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Atop a cliff overlooking the sea
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Dreamer//Tea Drinker//Graphic Designer
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Made you smile
Anime Fan Since
I was a young lad
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Beck, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Nana
Find my paradise
Drinking on my kit, Drumming pictures, Drawing tea
Drumming, Making food disappear, Making myself disappear
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
HELL-oween. Looks like a nice town...
Greetings everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween, however you celebrated it. Be it a party, trick-or-treating, or dressing up and looking awesome (as if you don't look awesome already). I look rather weird trying this. As you already should know, Mr. Grinn's eye areas are black. There's a bit of oil-based makeup that won't go away so it appears as if I'm wearing mascara. It's kinda hot actually. But anyway...
Around 4:30pm, I put on: black pants, a white dress shirt, a bowtie, my socks, my suspenders and my top hat. I carried my old longcoat out because for whatever reason, it was quite warm at that point in the afternoon.
Little sister was planning on taking littler sister out trick-or-treating so she couldn't join in on the downtown fun. She dressed as a burlesque dancer and littler sister was a mini Grim Reaper. I think she looked adorable for once. *laughs*
First stop was at my cousins place (AKA Mr. Rhythm Guitarist or Mr. Rhythm). He cosplayed as Reno from FFVII. He was very camera shy so I didn't get many pics of him. He did a swell job with the costume though. I think you'll see it in the group shot. After meeting with him, we still had half an hour to kill before making our way to Mr. Vocalist's house. So I decided to check out Value Village to see if there were any white gloves I could use for my costume. The concept drawings of Mr. Grinn show that he has white gloves, however when he first came to life, he didn't have any. I felt now was a good time as any to find some.
At first, I didn't see any at all because the store was a mess. The Halloween shelves were simply ransacked. I gave up and went to the corner store for some gum. My cousin said there HAD to be white gloves there so we went back to Value Village. The bastard was right. Standing before us on a single shelf was a package of white gloves. Score! How I missed them the first time, I don't know but who cares? I found them!
We made our way to Mr. Vocalist house around 5:30. There, I started my make-up while Mr. Vocalist started dressing up in his pirate outfit. While putting on the white base, I stopped halfway and thought I resembled The Phantom of the Opera. *laughs* After singing a verse of "Music of the Night", I continued.
Mr. Guitarist arrived around 6:00 and by that time, everyone was ready. We were also very hungry. By the way, Mr. Guitarist dressed up as a new age vampire. Costume-wise, he didn't seem very enthusiastic but I guess it was alright. He was there for the company.
Before eating, Mr. Vocalist and I needed to make a stop at the Wal-Mart so that he could get some insoles for his shoes and a plastic devil stick for me. Yeah, it's a bit weird but you'll see why I needed it in the pics. Basically, I took of the fork part so that I was left with a black plastic walking stick. I could've used a regular walking stick but plastic ones are easier to twirl and if I chose to hit anyone, they wouldn't be too hurt.
After our making our last-minute purchases, we headed to Casey's for something to eat. A lot of eyes watched us as we walked in. It's Halloween, you dorks! Our waitress that night was Stephanie and she dressed up as this foxy little Dutch girl. You'll see her in the pic down there. Too bad you can't see her legs. *laughs* After serving us our drinks, Stephanie came to us and said that since we were in costume, we got 50% off appetizers. Sweet deal. I was going to order two plates of calamari anyway so I basically paid for one. I had fish & chips simply because I could eat it with utensils and so that it wouldn't affect my make-up. I'm very touchy about my make-up on Halloween. Mr. Vocalist accidentally spilled sauce on his pirate shirt. Be sure to look for that in the pics.
For the sake of bringing more attention to ourselves (as if we were bringing enough in the first place), we toasted the night as one of the best nights ever. We then cackled quite loudly for about a minute or two. That felt good. It really did.
It was then time to head downtown to "the party".
Now let me explain something that I haven't explained before. This Halloween street party that I missed out on last year and was heading to this year is on Church Street. Now if any of you live in Toronto OR know Toronto well enough, you'll know that Church Street is a one of the biggest, most well-known gay neighbourhoods in the city. That's right. Homosexuals! And THAT'S why I wanted to go there. THAT'S why everybody dresses up. THAT'S why it's the one of the biggest Halloween parties in the city. All sorts of people come there on Halloween , not just gays and lesbians. As I'll tell you later, it's a rather popular tourist spot on Halloween too. However, it's "Pride Turf" so there's bound to be more homosexuals than anything else.
And let me tell ya, homosexuals sure love to dress up...
We decided to take the subway there because parking would be a bitch and we'd get to show off our costumes to more people. I think I might have accidentally (or purposely, it doesn't matter) instilled the fear of clowns into a few riders. I managed to make a girl scream and tear up by simply winking at her. I just knew this night was gonna rock already.
The first decent costumes we saw were Superman and Wonder Woman. Or should I say Wonder WoMAN. Yeah, it was a dude but he pulled it off very well. It was obvious that they were headed where we were going and we even saw them later that night. Mr. Vocalist couldn't get the digicam out fast enough so we didn't get a pic.
We made it to Church Street at around 9:15 and it was crowded. It was almost overwhelming to see so many people. I mean, it was my first time there and all. We spent about an house wandering and looking at the costumes before taking any actual photos.
Now just at the top of my head, I'm going to try to name all the costumes I saw.
There were: Devils, angels, cowboys (Oh my goodness, there were so many cowboys), tigers, bears, clowns, punk rockers, goths, vampire, walking dead, pirates, men dressed up as princesses/queens/dames/nurses/half-nakedwomen/fairies/go-go dancers/female superheroes/etc, women dressed up as men/cops/cowboys/construction workers/nerds/bikers/etc.
I saw Willy Wonka, Colonel Sanders, Princess Fiona, Spongebob Squarepants, A LEGO man, Jim Carrey's The Mask, Jack Skellington, Some very glittery men, some very naked men, Little Red Riding Slut, Master Chief from Halo, Dame Edna, Winnie the Pooh, A Smurfette, The Queen of England, Peewee Herman, Diana Ross, Mr. Hyde, Hurricane Katrina/Rita and "The Looter", A girl in a bubble, whores whores whores (male and female. Some hot, some not), Army Men, Batman and Robin, Peter Pan and Captain Hook, A crocodile, The Cryptkeeper, The Pharoh, A Genie, Sumo Wrestlers, Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Andy (Yeah...), Neo from the Matrix, Musketeers, and a hairy man in little leather. *laughs*
I'm sure there are many costumes I missed but my memory can only hold so much.
At first, I tried to not picture anyone as "attractive" in some of their costumes because I never could really tell who was what. But after about 10 minute of seeing wave after wave of... *ahem* people, I thought "F*ck it". If they look good, they look good. End of story. Not that's not to say I'm going there. I'm saying it just cuz....
And don't worry. I saw females, of course. Very attractive ones. At least I think they were females... the very least they were lesbian.
Okay.. Moving on.
Mr. Rhythm Guitarist left early around 11:00pm because he had classes the next day. Guitarist, Vocalist and myself stuck around to party. When we weren't dancing like fools on the street (along with many others) to the boomin' loud music or chatting it up with strangers in costumes, we were taking pictures. We couldn't take very many because we were really excited by simply being there. Mr. Guitarist acted as our cameraman that night because he was a bit uncomfortable posing with a lot of the people. So it was up to me and Vocalist to make the memories.
What I liked about being in costume and posing with others was that Mr. Guitarist wasn't the only one who wanted to capture us. Passers by (including media crews) stopped to take a photo of the pirate, the psycho and whatever was in between.
Now the BEST part about wearing a costume is when people ask to take pictures of you. There were plenty of tourists or casually dressed people who wanted a pic with me. It's almost celebrity-like! It's a fun feeling, I'll tell ya that. I found it cute that some were a bit nervous to approach me. Including groups of cute, little Asian people who took like seventy separate pictures with me. I know, I'm Mr. Grinn but smiling constantly isn't that easy. Mr. Vocalist took a couple of snaps of regular people posing with me, just for kicks.
And now, what you've all been waiting for:

Here I am putting on my make-up. The base is halfway done. At this point, I was singing "Music of the Night", which was quite pleasing to the ears of Vocalist's mother. *laughs*

The completed Mr. Grinn. I took a whole bunch of self-pictures because I won't be setting him free for quite awhile now. These are only a few snaps though.

Profile view

Okay. I did not alter this image in any way. I simply resized it. The blurry effect happened because I moved my hand while taking the pic. It turned out pretty wicked.

I think this looks pretty cool too. There was blood on my glove..

"Arrr!" *hysteric laugh* Yup. That's me and Vocalist. The pirate and the psycho. You'll be seeing a lot of us two ahead.

There's Stephanie in the middle. Poor, pretty girl surrounded by freaks. Oh yeah, There's Mr. Guitarist with the thumbs-up and Mr. Rhythm as Reno.

Welcome to Church Street!

The costumes get crazier the deeper you go. This is obviously only the edge.

Look! A midget Master Chief! Well, he wasn't REALLY a midget but he was still very short. I always thought the Spartan would tower over me. Speaking of towers, A LOT of the people there were tall. And I mean TALL!

Well here's a lovely couple of gentlemen. I felt like slapping him with my glove. Which him? It didn't matter. *laughs* Naw, they were cool. They had very hearty laughs too. I'm all for the hearty laughs.

The hurricanes and "The Looter" in the center. I thought this was rather clever. Each hurricane even had an "eye" in the center.

Peewee!! Mr. Vocalist just managed to get this one because the crazy bugger was riding his bike, despite the crowdedness of the road. The bike was neat too.

Ooooo... Shinyyy..... (No. I didn't touch. THEY did...)

The dragon guy. He had this roar that was unbelievable. He must've been up all night practicing it. Hehe..

"Lady 1": *shrieks* "I'm gonna have nightmares of you, Mr. Scary Clown!"
"Lady 2": "Mmm. I think MY dreams have just gotten better.."
Mr. Grinn: "Thanks, lady!"

There were a whole troop of these zombies. All walking zombie-like. It's awesome when you can get a bunch of people together like that. It just looks so cool!

It's Winnie! He even sounded like Winnie Too! "Oh bother.."

This is a sea monkey. He had a mate sea monkey and they were scurrying all over the place. You should be considered lucky to snag one of these for a pic.

The Mask. I wish he could make balloon animal Tommy guns...

Mr. Hyde. 'Nuff said!

Princess Fiona!!! I think this costume looked incredible despite the fact that it was a prince inside...

Holy shit, it's Army Men. These dudes were hilarious to talk to. Very gay though. Very very gay. But hilarious nonetheless.

Her Majesty felt the need to hug me really tight after this pic. Something about a "Royal Touch"... *shrugs*

It's a LEGO MAN!!!!!! Heh. I thought this was a fun costume. He even got the hands down and everything.

Ah yes. Another pirate/harlequin duo. This pic was the last pic to be shot because the camera's batteries were dying. Since we sorta matched each other, people thought we were a group so everyone started taking pictures. More people came along and by then there were about 10 people just posing in front of about 20 cameras (one was ours but the damn batteries died!). We didn't even know any of them but the group shot was awesome!
One camera man shouted "Say PENIS!" And we did. then one guy to the right of me said, "I love penises! Now show me yours!!!" Thankfully he wasn't talking to me but even if he was, I still wouldn't have. He didn't say "please".

The public looooooves grinning with Mr. Grinn. I think this was a European tourist couple. They were very happy to take the pic with me then they raved on in a foreign language that I can't recognize. It was fun.

"Excuse me. I have to show you to my sister! She's terrified of clowns!"
Sweet! I get to give nightmares to people I don't even meet!

I thought this girl was sooo cute. She was a part of that group of cute, little Asian people who took individual pics with me. Her friend told her to come up next but she was really hesitant. Then in the CUTEST little engrish-like voice she said, "I won't run away..." Oh what a cutie. She had such a nervous smile. (I had also heard her friend behind her saying something along the lines of "He's not real, is he?")

Here's a happy group of fangirls with their beloved Mr. Grinn. I think they were the Japanese girls but I could be wrong. Anyway, fun fun...

Okay... I was caught staring at her legs. Then (s)he spoke.
Then we took a pic with her.
Then (s)he started pressing up against me.
I don't even know anymore......

And to finish it off, here's the hairy gay guy in leather. It was drizzling a bit when we took this pic so he held us a bit close to keep warm. *laughs* Oh the sacrifices people make just for Halloween.
I got home at around 2:00am. I was dead tired but I needed to get my make-up off. It's still not completely off. I mean, I've still got this mascara thing going on but it's looks okay. I'm dead tired. I hope you enjoyed the pics and stuff. I know it was long but you should know I'm all about the details. Now I'm going to rest in peace. Have a great day everyone..
I'll let Grinn close up.
I'll be back again, kids. Until then, just keep smiling...
- Mr. Grinn -
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