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myOtaku.com: enin

Monday, January 10, 2005

OK, before I get too carried away, here's one little Pixie mention. I chatted with her again on Sunday evening and yet again we had a cute little conversation. She told me she was wearing the necklace I gave her. I haven't seen it on her yet but I bet she looks oh so pretty (She looks pretty regardless.) Perhaps she'll wear it today. Erm yeah.

Now for some fun stuff.

Sunday morning gave me an urge to make some sort of new beverage. So I thought a coffee based beverage would be an easy start. I started with a basic iced mocchachino (which is coffee stuff, chocolate stuff and coldness). I thought to myself, "Where can I go from here?" Without thinking, I threw into the blender a banana, some cinnamon, green food coloring, some remaining chocolates from a Pot of Gold chocolate box, Baileys Irish Creme, a mint leaf and some tempura sauce (for shits and giggles). I made about a litre of this strange looking liquid. I closed my eyes and took a gulp...

..HOLY HELL it tasted so gnikcuf good! Iunno how, or why, or when, but it was so tasty. It didn't makes sense to me. I put a mint leaf! What the hell? Oh well, if I'm stupid enough to try it again (which I am obviously am), I'll write down exactly how much of each thing so you peoples can try it at home. (Don't give me that look. I know you want some)

I took my family out to diiner for some prime rib. We have this thing where we pretend it's one of our birthday's to get free dessert. Well, my parents felt like taking a risk. They told our waitress that it was both my parents birthdays and my little sisters birthday that day. "It's the weirdest coincidence!" my mom said. And the sucker bought it. She brought three huge brownie sundaes to our tables and got her tone-deaf coworkers to sing for them. I thought it had to be the funniest thing to happen all week.

The girl must have been a clutterhead or something, because for some reason, skewered shrimp was included with every one of our prime rib meals. We didn't order it but we thought, "Ya know what? We'll just let this mistake slide and eat the shrimp." Heh. We pitied her at the end so we gave her a juicy tip. She was the type of person who messes up alot but still has a happy and positive attitude. Man, my family is bad. Oh well. I wonder. Does your family do anything like that when you go out to dinner?

Whoooo! More confimations of my trip to Japan! Well, it wasn't a confimation, more of a reminder because I'm damn sure I'm going (if not, I'll kill people until they die). My dad asked me if my passport expired. It didn't. Hooray! When I checked, I saw a pic of me with short hair. It took me a while to realize it was me. "Who the f**k is this?" I asked. Heh. Long hair rocks. Ummm. right! I was talking about Japan. Yes, I need to save lots of money. Very lots.

Speaking of lots, I was walking to my van when I received a phone call from my friend. He asked if he could come over to jam some time this week. As he spoke, he made noise of strainging and struggling. "Are you talking to me while taking a shit?" I heard no reply except the ruffle of his newspaper. I yelled at him for being so gross. I mean who does that? Honestly? Sheesh. After yelling at him, he faked crying and I offically made that the saddest f**king thought of the week. A dude crying on the john while on the phone. What the bleedin' hell, man?

Anyway, I'll be going now. My back hurts and my new beverage is engaging in combat in my stomach. Peacekeeper tea shall settle the conflict. Cheers everybody.

- nine -

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