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Atop a cliff overlooking the sea
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Dreamer//Tea Drinker//Graphic Designer
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Made you smile
Anime Fan Since
I was a young lad
Favorite Anime
Beck, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Nana
Find my paradise
Drinking on my kit, Drumming pictures, Drawing tea
Drumming, Making food disappear, Making myself disappear
Saturday, September 3, 2005
My band caught me. Those bastards caught me.
It was Wednesday and I had just bought the brand spankin' new Our Lady Peace album (which by the way is KICK ASS!!!) and I was on my way home from the mall and there on my doorstep where three figure I really did NOT want to see.
The night went unexpectedly well though.
The first to get up and greet me was Mr. Guitarist. He handed me a CD case. It was an X Japan DVD. He said there's a drum solo on it that I would be quite interested to watch. Mr. Vocalist got up too and gave me a hug. Mr. Bassist handed me a new pair of drumsticks. So there I was, being offered gifts by the three people I didn't want to see.
The pity set in. They were desperate. We decided to take a walk to the nearby Tim Hortons for cookies and Iced Caps. On the way, each band member had their own individual chances to ask why I disappeared. I told them about my break and what I wanted to do. They seemed to understand which was surprising to me. When we did get to Tim Hortons, we just chatted the night away like old times. It was like nothing went on between us. It's like we were friends again, laughing away and eating goodies.
Mr. Vocalist invited the rest of us to go along with him as he escorted his little bro to the tour/orientation of the new building of our former high school. Mr. Guitarist couldn't go but Bassist and I could.
Thursday came around and I met Mr. Vocalist, his little brother and Mr. Bassist at the front doors. The new building looked incredible. I'm kinda pissed off that I graduated just before they built the damn place. I'm too jealous of the students there. However, I might not completely miss out. When I'm not doing work for the Media Company, I may donate some time to assist teaching the anime unit for the different art classes. I did it before, why not again?
Lots of teachers recognized us former students and some took quite a liking to my hat and my spiffy outfit (black shirt and jeans). Liked it almost... too much. *laughs*
Mr. Bassist is desperate for a job and he asked if there was anything open for him. He has no clue that I'm going to be working with our former computer arts teacher. Mr. Bassist asked him if he had anything for him but he said no. The minute after rejected the lad he turned to me and said, I'll give you a call sometime soon about the meeting. Thankfully, Mr. Bassist wasn't paying attention so he didn't question me about it. I'll be sure to tell him eventually.
We left for our favourite Chinese mall and had a quick bite to eat before inviting Magical Nerd Bassist out. After meeting up with him, we went out for bubble tea. After bubble tea, Mr. Vocalist left for work, Magical Nerd Boy left for the arcade so it was just Mr. Bassist and myself.
Now I hate him the most. Well. No. Not hate. Hate is such a string word. I dislike him the most. I've lost much respect for him but he considers me his closest and best friend. Even over Mr. Guitarist who he's known longer. While walking through the mall, Mr. Bassist just opened up to me and just talked away about everything. Not just about him but about me too. His selfishness disappeared for me. He told me that as long as he and I succeed, he's happy. He talked about trips to BC to visit his mom and how he wants me to come along. He talked about his dreams of our band becoming famous so that he and I could buy neighbouring mansions. He just poured out all these emotions and such and he constantly told me that he considers me a true and great friend. He even admitted to making a few stupid mistakes and I told him right then and there that I think he's a fucking moron. He apologized to me! He realized his stupid ways and actually said sorry to ME for being dumb. I barely have respect for him but I can't just go on hating this guy. He's even hellbent on finding me a girlfriend. I appreciate the thought but I'm fine. I wish he wasn't so stupid. Then our friendship would mean so much more.
We walked to Mr. Guitarist house and chatted with him for a bit. They both told me to never disappear like I did again. They admitted to being retardedly confused, a bit worried and a bit panicky as well. I never agreed to that promise. I simply raised my eyebrow and gave them a look. Then the convo continued. I got home late that night and I'm still paying for the lack of sleep.
I'm not going to jam with them though. Not yet at least. As for my decisions about September 30th, I haven't made it yet. And that thing about Pixie? Well, let's just say I've alot of thinking to do.
Now Yesterday (Friday), I went with the family to the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition). The kiddies went on the rides and I spent most of my time at the International Pavilion. Guess what I bought!
Yup. I had a bit of cash so I decided to go spendy spendy. This new tea set is just wicked. It's black and has this ringed design around it. I also bought my self a new set of rice bowls. They looked funky and I had some money left so why not? (I'm such an impulse buyer.) With it, I bought a set of chopsticks and on the way out; I snagged a little tiger statue because I was born on the year of the Tiger. And since my birthday is coming up next week, I thought why the hell not?
Here. Have a look:

I present to you my brand new tea set. I think it's beautiful. I'll need three other tea-drinkers to share the first brew with me. Tea anyone?

This is my rice bowl set. Well, it's not SPECIFICALLY for rice but I imagine that's what I'll be eating out of it for a majority of it's usage. That and soup. Miso soup. Whihc I want right now. Oh yeah, check out the chopsticks too.

A closer look at the bowls. They're really pretty, eh?

"Enin. Why the hell did you take a picture of a box?"
Okay. First off, it's a pretty one. It doesn't show much here but I tired. Secondly, it's what's inside that counts (Heh).

My lucky Tiger. Born 1986 and this is the badboy in charge of my year. And it only cost me $1! Sweeeeet.
Anyway, I'm bloody tired and I need to work tomorrow so I'm out for the night. Heh. It's crazy how some things in life work out, eh?
- enin -
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