do recommend it. I've only watched it recently though I've had a copy of the RAW videos on my external drive for almost 2 years. I only recently DLed fansubs when I saw it sitting in a drama folder. So yeah, very good series.
Since I've got all this time to kill, I'm planning on doing a lot of drawing. Mostly fanart for current addictions. I'll be submitting them to a certain ART website where DEVIANTS dwell. Think you might know what I speak of? Good. Find me.
Umm.. Updates.. Hmm.....
- I'm pretty broke so I have to be creative with gifts this year. And if that fails, dollar store.
- The Korean girl who works at the convenience store around the corner is terribly cute. She greets everyone with this "Hiiii". It's kinda patronizing but I'm sure she doesn't mean it. *laughs* Anyway, since I kinda sorta have a thing for her, I've been basing what I buy on how we first greet each other. If I just walk in without saying anything or if someone else is there, I get a bottle of apple juice. If I do manage to chat with her a bit, then I grab a Rolo or Coffee Crisp milkshake. Unless there's something I really need to buy, that what I get. Basically, they're excuses to see her. It took me a couple of months before I managed to ask her name. This isn't anything serious though. She's just cute and I like to see her. Her name is Leona, by the way.
- Oh! The music just reminded me about something. I doubt anyone will know what I'm talking about, but if you do, I'll draw something for you. A couple of weeks ago, I was rewatching Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuustu and I noticed something. You know the episode where it's the school festival and Haruhi and Yuki (my absolute favourite) play onstage? Doesn't that kinda remind you of Linda Linda Linda? That scene is really similar, eh? It's the second best episode too (Number one being the "Day of Sagittarius III" video game episode. Yuki rules too hard in that ep)
- It's snowing a lot here lately. And it looks beautiful.
- Feck'n feck. Since we're in a new house, my family is hosting 2 Christmas parties. The family from my dad's side on Christmas eve, then on Christmas day we have lunch with my Godfather, then another Christmas party with the peeps from my mom's side. My insane parents are planning on making the main course prime rib of beef for both parties. When I asked how much we'd need, they mentioned something along the lines of 16 lbs. total. I DID NOT want to know how much that was going to cost. And that's just the main course.... Well, mass amounts of delicious food aside, I think it should be great fun. I'm gonna clear out one of the basement rooms (which is currently storing boxes) to set up my drums, a few TVs for the Wii and Xbox 360, and a stereo for the cousins and I to hang out in. Thus the "Feck'n feck". I've a lot of work to do...
- Fish balls are great.
Alright. Time to close up, change my cardigan and shoes and sing some shit about neighbours... Or maybe not.
Have a swell day!
- enin -
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