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myOtaku.com: enin

Saturday, March 12, 2005

I'm gonna put my foot so far up your ass, the water on my knee will quench your thirst.
Consider me the "Anti-Asshole" for the day.

First off, I surprised Pixie today. Literally. As I walked into the school building, she was about to walk out and she jumped. Heh. It was cute. I talked to her for a bit and reminded her that I'm totally up for anything if she wants to do something next week. I really really really wanna see her again. I still want to take her out for Japanese food. *sigh* Someday..

Anyway, I assisted my good friend and anime teacher with his Gr. 9 classes for their anime unit (I had nothing better to do). Anyway, his classes are full of little retarded jerks. I mean, real buckfutts. These little turds don't shut up. Even after telling them to do so they continue talking. The anime guy was getting really pissed off and annoyed so he warned them that the next person to make a sound while he's teaching leaves. And what are the odds some little fuck would start talking. Anime dude points at him and says, "Enin, take him out." (Yeah, he calls me Enin.) So I escort this guy outside and take him to an empty drama room across the hall. I asked why he insisted on being a jackwhore. He replied, "I don't know." So I hit him with a handful of drumsticks and threatened hm that if he doesn't start behaving and obeying, he'll have a whole lotta pain headed his way. Drumsticks are nothing. Mr. Bassist would have no problem swinging at him with his bass guitar. Not only can we beat the shit outta this kid (and his group of obnoxious futtbucks), we can also fail him in the anime unit. It's always a good idea to be in extremely good terms with the teacher. It's a good thing he took the drumstick whck well because if he bitched about it and planned on diming out on me, I could easily disappear because I'm no longer a student there annnnd I've got people to cover for me. I would've ceased to exist there and the hit would've never happened. *maniac's cackle*

So after dealing with that sorry loser, I locked him up and continued with the class.

After that I went to a local cafe before work. There's a waitress there who I've known for a few years now. She's a year older than I am and we talk every now and then when she's not busy working. She's a sweet girl but sorta clumsy. Yeah, I know this girl is somewhat of a stereotypical type from those chick flick movies or whatever. Anyway, She spilled a chilled coffee drink on some dude. She apologized like crazy. This guy was a prick. He caused quite the scene with his profanities and smartass remarks like, "I didn't pay for a coffee bath, moron. Good thing this garbage is cold otherwise, I'd fucking sue!" Well, I don't normally do the "step up to strangers" thing but this girl tries her best and works really hard so I couldn't just let this one slide. I said aloud, "What's that smell?" Most people turned to me and I continued, "Must be the asshole in the corner. Dude, you talk too much. Wipe yourself and leave." He told me that he wasn't planning on staying anyway and he also told me to fuck myself. Heh, could've been worse. After he left, I helped the waitress girl clean up. She thanked me alot and even said I was a hero. (What the hell? I didn't save a cat or anything.) She said my drink was free before realizing I had already paid. So she offered me a free drink next time. She took a break and talked with me for awhile about music and stuff. It was pretty cool. I don't mean to be boastful or anything but standing up for her was pretty wicked. I'd like to do it again but I'll think a bit more just in case the other has a gun or something. She asked when I was off work so I could come back and chat some more over one of her breaks. Eeps. I hope she doesn't like me. I've been crazy girl-free for awhile now and I'd like to keep it up.

So anyway, today (Saturday) I will be working again and then off to a birthday party. I hope to get some drumming in there too but I doubt it.

Speaking of which, aLaStOr10515 asked me awhile ago for drummers tips. Here's one that should be practiced by drummers and non-drummers alike. Most drummers have a weak side. In most cases (including mine), it's the left. Exercise your weak side as often as possible. Lifting weights is good but you can start off with everyday tasks like drinking with your left hand and focusing carried weight on that side. For example, when carrying your drum kit and hardware from session to session or gig to gig, focus on your weak side. Soon enough, your weak sides strength will closely match your better side and your rolls and fills should be faster and smoother with less fatigue. Cool? Cool.

Well, that's was long and pointless. Unlike this weekend, which is short and with purpose. Enjoy, you.


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