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Atop a cliff overlooking the sea
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Dreamer//Tea Drinker//Graphic Designer
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I was a young lad
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Monday, April 24, 2006
So Monday is here. Let us welcome him.
Hello Monday. I love you. I want to embrace you. Let us hold hands, Monday. Together, we shall watch the grass grow.
Despite the still-crappy weather, I'm feeling a bit better from yesternight. Haven't really chatted with her yet but it's okay. I know something will work out soon.
Much thanks to the comments the last post. Totally turn my day around.. Erm.. Night I mean.. I'm not alive during the day. The sun burns my flesh.
Sitarose brought up a point that I haven't really thought about before. she's right. I AM pretty comfortable posting about whatever. Specifically what bothers me. It usually feels good after letting it out. When it comes to your own life, there's only so much you can bitch about to certain people. Here, at MyO, I can just go on about anything and everything (If I choose to do so of course). It's better than scribbling junk in a diary or whatever because here, I can get advice, opinions and whatnot from all different directions. Not so that I could follow them but to use them to my advantage and further think upon the situation at hand. What diary can do that, huh?
No. I don't have a diary. Shut up.
But yeah. You guys are the outside party. Perhaps yo've experienced the same problems. That helps too. So that's why I can feel easy about posting here. It's an escape. A pixelated escape into the world of the internets, but an escape nonetheless.
And yes. I ate 14 mangos.. When I crave, I really crave... There's no stoppin' me.
Anyway. I remembered I had a giftcard to Walmart early yesterday morning. And since I was having a pretty sucky weekend, I decided to buy something stupid at Walmart to cheer me up.
The lamp in my room is on the fritz. What I mean by that is that it spits sparks. Not cool, right? I needed a fast replacement. Anyone in their right mind would use their giftcard for something of use. I am not anyone. The split-second I walked into the lighting aisle, I was attracted to a spinning red siren light. I've always wanted one! What for? Who cares. It's neat, okay?
While carrying the box down to the other end of the aisle, I spotted a lava lamp. So I picked up one of those as well.
My new lava lamp is green with yellow blobs in blue liquid. The green base makes everything look green anyway. It makes this eerily trippy green glow in the dark so I can kinda use it for a lamp. The red siren light is completely useless in every way. But I like it. My room is very porno when it's turned on. *laughs* I said "turned on"...
My parents didn't say much about my new purchases. they just shook their heads... I say that's a good reaction!
So... I promised you guys a little something from my Easter escapades, correct? Yes, of course.
Below you'll see a bunny. That's me in the costume trying it out for a test run. I cannot stress enough the fact that it was bloody hot in there. But it was all for the kids and their easter egg hunt on Sunday. Little babies rock.
The video was taken on the Saturday before. Pixie was over that day so you can hear her laugh a bit in the background. Little sis was the camera girl. And I starred as Mr. Bunny.
Listen to them scream! Good times...

Click to see----->Mr. Bunny!
Well, that was dumb, eh? Costumes are fun though. I'm happy. Let's keep it this way..
Enjoy Monday, everyone! Let's take his hand again and sing him a lullaby...
- enin -
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