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Atop a cliff overlooking the sea
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Dreamer//Tea Drinker//Graphic Designer
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Made you smile
Anime Fan Since
I was a young lad
Favorite Anime
Beck, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Nana
Find my paradise
Drinking on my kit, Drumming pictures, Drawing tea
Drumming, Making food disappear, Making myself disappear
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Remember me?
Oh neat. I'm back...
So my breaktime is up. I've returned to my internet life, here at MyO and other various interweb dwellings.
I enjoyed my break. Yeah, I did find myself going through a list of feelings because of all the damn thinking I went through. I was expecting it too. It's precisely why I left. To just "think".
A couple of you caught my secret post a while ago. I didn't submit a new post. Instead, I modified a previous one. Only those of you bored enough to check up caught it. And I thank you once again.
So other than maximum thinkage, I've been doin' swell. The new job is wonderful. I got my own desk and new PC. It works wonders. And holy hell, the programs I get to use are brilliant.
Not only am I the graphic designer, I also do photography, filming, directing, video editing, image editing, web design and drugs. Yes. Drugs. Currently, I'm doing a set of substance abuse presentations and I have to do drug pics. That means, powdered sugar cocaine, rocket candy ecstasy, and basil and fresh herb doobage. So why am I doing all this? It's not only because their regular people aren't available, but it's also because I'm apparently very f*cking good at what I do. And that means everything I just listed. *laughs* Lucky for me, I enjoy every last bit of it.
Life in the office is nice. Everyone is very laid-back. Because usually on computers, break time is anytime. If your eyes feel strained, close 'em for a bit. Feel tired, lie on the comfy chair. Even nap time is allowed. In my case, I'm usually up and atom so my break time is MSN and blasting music. Actually, my work time includes MSN and music. *laughs* Good times.
I managed to get my coworkers hooked on Pocky. It was inevitable for I'd buy three boxes a day. Eventually, they queried in to what I was obsessed about. And they took the bait. Now we all have Pocky every day. And we save the boxes too. We're probably going to make a robot out of them (with Arizona Green Tea bottles for legs).
And the money? Ah yes. The money. Let's just say after a recent pay, my bank account smiled upon me that day.
The past few days were pretty neat. On Friday, I did photography for work all bloody morning. It was a bit of a hassle trying to get volunteer drama students to do what I told them to but I got a load of work done so I'm happy. Later that day, I got more work done at the office. Slacked off a lot but it was an overall productive day.
I left work early to meet with my sis and her friend downtown at the Eaton Centre (A bit Toronto mall). She was shopping but she needed a bit more cash. So me being in a kick-ass happy & generous mood, I went down there and gave her a bit more spending money. I had finished most of my Christmas shopping already so it wasn't really much of a big deal.
That night, I bought a book called "The Book of Tea". It's totally MY book. I'm allllll about the tea. I haven't read it yet because I want to pace myself. I read the back though and it looks really interesting. It's about tea ceremonies and applying the simplicity concepts of Zen to ones life. Ahh, I love it and I haven't even read it yet! I'll show you the cover soon.
Since I went straight to the Eaton Center from work, I was carrying around my photography and video gear. SO I thought I might as well take pictures of the pretty sparkly tree in the middle of the mall. I look like an indie film maker/tourist that night. Yesh, I'm proud.
On Saturday, I slept in for most of the day. In evening, I went with my company to a Christmas party held by another company called Fearless Films. I wasn't all that excited. I first went to Stuarts place and had a few drinks there while we waited for Jeanine and Sylvia. When they came, we walked to the studios where the party was being held. They had a live band there and a bunch of people from the industry. Stuart and I didn't talk much but Jeanine and Sylvia went around introducing our company and stuff. Sylvia left early so the three of us stuck around to drink and look at equipment. They had toys there. Like ACTUAL toys. Action figures, video games, a ball pit, you name it. It was mostly a distraction for the kids who came with their employee parents. I played with the helicopter toy. It was neat but difficult. Other employees who were a bit tipsy tried playing it too. I wowed their asses by landing that bastard and trust me, it's not easy even if you're somewhat sober.
After leaving the party, Stuart, Jeanine and I went to a pub near Stuarts place for more drinks. We chatted for a good hour or two after last call. It was a good night.
I'm really looking forward to our own company's Christmas party. There's only a few of us so it'll be pretty sweet. fun it shall be, oh yes.
Sunday was just like any other Sunday. I slept.. Oh yeah, I took my family out to dinner because I was still considerably generous feeling.
I'm not sure why I'm going to mention this as well but I'm constantly being mistaken for a girl/woman. Especially over the past few weeks. Okay, the hair doesn't help and neither does the black leather long coat or my slender figure (*laughs* Yeah, I totally said it...). But still. It's kinda weird to hear "There ya go, cutie" after having a large man hold a door open for me. Or "You dropped your scarf, ma'am." The best one I think is when I was about to enter a restroom, a old (and probably nearsighted) man said, "Umm.. This is the men's restroom." I replied "Yes. I know that." And the dude turned as red as a red thing. It's slightly embarrassing and all but I'm having fun with it as well. *laughs*
I sure missed a lot while I was gone. And you guys missed a lot from this post. I've soo much more to report buuuuuut I talk too much. And now, I'll be working on getting up to date with all your wonderful little lives. I missed ya guys...
- enin -

P.S. The new music and picture? Well, I'm not entirely too sure about why it's up. Maybe I DO know, but I don't. Who knows? Not me.. Or maybe... Anyway, I think it's an extremely beautiful piano piece and the pic is lovely. It just seems really really fitting right now. What do you think?
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