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Atop a cliff overlooking the sea
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Dreamer//Tea Drinker//Graphic Designer
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Made you smile
Anime Fan Since
I was a young lad
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Beck, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Nana
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Drinking on my kit, Drumming pictures, Drawing tea
Drumming, Making food disappear, Making myself disappear
Monday, June 12, 2006
Pretty days are now
It's official. That was the ugliest mask I've ever put on.
A few of you were probably concerned about the... change. Well, I'm with you all on that. I was just as freaked out as you were. But everything is obviously much MUCH better now. Yes, I ate and no, I didn't hurt myself or others so it wasn't that bad... I just turned into this... smiling thing. Ugh....
Thank goodness that's over.
You know what else is over?
Yeah, I gave up. It's not that I don't like her anymore, it's just that I know where things are headed. With her, I'm feeling an emotional deja vu, so to speak. What happened at Anime North kinda triggered it all. Basically, I went with her and some friends and... we pretty much didn't speak for most of the time. I felt really left out and we all know how shitty a feeling that is. Of course, she didn't do it intentionally but there's nothing I'm gonna to do change that.
I'm still going to be her friend. It's just that now if we hang out or whatever, I won't be as shy or hold myself back anymore because to put it bluntly, I don't really give a fuck about what happens between us.
I'll always treasure the times we spent together. I'm just glad I ejected. Crash or not, this was a safe move on my part and I'm happy about it. In fact, I feel awesome.
So that's that. Damn, what a short story, huh? *laughs*
Speaking of anime North, it wasn't a complete loss. Little sis, Mr. guitarist came along too. We all saw really awesome cosplays and that alone made the trip down there worth it. A few people recognized my POLYSICS cosplay and I was glad. Just in case everyone didn't get a chance to see it, I'll whore it out on the net as much as soon as I can get a camera. I'll see if I can get the pics of all the cosplayers we took shots of up soon as well.
[EDIT: I really want to show it off. Here's my POLYSICS cosplay with a picture of the actual band for comparison. The wristband is what Yano (The drummer) wore at the live in September so I put that on and you can't see it in my pic but I'm also wearing my black & white chucksorz.
I'll get more pics as soon as I can. This pic is crap but it'll do for now. Can you tell I'm proud of my cosplay?]

I think little sis enjoyed herself the most. I'm really glad too because I was the one out with friends. Methinks she just got caught up in all the excitement.
Since I had to go off and have lunch with people, I gave Little Sis a handful of cash and told her to enjoy herself but to also get me something neat. She gave me a suspicious look because of the uncommonly large amount of money I gave her. I then handed her a bit more and said, "Alright. This certainly won't make up for me ditching you but I really want you to go nuts here... Get me something REALLY neat too."
And she did.
She bought a backbreaking amount of mangas for herself, some mangas for me, annnnnnnd...
A bokken! (Wooden practice sword)
Heh... I keep it by my bed for safety reasons. Fortunately, I haven't had a chance to fight off my dad or his fits of jolly madness yet, but I'm sure there will be a time when that bokken of mine will serve me well. So far, I've been using it for changing the track on my new CD/Record player from my drumkit...
OH right! I got a new record player/CD player! It's so cool. It's very retro-looking. Nice black finish with chromed-out grill speakers. The sound for the actual record part is fuckin' out-of-this-world! The bass just pumps like crazy and it's all from this compact box thing. Enough of me talking about it, just have a look for yourselves:
That's my Beatle's "Best Of" record in there, on track 5 (I think), my favourite song, "I Wanna Hold Your Hand".
Now the mention of this record player branches off into two other things I wanna tell you about.
The first has to do with the person who gave it to me, my godfather. He's a Brit so he rocks automatically. I've mentioned him before. He's the Gandalf of the family. Anyway, he and I are going to meet an old friend of his for lunch. He works for British Airways and apparently looks exactly like Hugh Grant. I'm pretty excited about that.
The second has to do with the fact that my stereo is retro looking. My old high-school, (also my sister's current school) put on Grease as their play/musical this year. I've never been in a drama class but I AM a part of the acting and play history of the school, along with some friends/family including my sister, my cousin (Mr. Rhythm Guitarist), Mr. Vocalist and others. We've all known the school to be a decent school for drama, but not necessarily good for musicals. We all thought this production was gonna bomb. The cast didn't seem like the musical type and.... it was being led by that guy I hated. Remember the one who came into my house, who like Pixie, and who just annoyed the shit out of me? Yeah, he was Danny.... So yeah, I had the lowest of expectations for this but I went to see it anyway.
I was fuckin' blown away. First of all, they sang. They SANG, dammit! They sang well. Very well. Even the dude who played Danny. I was so stunned. And the dancing was awesome. The choreography made out for the self-admitted "bad dancer" cast was incredible. And the set was just effin' brilliant too. It was designed and constructed with the help of Mr. Vocalist, who had extra time on his hands. A little too much extra time. How much extra time? Enough to play Teen Angel... *laughs* He graduated and he had a role in the musical! He did awesome.
The intermission was pretty sweet too. 50's style snacks and stuff were being sold. I talked with a lot of my old teachers and convinced my favourite art teacher (who was organizing one of the snack tables) to give me a big spoonful of whipped cream. It was delicious. *laughs*
So yes, I truly enjoyed it. My sis WAS going to be in the cast but she declined. A lot of her friends (including Danny boy) starred in it though and after the show, we went backstage to congratulate them for blowing my mind.
Joseph is the guy who played Danny's name. He went up to me and my sis and asked what I thought. I gave him a whole mouthful of praise because there was no denying that it impressed me. The reason I earlier described him as "the guy I hated" is because... I can't hate a fan. Apparently, he really looks up to me as an actor, a fellow twisted-humourist, and.. just in general, I s'pose. He felt really good about hearing ANY praise from me so that kinda made me feel good in return.
That was certainly a good night. My sister, Mr. Vocalist and I went to Timmy H's to toast a kick-ass show.
This is going to sound a bit strange, but I find that at the mention of certain people that I don't like, I tend to feel very sick. To the point of vomiting actually. It happened recently when I was having a casual chat with Kanon. For some reason she sent me a song she found funny. It was about Celine Dion. Yes, my fellow canuckers, that skinny thing... It wasn't BY her. Just ABOUT her. About having a crush on her to be precise. The thought of that alone made me very queasy. Honestly, it's not natural to like Celine Dion. Seriously. Even if the song was a joke, I puked listening to it. Literally. It wasn't very nice of Kanon but she didn't know any better...
I know that didn't have any relevance to anything but I thought it'd be fun to let you know.
My youngest sister and I have been getting along nicely lately. I know why. Nintendo DS.
Earlier this year she let me create a character for her Animal Crossing game. I chose a female one because the boys look like retards and I named her Jaden (probably my favourite name for a girl or boy. Should I choose [or be lucky enough] to have children, that's what I'll name one. *laughs*) Anyway, I didn't play the game that much until a month and I half ago. ever since, I've been tapping away at the thing (with the stylus, you pig.) every day while my sis was at school. It funny how serious she'd get over it. "Did you water the garden?" "Yes yes... I caught some fish and donated it to the museum too.." "Good. Keep it up.", she'd say. What a nut. Both of us...
Speaking of which, I accompanied my youngest sis on a field trip to a textile museum and a clay workshop thingy for their ancient civilizations chapter at school. The textile museum was more interesting than I thought. The tourguide was a cutie, I saw a really trippy piece of dyed fabric and I even gave the class a laugh by setting off multiple alarms. Everyone on the trip made a quilt square reflecting something about themselves. I made a cherry blossom tree (My fascination with the Japanese culture and my obsession with Arizonas). Yay me!
I was the youngest supervisor on the trip and so I kinda felt like a grade 5 too. Especially when we went to the clay workshop. We were to sculpt figures with a similar style to the statues of the Maya civilization. the kids had a lot of fun and I got a chance to mess with clay after such a long time. I wasn't paying attention to ALL the instructions for the Mayan style so I winged it in a "Check this shit out" fashion. Baha.. The kids loved it.
Little sis felt especially proud to have me come along. Probably because I made us both bento boxes. She had chicken on rice and salmon maki (which I had to buy because I had no time or patience to make it myself this time). I had a simple unagi on rice box with extras. She had fun showing it off to her friends and even more fun inhaling that food down as if it were her last. Ehh.. She's a hungry kid. *laughs*
A good day for all!
[EDIT: Not quite a good day afterall. I almost busted up my hand trying to keep a snack away from my youngest sis. How exactly? Two words: Ceiling fan. Thankfully, despite my bitching that night, it healed faster than I thought and I can drum again]
A good day even for my other sis. She received a phonecall from her beloved boy-crush. She got all girly and giddy and... yeah. Good for her. *laughs* She's lucky everyone was in a good mood that day because I was planning on kicking her ass for what she did to me the day before.
Our family went out for dim sum and during the meal, I was annoying my sis for... whatever reason and that clever little turd said out loud "At least I didn't tell mom and dad you're gay..."
Oh the table went silent. The way she said it made it very believable and yeah they started questioning me and because of the ridiculousness on the situations I kept laughing and now they're keeping an eye on me... Stupid sister. Clever sister. *laughs*
Speaking of laughing, I went to Yuk Yuks with some friends last Friday and it was great. The main act was awesome but I really liked the 2nd and 3rd act the most. the second act was a really chubby guy with long hair and a beard. Think "Obese Aragorn". There ya go... Some good drug jokes here and there and even an acoustic song. Fuckin' brilliant. the third act was just insanely funny. He even had poo jokes! I broke a rib laughing at that bastard. Fuckin' brilliant times two.
Yesterday (Sunday), I cooked pancakes for a pancake breakfast/fundraiser at church. there were pics taken so you might see me in an apron and hairnet. Yeah....
I'm sure I've missed something but I've gone on long enough. I'm hoping to do some shopping soon. I'm starting to dig tank tops and open shirts, despite my hopelessly skinny drummer arms. *laughs*
The weather has been really great recently. Just enough wind, just enough sun and nothing but pretty bright blue skies the whole day through. I also finally made a jrock/various Asian music minidisc. It's about time too... I find that I often air-guitar, air-drum, air-bass, air-synth, and air-sing often while I'm out in public. But I don't care. It's fun and I love my music. (Note: There is such a thing as air-singing. It's not lip-synching. Lip-synching is just moving your lips whereas air-singing involves the same breathing, timing and projection of REAL singing, just without the sound. Try it. You'll feel neat...)
I'm indeed a happy human.
To make me happier, I need to shop... And get more kimchi. I'm addicted to the stuff. It's the perfect late night snack. I like it really spicy. It goes well with my tea. My current craves have gotten me to watch "Full House", the popular korean drama for the third time this year. If you haven't seen it yet, I really advise that you do.
Well, that's it from me for now. Things are good, dude. Things are gooooood.
I hope you all have a great week!
- enin -
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