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Sunday, December 9, 2007
I wish it were easier to turn thoughts into words. For now, whatever it is brewing in my head will remain there. I'm a bit behind with school projects and whatnot. Mainly because I've been slacking off, daydreaming, feelin' nostalgic.. perhaps hints of melancholy sprinkled in there somewhere.
If I'm not clicking away at my Macbook Pro, you'd probably catch me sighing.
It's that kinda vibe with me right now. I'll go into a bit more detail with some other posts I hope to have up sometime soon. It's hard to just not post... but thinking of ways to channel thought into writing digital scribble format is a bit harder.
And since the holidays are coming 'round, I thought I'd attempt to show SOME type of gratitude to you guys. I feel shitty for not being able to give as much as I get from you, so I wanna do something. Details on that later.
And a big thank you to Vickstah and bananafish for journeying through my Halloween post. I'm sorry it was so much, but I had such a great time, I wanted to detail it out so you guys could at least kinda maybe perhaps sample the energy that night. And a separate thanks to Molly, who informed me she thought it was a retardly long post as well as reading it (methinks). So yeah. Glad you like Jaden.
It's 4am. I think it's snowing outside. I'm just gonna lie down now. Whatever time you're reading this at, I hope you're doing well.
I know I've probably said "I'm back" or "I've returned to myO" eleven dozen times before. I won't say it now because I don't know if I'll disappear again or not. Just... expect posts..
I miss my moon.
- enin -
Comments (4) |
Friday, November 30, 2007
Halloween.. 30 days later.
Halloween doesn't need to end
...but for the sake of attempting to seem normal, I'll (finally) finish her up now. And so, I bring you (a month late, but who cares?) my Halloween Post.
If you're looking at the pic and haven't already guessed, that's the new character/costume I whipped up this year.
His name is Jaden, the successor of Mr. Grinn. There are a few obvious likenesses as you can see. They both share similar looks and colours, but if you look closely, Jaden is without a smile.
Mr. Grinn found him abandoned and face down on the side of the road with an engraving just in view through a rip in his shirt. It read "Jouet Cassé". He knew what it meant. As he turned the puppet over, he saw pieces broken off of it's body, tears in it's emotionless face. Truly, this puppet has been through the worse. Yet Mr. Grinn saw nothing but beauty in it. He renamed him "Jaden Callistus", to keep with the initials of the true title on his back.
Jaden entertained Mr. Grinn during his free time. Dancing, putting on shows for his master all without uttering a single word. He performed everyday except the thirty first of October. One night, Mr. Grinn told Jaden that for the first time ever, he would not be gone on Halloween. He was to retire this year and have Jaden take his place, to roam the streets and meet the world, spreading smiles wherever he goes, just as his master had done the eyars before. Jaden was also reminded that since Mr. Grinn was leaving, he would be without a master. On Halloween night, Jaden was free.
So now you know the puppet, I'll tell you about the day.
Wednesday (the day Halloween fell on) is one of my free days from school. I needed to go to school anyway to participate in the contest held at 12:30pm. I woke up around 9:00am to get ready. Now, the costume consists of a cardboard "H" as the holdy thing puppeteers use, some white rope for the strings, some aluminum wire to support the rope attached to my arm and head, a hairpin to keep the rope to my head, and a black stick to support the whole thing. The issue here was what the hell was supposed to support the stick? My solution was to use duct tape. But sticking the duct tape to a shirt (underneath another shirt, so it's not in full view) wasn't a good support because the shirt would still kinda sway forward. Soooo, I stuck the stick to my back. Yes, my bare flesh and duct tape. Spoilers: It doesn't work for long.
So here I am, 11-ish in the morning, yelling at my sister to make sure she gets the duct tape to stick on strong and straight. I eventually made my way out the door with nothing but my wallet, house keys, bus pass and cellphone. I wasn't gonna carry a bag. Puppets don't carry bags. On the bus, I sat at the back of the bus, dead centre. Scroll up and take another look at my mask and stop wondering why nobody sat at the back of the bus with me. I counted about 9 empty seats. A group of school kids all stood at the front, whispering to each other about me. The "H" controls above me waved around with every little bump as I stared back. Some older people boarded the bus and greeted me a happy Halloween. They were cool, I wish I had candy for them.
Finally arrived at school, 2 minutes before the contest started. After leaving the elevator, the crazy desk lady greeted me with about a thousand "HI HOW'RE YA DOING? GREAT COSTUME!" I entered the student lounge and was welcomed by a few mediocre costumes, and my buddy who dressed as a vampire. An awesome vampire. His girlfriend was also a vampire and she was there too. Also present: A moogle, a Girl-rilla (a gorrilla suit with a tutu on), an emo fag from animation department trying to be who's-his-face from Sin City, and... Umm.. I forgot. I only remember those three because I recognized one from FF, the other won first prize and the last one pissed me off just looking at him.
The prizes were $100, $20, $10 in Best Buy funds for the 1st 2nd and 3rd place respectively. After a few minutes of talking the judges (faculty members) they gave third to my vamp friend, second to me and first place to the stupid monkey bitch who claimed her costume to be home made. And that was that for school.
And so the two vamps and I were off to wander the city, search for anyone else in costume and of course, show ours off. Eventually Lady Vamp had to go meet a friend so it was just Vamp and I. We stayed in character the whole day. I wobbled around as if to be controlled by shaky hands and Vamp just worked on snarling without smiling. In most cases, he failed. It made for good laughs of course. We spent some time at the Eaton Center (big mall downtown) and bought some drinks.
Now, I don't remember in what order these bits of the story happened, but I'll give it a try.
My support stick was slipping because though it was a nice day with a cool breeze, my back perspired and the duct tape started to slip. Over a cell phone, Lady Vamp told me she could get a hold of some more tape at her school (another art school) in the woodshop. On our way, we freaked out a really funny black guy who said "Thank God I don't have to deal with this everyday. Nice costume.", and group of school kids on a class trip. A majority of those kids were of the Asian persuasion and so we got our first (of many) "Woah! WOAH!" reactions like they do in those little picture-in-picture reaction boxes on Japanese television shows. You know the kind.
Also, I need to mention that at this point about 11 pictures were taken of me and it was only 3 pm. The count goes retardedly high later on. I do not lie.
We met up with Lady Vamp at the entrance of her school and followed her inside. I was unimpressed at the number of people NOT dressed up which was close to nobody. For an art school, it was a bit sad. Lady Vamp showed me the tape and saw it was clear cellophane tape. I didn't think it was going to work so she recommended trying a cheap belt to tie around my chest. And off to a thrift store we went.
We entered the store and browsed the belt rack, looking for a belt with a subtle buckle and a long enough strap to fit around my chest. Once we picked one, we realized it didn't have hole where they should be so we borrowed scissors from the cashier guy and poked a hole. Then the vamps and I went to a change room to strap the stick tightly to my body. A customer or two gave us a strange look. Probably because I kept saying "This is sooo kinky! Tighter! Tighter!!" out loud and moaning. *laughs* Really, I did.
...and it did feel kinky.
And now that we took care of the little slippy issue, we continued our journey around downtown, killing time. We entered the Eaton Center again and had lunch. I had teriyaki stuffs because it was light and I can't 'perform' on a full stomach. The vamps ate Greek food. After what I thought was lunch (later became din-din because I had no time to eat) we wandered even more.
We passed by our local rock radio station and saw a band playing live. We recognized some songs and figured they were a cool cover band. After a couple of songs, we recognized them as Jimmy Eat World tunes. Suddenly, it dawned on us that it could possibly be Jimmy Eat World themselves... but we doubted it still. .... then they introduced themselves as Jimmy Eat World. *laughs* It was cool. They had some hits back when I was younger so it made for a bit of nostalgia. Well, it wasn't THAT far back but it sparked some memories nonetheless.
We received a call from another bud from school that was on his way. He was planning on dressing up with an 'old man' mask. Normally, he's not the super outgoing type, but we persuaded him to come out on Halloween and spend the night with us checking out costumes. some time later, he arrived in tattered clothing with the mask on. He appeared to be dressed up as a homeless old man... Then he pulled out the Tim Horton's (Canadian Coffee Shop Chain) cup and it was complete. He told us that another friend of ours was going to bring him an empty wine bottle and paper bag to add to the effect. We wanted to see how convincing he was as a bum so we started asking for change. Normally, he wouldn't dare be this forward, but with the mask on, he was like a completely different person. A dozen people or so shrugged him off. Mission complete. This is just another reason why I love Halloween.
We returned to the Eaton centre so Bum could eat. While he ate, the rest of us ate candy he gave us earlier. I tried staying in character and eating through the mouth opening in my mask. It was a creepy sight according to those eating nearby. Then we headed out, but not before seeing a fucking sexy-ass girl dressed as a cop. She wasn't revealing skin or whatever. She just had this incredibly good looking figure and face. The Bum and I nodded to each other, agreeing silently that we would definitely tap said Police girl. *laughs* Pardon that, but it is a part of the tale. Before hitting up the street, we needed to buy transfer tape for class the next day. We shared a David Bowie fan moment at the art store during our purchase. We laughed that we still had school on our mind even during a day off meant for Halloween. But whatever. Another task done.
It started to get dark around 6:00ish. We decided to head down to Church Street. Now for any of you who don't know, Church Street is the gay district of the city. In this part of the city on every Halloween, they have a party. Not just any party. A street party. A street party with several city blocks closed off to traffic making room for several thousand visitors. A street party that could possibly be the biggest Halloween celebration in Canada. Apparently, this was the premiere of what's called Halloweek. A week long celebration of Halloween and everything wicked about it. Of course, the night was the big finale so it was bound to be crazy. This is the first year they got official sponsors for stuff and set up a stage and whatnot to make it huge. The amazing part is that despite the insane magnitude of this year's party, it's considered only a dress rehearsal to what'll come next year. A Halloween on a Friday. That's big, yo. But back to this year now.
So we arrived on Chruch and things were still warming up. We walked to the centre of the closed off street and saw the stage. In front of the stage was a closed-off VIP section with leather sofas and energy drinks. This looked serious. Anyway, we didn't want to show off our costumes TOO early. I decided we should go to a coffee shop and wait for the festivities to explode. My troupe and I entered a shop on a corner, run by gay people. One was a sailor who called me "Miss". Even after hearing me speak, he still called me "Miss". I figured he thought I was one them half & half creamers. *laughs and shrugs* No idea what that meant. While in the shop, we saw a little baby dressed up like a cow. I called him "Hamburger-to-be". His parents called me "Ma'am". We were definitely in the gaylands now.
[NOTE: Yes, there is plenty mention of the word gay on it's own and coupled with other words. Personally, I am not gay. I just wanna point out that I am, in no way, trying to offend or say that I am against or dislike homosexuals, transsexuals, bisexuals, and whatever sexuals I missed by using these words. Hell, I spent one of the greatest nights of my life celebrating my favourite day of the year with these folks. They're definitely fun people. Just wanted to say that before some random boner reads my post and calls me a homophobe or something. I haven't posted anything for awhile so don't kill my buzz with words of misunderstood rage. And on we go...]
Within half an hour, the streets started to crowd. My picture count exceeded 100 at this point and I assure you, this is nothing compared to the number of bloody flashed I was hit by later on. It was only the beginning of the night.
We walked deeper into the masses, giving praise to the great costumes while still staying in character. I had finally reached the point were it was hard to move without people asking for pictures. Resident Newsface and legend SomeGuy mentioned some Halloweens ago that this particular party is similar to an anime convention. Dressing up, picture taking and the like. He's more than right. If this were the case, consider my costume to be the Halloween version of a well constructed Gundam cosplay. I was the only one of my kind that night and I was easy to spot.
Plenty of Asians were about taking turns having their photo taken with me. Lots of peace signs and puppet mimicking came along with it. I couldn't help but smile at the shy requests to have my picture taken in Engrish, Konglish, Chinglish and other various accented voices. I was totally enjoying myself. *laughs* They were all very cute.
A number of photographers from local magazines were about as well. We all visited a section closed off for a photo shoot type area for Toronto Tourism. We had to sign a release form to pose our sexy selves too. Okay okay. I realize I boast a lot about my popularity that night, but you need to realize yourselves that this fame is only temporary. It lasted for one night and this is only because of what I was pretending to be and not for what I really am. So let me shine in my spotlight, mmkay?
The stage had some festivities going on with singers and whatever, blaring music for all to jive to throughout the street. I, however, couldn't move. My troupe was lost and I was surrounded (like 360 degrees-style) by cameras. I had absolutely no exit. As flattering as it was, I wanted to be with my buds. That's when some help came along.
Remember the band? 'Course you do. Despite not talking with them for months and months on end, I can't deny that we do have a tradition of meeting up on Halloween. This year, it was Mr. Bassist and his girlfriend and Mr. Vocalist. My little sister came with them as well, she knows them and wanted to be with a group while heading downtown. So Mr. Vocalist was dressed as... what I assumed was a monk but later was informed that he had been dubbed "the colour brown" (jokingly) by the others in the group. I have no idea what Mr. Bassist was. I do know, however, that he was attempting to mimic the popular monochrome face paint of Mr. Grinn. As you will see in photos, he failed miserably. His girlfriend dressed up in gothic lolita-ish clothes and last but certainly not least, my little sister dressed up as a zombie. She loves zombies. I'm quite proud of the makeup job she did on herself, however, I did assist with the clothing (coveralls). I created the tears and bloodstains.
Anyway, I had been talking with lil sis on the phone, telling her to find me in front of the stage surrounded by cameras. Within a few minutes, my ass was kicked by the bloodied shoe of a short zombie. My rescuers had arrived. Mr. Vocalist cleared the way out and allowed me a path through the puppet-lovin' shutterbugs. I hung out with their troupe for awhile and eventually found my school buds. Their group had been joined by more buds from school. Wade, who was a "Disgruntled Fed Ex employee" (in photos, you'll see his old work clothes and paper cuts among other details), Patricia, who was a Greek girl, and Jenn, a 50's waitress (I think).
The band group and sister hadn't eaten yet so they went off to eat at a sushi place while I stayed with my school buds and left for a juice bar. While watching everyone else eat, I removed my mask for the second time of the day. The first being when I had teriyaki. The street had already been crowded enough yet we saw more and more costumes pour in from the side roads.
Vamp and I were discussing about the costume content going on the stage at 10:00pm. They had scouts going around handing out tickets to those they deemed worthy enough of gracing the crowds with their awesome costumed presence and they were also checking people out on the side of the stage. We saw that we had about 8 minutes until 10:00 so Vamp and I got our team to pay the bill and make a blitz towards the stage to see if we qualify. The second I hit the street, a large drag queen asked if I wanted to be in the contest. I accepted of course. She then asked if the group around me (the school buddies) were my "crew". I nodded and she told me they can participate too if we all make it to the stage on time. We had 3 minutes.
I ran (in character still) with Vamp and Lady Vamp following closely. We lost the others in the crowd. It was seriously jammed with people now. The closer we got to the stage, the harder it was to keep my strings attached. We FINALLY made it to the side of the stage. I presented my ticket and waited a minute for the Vamps to join me. I definitely didn't want to wait in the VIP section on my own.
There we were. Two Vamps and a puppet waiting to elevate ourselves but a meter or so to be seen by thousands. And then the time came. The MC, a dyke dressed as a skeleton in a suit called up the contestants in groups of ten to see if the crowd liked them enough to be called back into the top 20. You'll see in the pics that some costumes were pretty good. Except the flamingos. I fucking hated those flamingos.
When I went up, the MC had trouble remember the word Marionette so I had to loudly whisper to her. THEN she get it. Then she asked if the crowd liked. They roared pretty loudly though I could swear it was just the acoustics. I wasn't taking this seriously at all.. I just wanted to show off before I headed home.
Apparently, the crowd liked me a bit. I was summoned back to the stage. Before walking back on, I had to phone lil sis and tell her where I was. SO as I stood among the top 20, I had to put on a tipsy act. I couldn't stay still because acting like a puppet (and not being flamboyant and shaking my ass) is probably what the crowd liked about me. Then they eliminated 10 more leaving ten of us. The top ten included the flamingos, a mother-daughter pair named Kate and Dupli-Kate, A green sultan dude, a monstrosity known as the mutation, a Nightmare Before Christmas team and myself. The top ten contestants were asked a brief question regarding their costumes. When it was my turn, the first question asked was "Soooo.. How old are you?" when I answered "21", they gasped a bit. Then proclaimed I was legal, followed by a cheer. I think that only I was asked my age was because I was the shortest on stage. Aside from the Kates, I was dwarfed by tall Caucasian fellows. I was a bit intimidated but I suppose it added to the effect that I was a puppet. The next question was "So what inspired you to make such a costume." Being the unprepared doofus I was, I answered "I happen to love puppets." It seemed to work. Since I was the most animated of the bunch, they made me do a dance too. And just me.
Finally they whittled down to the final five, then after kicking out the sultan and flamingos, final three.
It was down to me, the mutation and the Nightmare Before Christmas duo. I honestly had no intention of making it that far in a gay Halloween costume contest. Any place I got would mean a prize too because there were three top prizes.
The crowds cheered loudly for me, a slight bit louder for the Nightmare duo and roared their goddamn lungs off for the Mutation.
I won Third!!
Hell, I wasn't complaining one bit. My prizes included an xpack suitcase (lime green, nonetheless), $150 for VIA rail tickets, $60 cash and $5 for Baskin Robbins ice cream (redeemable only in the gaylands, hahah).
Before accepting my prize, they had me do one last "dance" and I went off stage. Waiting for me at the bottom were my faithful Vamps, congratulating me for beating the flamingos. We hung out in the VIP section because they wanted us to hang around for the local news. White in the pit, as a closing number, a dance crew performed MJ's thriller (quite well). You'll see a pic of them later. The other school buds had left just after I won but the band and sis came as it cleared up a bit. While waiting for the news, I was interviewed by a magazine guy.
The Vamps were tired as hell so they headed home soon after. The news crew finally set up and I had a few more moment of fame shared with the MC and the zombies. Promptly after, the bandboys, sis and I headed to the subway to go home.
When we all got off at our station, we encountered a friend we haven't seen in months and another friend we haven't seen in years. We were all coming from separate directions too so it was a quite a welcomed coincidence. Since the guy (and his gf) and I share the same bus ride home, we chatted for a bit about the good ol' days and slowly got depressed because we're getting old. *laughs* Poor guy spent the night walking in circles because he and his gf couldn't find a good party. Boy, did they miss out.
We parted ways and before entering the house, lil sis and I took some final pics for the year. I stripped myself of my costume, removed the kink belt, breathed normally and tried walking normal for the first time. Unfortunately, I couldn't because my legs were messed up and tired from the stance I took to be in puppet mode.
Ugh... I felt like dying. I was so tired. I decided to skip class the next day to rest my legs. Talk of my costume made it's way to the class anyway via the fanged mouth of Vamp. It was definitely a sweet night.
That's the tale of Halloween 2007.
And now, for pictures!!! You probably scrolled straight down to these, eh? If you're honest about it, I'll give you a treat. Promise.
A quick note about the pics. These are nothing. There were a hundreds of great costumes but my camera people (little sis and Vamp) were quite overwhelmed so they didn't get a chance to take a lot. Enjoy them anyway. Sorry they're small too, I gotta preserve space here... I'm long-winded as it is...

Hello. I'm Jaden. I'll show you around these parts. This is a better look at my costume.

Here's a glimpse of the gay street. Church Street. In the distance, there's an illuminated sign of a pumpkin with lipstick.

The gay pumpkin. Lookitdemlips!

The Vamps and I. If you're wondering about their eyes, yes they are contacts. Vamp's father in Lebanon is an optometrist and gave him a couple of free pairs for Halloween.

The Bum and I. Sidenote: The Bum, The Vamp and I are all drummers.

Here's the bum in action. Panhandling. It's so real! God, you should've seen the acne craters on the nose of his mask.. So gross.

The Bum and the Vamp

Here's my initial crew. It's a shame the bum doesn't blend in well with the black and whites of vamps and a puppet. Oh well. We love 'im anyway.

Waiting in the coffee shop. The second time I took off my mask. You can see the face makeup I put around my eyes. The mask I used was actually designed for children to paint for parties so it doesn't fit my whole face. I had to cut the eye holes a bit bigger so I could see better. But my eyelids were showing too much. So I darkened it a bit for effect.

Unfortunately, this is the only baby pic we took. There were plenty of cute babies around. She's a little lovebug!

Mr. FedEx/Kinkos and The Greek Girl join the party!

50's waitress joins!

Kinda random but... This is Vamp's first Jack-O-Lantern ever. He's from Lebanon and this is only his 2nd Halloween. Pretty impressive for someone who used art supplies, eh?

The bandboys and lil sis! Aside from the two in the middle, I really can'y define those costumes on the boys. They're just... strange attempts at something.

Candid shot of the brown thing guy man candle holder.

Emily Howard from Little Britain. If you're unfamiliar with the character or the show title, please, for your sake, watch the series somehow. It is honestly one of the most brilliant shows from the UK. And this dude pulled off the costume really well.

A mummy guy.

A pair of bearded nurses. They were pretty funny. They had nametags and everything.

The sultan, one of the finalists for the contest. He lost for being weird. Errrr... The bad kind of weird. Haha..

Mr. Brown Vocalist spilled candle wax on his robe in the worst possible area. It was bad enough we were vulgar all night... He just had to make it easy.

Here's one of the hosts of the ceremonies. He was some sort of gay idol or something. Regardless his costume rocked. He was half-man....

....Half-demon. Pretty sick, eh?

Gay lion? Meow.

This guy had a weird voice.

These two were a fun couple. The wife kept trying to get her husband's attention. It's hard when you've distracted by so many costumes. Our stripes matched!

A big evil lookin' lady. I swear, she ate my soul with a side of fries.

What's a gay street without gay superheroes? (And fuck you, no Batman this year. He' not gay!!! IT'S ROBIN, DAMN YOU!) Anyway, the Ambiguously Gay duo from the SNL TV Funhouse animations.

Little sister's favourite guy, the annual Zombie man. This year, he added rotten teeth.

This was hilarious. Britney Spears throughout the years. Teen sensation, to Sultry Star, to FUCKIN' MENTAL. *laughs* Check out the attention to detail.

Yes. Hagrid. And he was just as tall... Seriously.

The armour was hand crafted which was impressive enough. But Lil sis took this pic because she thought he was cute.

Colonel Fuckin' Sanders.


The Mario Bros. You'll see a shittier Mario but a smokin' hot Princess Peach in a bit.

Is this supposed to be My chemical Romance? I wouldn't know. I hate their guts.

Definitely a double-you tee eff. I hope to God he used prosthetics to make that face. It's too freaky to be real.

It's Bubbles DeVere from Little Britain(another great character) Champagne! Champagne for everyone!

Cross-play couple. Spiderwoman and CatMan.

A guy with an afro. So much afro, it's coming from his nose.

One of about 14 Korean white bunnies. Lil sis chased them for awhile for unknown reasons.

Speaking of lil sis, here she is with her Zombie friend.

Mr. Bassist and his GF having a laugh.

Here's the hot Princess Peach I was talkin' about. No wonder Mario saved her every time.... P.S. Love the mullet, Mario.

This guy was a fly. A flamboyant one, but a fly nonetheless. Oh, and a gay viking.

Lesbian CareBears and a sailor. I think the pink one is kinda cute... Dah well!

Lil sis just wanted a pic of the catgirl... Then the pumpkin things came out of fuckin' nowhere.

These are Vamp's pics now (for the most part). Here's BeetleJuice and Edward Scissorhands with Lady Vamp.

I'm think I'm happier not knowing what the front looked like.

Here's one that surprised me. Men dressed up in traditional Filipina dresses. Since it was The Bum's first time on gaystreet, he had no experience telling the diff between guys and gals. He was positive one of them was a chick. I just shook my puppet head at him and said "You wouldn't last a minute here...."

Ugly mask. Boohahaha!

Here's a Christmas tree and a shitty vampire/zombie costume. It kinda ticks me off seeing half-assed costumes where they try to pack makeup on their face and just get away with street clothes. However, it doesn't tick me off as much as whore-y girls who put on a tail and ears, wings, or some tight and revealing blue-collar uniform and call it a Halloween costume. Sure, they're attractive, I can't deny that, but it's just.... lame.

A "V" with a blue tinted wardrobe. It probably looked different in the store.

If you can't figure out this pic, it's a vest with American-styled drawings depicting homosexual men doing homosexual acts. Interesting..

The flamingos... Those fucking flamingos... All they did was shake their behinds and squawk. They would've been endangered if this puppet was armed.

A closeup of the first prize winner, The Mutation. Covered entirely in silver body paint and freezing his pieces off in the windy street. Sure, let'im have 1st prize. It featured a paid trip for two to a hotel and gay massage place or something anyway. I'll stick with my generic stuff.. *laughs*

Man-Carrie. Start screaming...... now.

A view of some of the other contestants on stage. Look, Big Bird! Of course Snuffy isn't there because he's BB's hallucination.

The CareBears are back.

Wait... I thought you shot beams from your bellies... Oh no....

HE-MAN! *laughs* If anyone has seen Adam's Fabulous Secret Powers by SlackCircus, they'll know why his presence is so funny to me. And if you don't know why, start searching google. Right now.

The Mutation in full... Fuck, he had charisma. That baby-severing sceptre of his sure weilded some power, yo.

Three Blind Mice (who cut in line...)

Marie Antoinette, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong (and if you're a bleedin' know-it-all.)

This is right after I was asked my age and was declared "legal". Bein' a little coy never hurt anyone.

I was probably trying to move to the music here.... Didn't work, did it?

And here's why I was asked my age... Look how fuckin' small I look!!! I really am a marionette.

Some Asians crowding around their favourite new toy.

Another girl (who I remember smelling really nice... Well, everyone smelled nice, but she was extra nice..) posing with me.

And an Asian male for good measure.

Now this is a really funny story. I encountered my first ever gay creep. This guy was just walking around until he went up to Vamp and asked if he had a camera. He then said "Okay, take a picture of me and this guy." Vamp bluntly replied "Why would I want a picture of you?" "I like to be in other people's photos." Vamp gave in to the request only for the sake of remember this weirdo. As Vamp took the pic, the guy said "Halloween 07" in a very verrrry gay voice. Like any other memorable one-liner, it became a catchphrase at school for awhile. Anyway, the guy wanted to see the pic and gayly said "You have to see this!" to me while motioning me towards Vamp and his camera's photo preview. Half an hour later, the same gay creep snuck into another picture of me being taken by someone else. This time with a balloon in his hand. As he looked at the result of the man's shot, he motioned to me again to take a look. "Oh my god! The balloon just makes it!" Had I not worn the mask, my laughing face would been in full view. What a strange guy....

Here are the zombies who did the Thriller dance. I shared the new spotlight with them. In fact, that's the reporter to the left. They were a great bunch.

Lil sis, the band and I. This photo was stolen from a gallery featured on a website for a gay lifestyle magazine. Haha! We're homo now! It's on record! *laughs* (I'm just kidding, mmkay?)

Holding one of my prizes on the way home.

Oh yeah, I scared the shit out of a old European couple behind me. They should've never turned around.

My Prizes in full view. Not bad for someone who stumbled around like a drunkard in a mask...

Oh yeah... Lil sis being scary in a bus shelter.
And hey! How's about a couple of vids of the contest? Courtesy of Vamp!
The loud crowd cheerin' for us
Winning 3rd place while stumbling around and bowing a lot

Well... That's it for Halloween 2007. This puppet is going back in his case to rest up for another night.
So like I said, I skipped school the next day... During my rest I figured I should retire the Halloween thing. I think I've outdone myself. There's no way I can top this year...
...'kay. That may be true but there's no way I'm gonna stop dressing up for The 'Eve.
Anyway. There you have it. My Halloween Post. It's a month late but at least I posted.
This post won't be up for long because I wanna do something special this month. What will I do? You'll see. Just expect to see me around more for the next little bit. i've got something special for you all.
I didn't get a chance to see if any of you had a fun Halloween or anything. Do tell me a story or two in the comments. I know it's December for you all but due to this post, Halloween is still alive to me. C'mon. You must've done SOMETHING!
I'll hush up now. Marionettes don't talk anyway.
- Jaden -
P.S. Did you just skip it all and scroll all the way down here just to comment "Wow! Sounds like you had a great night! My night was boring. Blah blah blah..." Of course not... I'll read something interesting in the comments from you. Thanks!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Dear Boys & Girls,
I apologize for not being able to come by this year. I have unofficially retired as of today. This harlequin gentleman will no longer join you during the Halloween festivities. I have served Enin for 3 years and what wonderful years they were. I have met so many new friends. Most of them are no longer with us but I had no choice. I am truly grateful for the opportunities to roam free on Halloween and to ability to share those moments with you.
However, you must spare me your tears, for I will not leave you alone. Replacing me this Halloween will be someone very close to my never-beating heart. He has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. He won’t speak much but he does listen. I know you’ll like him.
We’ll meet again. I’m sure of it. Until then, I want you all to smile. If you don’t, I’ll be more than happy to carve one into your face.
Have a wicked Halloween.
- Mr. Grinn
Come back in awhile. I want you to meet him.
Comments (6) |
Saturday, September 8, 2007
...yay. Thanks.
EDIT: Why do you come here?
Comments (13) |
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Welcome to nothing. Now fuck off.
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
----placeholder for REAL post... coming in the morning----
....so bugger off for now then...
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I have cyan and magenta all over my hands.
Ahh yummmm.. I'm typing this while sitting on the bed. I've got my animal print silky sheets in action now. They look ridiculous but they feel super soft when I'm in bed. Actually, my pillow cases and blankets are silky-ish too. If I wear my silky pajamas, I just slide all over the place. It's quite awesome.
School days are going smoothly. Despite the fact that I didn't do enough work over the weekend, I made it through a Monday by whipping up several media kit layouts a hour before class began. You don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Well, it doesn't matter. Seriously. My prof didn't check my work because he knew what I was going to make and told me to go on to the next assignment.
We had a speaker today. He's a friend of our prof. I can't really explain exactly what went on but the guy is a fucking nut. He told alot of us to show him work we're most proud of and when he saw them, he totally cut it up. This guy has been in the design business for years and years and he's had more experience than.. an RPG hero with gameshark codes? Iunno. That was lame. Fuck! Heroes! I'll get to that in a bit. But yeah. This guy totally changed me. I'm pretty confident with my work for the most part but your best is never enough. Especially in school. So I'm totally pushing my work now. If it's the best in class, it's mediocre in life. I gotta fly, man. I gotta fuckin' fly.
*laughs* Alright, soldier. Easy on the motivation-ness.
So yeah. Heroes. Lil sis and a friend got me hooked. A couple of weeks ago, I was saying how I rarely watch TV and so they pushed me to at least watch Heroes. I watched the pilot one night and fuuuuuuuuuuck. I got hooked. It's still Monday night as I type this. I'm about to do 3 episodes and then a few more tomorrow before night class. I had to skip this weeks epidsode so I could catch up. So if you watch Heroes, shut the fuck up about the show until I'm caught up, 'kay?
I'm still pacing myself with the NANA episodes. I think there are only 30 something or whatever and I'm on episode.... shit.. I think it's 17.. Yeah.. 17. In between, I'm usually doing some fanart. I'll scribble up something pretty because my doodles are ugly. I'll have something decent soon. It totally IS a rock-music soap opera. I'm quite a fan of the music-driven storylines. Wel... Duh.. Bands and shit... It's what I'm about.
There's something about lives (or concerts) being portrayed in animes that just give me sweet goosebumps. Like.. The animation blurs a bit, and animes tend to freeze frame bandmembers in these perfect poses while sway the camera view about. Iunno.. It's weird but it's awesome. That's what I feel when I go to shows. (And no, I'm not on drugs) It's power and passion. Anyway.. NANA does it well. BLAST forever.
Have you heard of the band The Sounds? I sure as hell hope you have, otherwise you can press the back button on your browser and leave because listening to their music is a blood prerequisite for coming to my page. They are too awesome. I've been listening to their stuff for a long time now but the reason I bring them up is because their one of the fews bands with female vocals that I can listen to without picturing some girl I know singing. In the past, I had the tendancy to associate certain female vocals to girls I knew (and most likely had a crush on) in the past. *laughs* I'm not the type to stop listening to a song because of stupid memories but it's nice to just have female vocals to listen to and just enjoy it as a great song. Besides... Maja is super-hot and sings so distinctly, I can't exactly replace her face with anyone else. Sweden fucking rocks.
Speaking of the females, I'm currently ina state where there's nobody in particular. Like a bumblebee going from flower to flower...
No wait. That's so wrong... I sound like a whore.
Okay.. Dragonfly. I'm a dragonfly. No pollenating and icky stuff like that. Shut up...
Anyway, yeah. For once in my life, the womenses aren't a priority. If there's anything I'm obsessed with, it's my schoolwork. Now I can't deny that there are some lookers at school. And I admit.. sometimes I'm a playful dragonfly. I'd rather it stay this way though. Falling for a girl at this point in time would be like cheating. *laughs* Okay okay.. maybe I'm taking this obsession with work a bit far but... Ehh.. Iunno how to end that.
Actually.. I don't know how to end this post.
I should throw in something about how I can't blush because I'm mocha-flavoured....
Okay.. The clock says it's time to shut the fuck up. And I should listen to the clock because it has a little hand and a BIG hand. The big hand could probably kick my ass. that pendulum doesn't look very nice either.
- enin -
P.S. I gotta reiterate. Sweden fuckin' rocks. Take my words literally and you'll know precisely what I mean. Yes.. Even the curse word. It adds dynamic sexuality to the whole thing and.... I have no clue what I'm talking about.
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Sunday, January 28, 2007
Not like it used to be
It seems I'm becoming an unintentional prick these days.
Dozens of people say hi to me over MSN and I don't respond. In most cases, I'm not there but I am there. I find myself caught up between two different machines (the home PC and my laptop) multi-tasking with projects, assignments, doodling and cell texting. Unfortunately, MSN isn't one of these tasks. It's bad enough when someone I haven't spoken to for awhile gets no response from me, but I feel it's even worse when I do respond but disappear within minutes. I really do apologize to anyone who's experienced my busy, careless silence.
Unfortunately, things will be like this for awhile. I'm decent when it comes to keeping promises. This is why I make so few.
I'm going to allow my schoolwork to consume me because I simply want it to. It's all I really have these days. No longer do I have a pretty face to think about when lying in bed. There aren't very many days to look forward to except for my next class, where I'll be with my mates getting things done. It's a simple life and I love it.
But still. You've no idea how much I've been wanting to update with something juicy. In fact, I've been "working" on an update since my last one and I pretty much scrapped it because the days went by and everything I write becomes irrelevant. I threw in about 15 edits before giving up on it. See... When works becomes play and play becomes work, procrastination remains procrastination. I'm not trying to say my internet life and personal stuff has become a chore next to school and whatnot.. But it sure as hell isn't much of a priority when graphic design assignments become so much fun.
My update basically went on about how I've been watching Nana, the anime (which I stole from Mr. Bassists harddrive a long time ago) and steadily loving it more and more after each episode. I'm trying to pace myself becase 30 something episodes can go by real fast. I've also been doing some fanart of my fave characters so far. Mainly Kyosuke and Junko because they're cute and hot at the same time. I've got the movie waiting to be watched as well but I'm saving that for later.
I also wanted to post some of my work to show you guys but I guess that will have to wait until next time.
Hmm.. Let's see.. I also had some stuff about food addictions, drama at school, using foreign accents in class, seeing friends from out of the blue, snowy weather, and nearly committing homicide after discovering some stupid punk-ass super fucking fag-ball dick-shit anal-cock mung-puss put chewing gum on the side of the fucking bus which eventually stuck to the sleeve of my precious leather coat. Ahh fuck...
Okay.. I got it out without much of a mark. Just a little bit of scratch marks here and there but it was fine after a treatment. I'm overreacting.
In fact, I took it quite well for the first few minutes. I hummed a nice song while getting it out. But after some time holding it in, I probably would've scared Satan himself with how I reacted.
Oh wait.. this is kinda turning into a real update.
Well. Not really. I'm actually really pissing my off with the lack of anything right now.
Ehh... I should end this here.
Yeah. I'm a dick. Maybe next time things will be better...
- enin -
P.S. Yasu is awesome.
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tiger Uppercut! --I mean Up(per)date!
Pardon me but this post is going to suck balls and coins.
- Con in September was fun. Big update promised has now expired and is no longer avbailable for consumption.
- Halloween was also fun. Reunited with the band and dressed up. Had lots of pics taken of me. Then broke off from the band as soon as they planned a gift exchanging thing. I have no time nor money to waste on them.
- First quarter of school went quite well. Did lots of painting and posters. I'll have them to show you sometime soon becaue most of them are on hard copy printed out or in PDF format.
- Got A's. Lots of them. Thank you Billy Talent, Arizona Green Tea and Battle Royale.
- One of my assignments (the Battle Royale poster) was posted up in the hallway at school. Guess who's representin' the elite?
- Party party with the classmates. Now in high demand. Known as "Long-Haired Guy who's Awesome"
- Laptop died. After 6 1/2 bloody weeks, laptop resurrects and performs like a unicorn scented like strawberries.
- Christmas and New Year's was enjoyable. Food, family, friends and... umm... falcohol? Yes.. That's it.
- 2006 ended and I still live. Nothing to worry about from here on out. I is being the happy feeling.
- Photoshop class professor has a really REALLY cute bum. Eyes hurt from staring.
- Photoshop class rated best ever by Josh.
Okay. That should cover up the past.... dozen weeks, yes?
Alright. Since there aren't any questions (And there aren't any, riiiight?) it's time to start a new year with fresh new posts. Super fresh. So fresh, it's neon and shit. *shrugs*
I'm back, you sexynesses. Come and get me.
- enin -
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Monday, January 8, 2007
...remember me?
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