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Atop a cliff overlooking the sea
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Dreamer//Tea Drinker//Graphic Designer
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Made you smile
Anime Fan Since
I was a young lad
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Beck, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Nana
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Drinking on my kit, Drumming pictures, Drawing tea
Drumming, Making food disappear, Making myself disappear
Monday, August 15, 2005
Scribbles from a drummer
Okay. I'm making a quick stop here then I gotta jet again. I'm friggin' busy.
First off, I'm going to post that wretched Vacation Post of mine that I've been shrugging off since I got back (last month). Just know:
- I saw Elvises
- I bought drumheads
- Went to the beach a buncha times and enjoyed the summer sun
- I made a sandcastle
- I bought jeans
- I brought along a 24 case of Arizona Green Teas and drank the lot
- I DIDN'T DROWN! (Coz I can't swim, remember?)
- Drank lemonade
- Cooked a lovely dinner one night for the family
- Jammed on me guitar in the happy sun
- Looked smokin' in my cowboy hat *laugh*
I had alot of fun. So yeah. I may throw up some pics soon but don't count on it.
So what the heck is Enin so busy with?
In case you didn't catch it before, I have a live coming up this Thursday and the bandboys and I have major practising to do. Sure, there is awkwardness floating around because the fact that they're asses (mostly Mr. Bassist, who I hate with a fucking passion) but our music keeps us together.
I think I mentioned before that our alternate vocalist is Magic Nerd Bassist (Who is on anti-depressants and a whole list of other prescription drugs that make him a bit koo-koo.) He'll be doing vocals for a few of our songs. He has a nice house by the way.
So a few band updates include:
- Our band is bloody broke. We don't even eat that much anymore.
- Resident Evil 4 played as a team (Well, one player with five guys behind you screaming and going on) in the dark with the sound cranked is fun as hell.
- The band is becoming way too dependant on me. Observe->
"Can you jam on Thursday?"
"We're never gonna finish that song. Dammit, Josh."
That's the least of their stupidity. *sigh*
So anyway, the live is going to be fun. It's a big break for us actually. First of all, our band name (Something Else) is printed on the flyers and tickets! (See below) We've even been given an offer for a website by someone I don't know! I'll fill you in as time goes on.
A jam today awaits. I must sleep now. Have a great day and I promise to visit your sites when I can.
- enin -
P.S. My post suck these days but as a guy who sleeps from 7am to 12pm with a diet of barely anything and a mind set on drumming and drumming only, my mind is expected of much. Yes? Yes.

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