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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Break time

Girl: "...and this my cute little kitty, Pepper. Don't you just love her?"
Darth Vader: "I think she's adorable!"
I've noticed at this point in time, a lot of you have loads of work just weighing you down. You've got tonnes of homework, assignments, reading and papers to write from school. Or you doing long, tiring hours to work at your part time job. I think if you guys know what I'm talking about, you're probably just dying for a vacation. Or even just a little break away from it all.
If I had the power to give you all those vacations and breaks, I would. I really would. But unfortunately, I can't. However, I do know something you CAN do.
I could give you a lecture on time management but I'm not your boss or professor. I'll leave the "work-efficiency" blabber to them. I wanna share a bit of useless knowledge about "Me Time". And by "Me" I mean "You".
If studies and such are becoming too much of a stress monkey, take a bloody break. I know some people who think that by working the whole time through, they'll have PLENTY of time for a break. Okay, that might be true, but halfway through their work, they'll get cranky and whiny and will most likely start producing half-assery in what they're doing. When they see the results of half-assery they think "All that work for THAT?!" Now, we don't want this, do we?
I'm not trying to promote procrastination. Not at all. We're all going to procrastinate at one point or another. It's the inevitable. So just let it happen.
What I'm trying to say is if you want a break, take it. Go for a walk, watch a bit of TV, read a manga, talk online with people, listen to music etc. Just stop doing your work once in a while.
I even recommend ranting about all the stuff you have to do. Go ahead. You've got friends who'll listen. Write it in your online journals or rant a storm on MSN. Work and studies build up a lot of stress inside of you and you know what stress does? It makes you a bitch.
Yeah I said it. Stress is essence of bitch. If you don't let off some stream every now and then, you're going to become a miserable creature. A scrooge, even. Don't let that happen.
Y'know what else makes you miserable? Lack of sleep. Unless you have absolutely no other choice but to stay up and do stuff, get your ass to bed. First of all, there's the obvious fact that you're regaining energy while doing so. But you know what else happens when you sleep? I'll tell you...
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. What good is "nothing"? You're not awake doing work, that's for sure. Maybe you'll even get treated to an interesting dream. But even without a dream, doing nothing is the best kind of break you can get. And you get this break every day (or night) of your life! So I think you'd wanna make sure you get enough sleep next time you're up late watching tv or chatting it up on the internets.
I think Vader up there sets a good example of what I'm trying to say. The Dark Side isn't all cakes and pie. It's work. So what does Darthy do? He has a little break, goes for lunch with his girlfriends, shares phonecam pics and maybe treats himself to some new eyeliner. But you see? He's having fun. And you should too.
I'm sure a lot of you already DO take breaks and stuff. So why am I posting this? Pixie happens to be in a frenzy on work and no play. I chatted with her to lighten thing up and it seemed to work. I thought it'd be nice to share my useless knowledge with you guys.
Now of course, you can't go all play either. Just balance it out. Some of this, some of that. Easy-peasy. The winter break is still a while away so give yourself little things to look forward. Cool? Cool....
So I guess that's all from me, your humble teamaster. Now go forth and enjoy life, you hot sexual machines. We'll have lunch one day, okay?
- enin -
P.S. My Ameria fanart is now in the proper place awaiting a few comments. Maybe have a little looksie when you've got the time. Thanks everyone.
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