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Atop a cliff overlooking the sea
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Dreamer//Tea Drinker//Graphic Designer
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Made you smile
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I was a young lad
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Monday, August 29, 2005
EXPO 2005
Hooray for the greatest filled fun-filled Expo this year!
Yesh. I had tonnes of fun. I'm a bit surprised I'm awake though. I should be dead by now. I had 2 hours of sleep (because of the excitement), nothing to eat all day (Except and Arizona and an iced cappuccino) and a bed just waiting for my geeky-self to get in. But first, I must share with you my day.
Like I said, I woke up after 2 hours of sleep. I stayed up most of the night thinking about the madness I was going to see. And madness it was.
I managed to convince my dad to give me some spending money and I said I would owe him back. Cash or otherwise. I'm guessing chores. He gave me about $80 to blow on whatever and some money to my lil sis. My little little sister gave me a $20 bill and said it would pay for my entrance. I'm such a moocher!
So my sis and I made our way to the convention center where hundreds and hundreds of people gathered to shop, play, see stars and cosplays related to favourite animes, comics or sci-fis.
Costumes and cosplays a-plenty. It was a marvellous sight. I wish I wasn't struck with madness so I had time to take pics with my phonecam. My sis took enough pics though. About 100, I think. And that's not including the days she attended the expo before I did. I'm going to post her better ones. So most photo credits go to her and her little digicam. Hooray for my sister!
I mastered the art of of staring at pretty people without them actually noticing me. I can't deny that there was more than a fair share of hotnesses that day. Cosplay or no cosplay.
My sister had made a large amount of new friends from the previous days. I was surprised and a bit left out. She'd walk the aisles and people would just wave to her and stuff. The vendors and retail people knew her by name too. So she pretty much gave me a nice tour around the floors. I happened to see my highschool english/media studies teacher there wandering in the chaos.
I'm going to pointform the little details to avoid making details of the details. Get me? I didn't think so... Here they are in no particular order:
- Saw Crispin Glover (Willard & Back To The Future). Didn't go near him because he looked creepy and I'm not the most outgoing person there is.
- Saw Kenny Baker (R2-D2!) but Star Wars fans crowded him like crazy so I didn't get anything close to a photo oppurtunity.
- Goth people are unbelievably friendly. And their coats look badass too.
- Had long talks with various newcoming artists in Artist Alley. Many were quite friendly and hoped I would be interested in their works and support them. I was picky and chose nobody. I did accept the many, many freebies though. Stickers, tattoos, postcards, mini comics, posters, the works! My sister fell in love with a few art pieces and supported those artists. If I wasn't planning on spending my dough on certain other stuff, I would've made the same choices too.
- Took pics of many very well done cosplays/costumes. You'll see the pics after the text part of my post. Naruto characters were rampant and multiplying by the minute. I'm serious. If I weren't spending time comparing costumes, I would've taken pics of the (Yes. I counted.) 17 Kakashi's, 8 Gaara's, 5 Sasuke's, 3 Naruto's, 2 Rock Lee's and Kankuro in a pear tree. That plus many others. And that's not including the dozens I've seen wearing headprotectors.
- I MET THE RED VS. BLUE GUYS! F-CK YEAH! Jason Saldana (A.K.A. Tucker), Matt Hullum (A.K.A. Sarge) and Dan Godwin (A.K.A. Donut) ran the Rooster Teeth Productions booth and I was just wowed. I'm a huge fan of the series (and obviously the video game and platform the series was created out of) so I stood there for awhile chatting with the guys. I eventually bought Season 1 & 2 on DVD (WooT! Extra features!). And just before leaving the expo, I ran back to the booth and bought a touque (Or "beanie" as labelled at the booth). Oh yeah! I got my DVD inserts signed by the RvB boys too. Yee-hah!
- I didn't eat all day... Oh right. I said that already. But yeah. No hotdog for Flint.
- Some people smelled like ginger. No, not the Spice Girl. I'm talking about the root you use for flavouring. That was bloody weird.
- We met our aunt there early in the day. She was on her way to the James Marsters (Spike from Buffy) press room. She's pretty much the Hollywood lady of the family.
- Seeing cosplay after cosplay made me feel so left out. I promised my self that day that I would dedicate some time to working on a cosplay for the next anime conventions or whatever. I managed to create a make-shift cosplay at the last moment. You shall see in the last pic. And it seemed to work. People really liked my cosplay. Well... Those who understood it.
I'm sure I'm missing details but that was the point of pointform. *laughs* Making sense is not one of my strongpoints when I'm tired and stupid.
How's about some pics then? The captions will do a majority of explaining. I put little notices beside the captions indicated I was not there when that certain photo was taken. I'd like to completely credit my sister.

Here's a big crowd of people awaiting to hear the winners of the previous night's masquerade contest and other contests. I spy with my little eye a dude dressed up as toast!

A pic of the peoples. This is nothing compared to the ACTUAL crowd sizes.

[Sister's pic]
Jhonen Vasquez, creator and illustrator of Johnny The Homicidal Maniac comics and other related comics. My sister met him up close and said he never smiles. She took this pic hoping he'd crack. I think I see a hint of smirk there. What do you think?

Ignore Mr. Crispin Glover for a sec and spy that young lass staring into space, bored out of her mind. I wonder what she's thinking.
"Hmm. Some fluorescent lights are brighter than others.."

[Sister's pic]

[Sister's pic]
No. Kenny Baker was NOT in here. This R2 was rolling along the floor guided by remote control.

[Sister's pic]
Darth Vader and his homies. Sis said these guys marched all over the expo floors.

[Sister's pic]
Sis said this trooper was walking a bit TOO robotically.

[Sister's pic]
Vaders pants are falling down! Screw the force, USE A BELT!

[Sister's pic]
SsssssSNAKE!! Sis was confused when she took this pic but still intrigued regardless. I explained to her it's from a game. "What the hell kinda game uses a box for the main character?" Silly girl.

This little sonuva bitch went rampant while it's owner tried to stop it. I thought it was the greatest thing ever.

My sister just met these girls the day before. When I came on Sunday, they acted like they've known each other for years. I WANNA KNOW THEM TOO!!!

Crowded convention + Giant Pikachu = The poor bastard getting knocked over. *points and laughs obnoxiously*

Batman likes burgers. And it shows.

Joker and Harley Quinn. P.S. Batman's fat.

Why does the snowtrooper look so lost? I know you can't see his/her face but you can sooo tell.
"Guys? Why don't I get a weapon?"
"Because you suck."

This Chewy costume was pretty damn good. The dude was on stilts things to raise his height and he even scared little children! Go Chewy!

Orc Armour. 'Nuff said.

This was the first time I've seen these replica lightsabers in action. I was so impressed. I think they were designed for photo ops. Just look at how the illuminated saber came out. The glow is perfection!

The ONLY Vash at the convention. THERE WAS ONLY ONE! Thank God he pulled it off decently or I would've cried.

I've yet to see Howl's Moving Castle but I was told these are two main characters. The little little sister would be interested to see these guys though. The dude had a little flame going and everything.

*laughs* I present to you: my cosplay. I was a bishi. Just let my hair loose and posed for people. Hahaha. Why the hell not?

Mmm... Demon chick.

I don't know what possessed me to do this but I must say that my taste in girls has changed.
(I'm kidding of course. You should've seen the faces on the people walking by. By the way, Regan is a fake.)
And now, let's see what I snagged.

Autographed Red Vs. Blue Season 1

Autgrpahed Red Vs. Blue Season 2

Red Vs. Blue Touque! It has the Rooster Teeth Productions logo on the back.
And so, that was it. My happy day at the Expo. And as if I didn't have a great enough day, I had a nice casual conversation with Pixie when I got home. Just Pixie. None of that weird friend stuff.
Well. I hope you enjoyed the visuals. Have an awesome week, everyone.
- enin -
P.S. To answer a few questions from yesterday:
BrokenKokoro - I actually have several Asian malls where I live. Toronto, the world's most multicultural city!
sou-chan - Of course I wasn't referring to you. I'm sure your love shape is much simpler.
Hehe. I think I did well for a last-minute rush into Expo chaos. Hooray for me!
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