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Atop a cliff overlooking the sea
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Dreamer//Tea Drinker//Graphic Designer
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Made you smile
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I was a young lad
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Beck, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Love Hina, Nana
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Drumming, Making food disappear, Making myself disappear
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Just a trim
Good evenin', world.
You caught me in another good mood. Good job!
Well... A good mood to a certain extent. You see, I mentioned in my last post that I'm running out of my current crave, kimchi. I actually skipped watching Full House tonight because I'm out. Honestly, it's so delicious and addictive... If you have any, please send some this way. I'll thank you with a kiss.
(Alright. I'm probably going to buy a whole fridge full as soon as I get a chance. However... you don't need kimchi to get to these lips... Haha.)
Now before I begin with the happenings and such, I wanna tell you about magic water. Okay. It's not really magic. It's those flavoured water beverages designed for busy people who just can't stand the taste of regular good ol' H2O. I tried a strawberry one recently and let me tell you, it was a trip. It looked like water and was even in a water bottle-looking water bottle. But it tasted like strawberry stuff! I don't know, man. You can deceive a lot of thirsty people out there. Anyway, it tasted alright, but I still prefer regular water over that flavoured stuff. But then, I prefer tea over water. So... Yeah. Bite me. Gently.
So let me ask you something. Do you have a good memory for people you meet only once or twice? Like, if you meet someone then see them and recognize their face a month or so later, would you remember their name and where you met? I sure wouldn't. I'm honestly shit with matching names to faces. It can sometimes be quite embarrassing but at least I'm honest.
I was eating at a restaurant celebrating my grandma's 77th birthday with my family and several more relatives. Three or four tables next to us were occupied by a bigger group of family and relatives. I happened to recognize one of the girls walking back and forth from the tables, making sure stuff was alright.
Now for the life of me, I couldn't remember her name and it took me awhile to remember where I've seen her face before. I came to the conclusion that I first met her at a house party back in February and possibly could've seen her for a brief moment at Anime North. I was never one to walk up to people because.. Well, I'm friggin' shy. You should know that by now. So I waited for her to make eye contact with me and see if she recognized me. I kinda doubted she would but lo and behold, our eyes caught and she spun around to check again. She mouthed out "Josh?" so that our dinners and chatting families wouldn't be interrupted. She started mouthing out some other stuff, but I didn't catch any of it. I got up and so did she.
She greeted me and asked if I remembered her. I admitted I forget her name and she just laughed it off (Thank goodness). Her family was celebrating her brother's graduation. I was wondering for awhile what they could've been celebrating because everyone was nicely dressed and they were drinking wine and stuff. Now this is normally out of the ordinary for most restaurants, but for me it was. I usually go to this particular restaurant for a tasty fill for a very good price. It's a casual palce for me to go and to see such a refine group kinda took me off guard. Anyway....
She told me her name and I faked not hearing her so that she'd say it again. Just so it would stick, y'know. We eventually exchange cell numbers for future reference sake. Now I CAN'T forget her name.. *laughs* We were both greeted by "Ooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" by our families when we returned to our seats. It was expected and pretty amusing. Good times.
I'm happy to report I had a rather unhealthy dose of baby bok choy that night. I'm surprised I'm not green. *laughs*
Yesterday (Tuesday), lil sis had an exam and afterwards she asked me to come along with her downtown so that she could get her hair re-coloured by fine-lookin' Chinese boys in Chinatown. It was a pretty day outside so I took the offer.
I dropped her off at the salon and went for a brisk walk around Chinatown. I wasn't planning on buying anything but I paid a visit to a bank machine for a $20. Bad idea and good idea at the same time. I'll explain why.
I walk pretty fast. I think it's because I tend to take long strides. I usually look like I really have somewhere to go and it's impossible for people to catch up to me. Anyway, because of this, I pretty much cleared Chinatown within half an hour. So I returned to the salon. They weren't even halfway done with my sisters hair so I decided to just sit and wait there, listen to some tunes and browse the pictures of pretty hair in the available magazines. I've had my hair trimmed there before (April 2nd to be exact. Just a simple trim because my hair felt "heavy". Some of you know what I mean. Nothing too fancy.) so I chatted with the one guy who did my hair last time. there were four people working that day, two girl and two boys. His English wasn't as advanced as everyone else’s. His skill with hair, however, is the most phenomenal.
He had just finished with his client and I think I sighed a bit too loud. The head guy turned around and asked if I wanted a haircut. He noticed I was waiting for my sis and said I could pass the time with a haircut. I tried throwing him off by saying I couldn't decide but... at that moment it seemed like such a great idea. And it was.
So I took off my shirt (had my black tank underneath though. Sorry girls... *laughs*) and they escorted me to the washing sink. I got to be serviced by the awesome guy again. He washes hair like a god. He used a really pretty smelling shampoo and conditioner and he also massaged my scalp while doing so. You can tell that your hair is really long by the amount of water it can hold. He took quite awhile to towel-dry it and even then, when I got up, it dripped a lot.
So I sat in the chair, and he found my part and asked what I'd like. I told him 5 inches off, layered, and give me some sort of bangs. Nothing too short but just enough so that when I tie my hair up, I don't have forehead festival. He tilted his head and one of the girl stylists working beside us explained everything I said. He smiled and went straight to work.
The way he worked was fascinating to watch. He was very quick yet took his time. He even hummed and sang along to the Chinese pop music playing on their sound system. It was quite a way to "pass the time".
It was really good timing on their part. My sis and I were finished at about the same time. The haircut felt great. Like, not only did it feeling lighter and stuff, it just felt like one of those breath of fresh air things. I feel new and shiny. *laughs*
I didn't tie my hair up on my way home. I decided to let the wind take it. I did tie it up when I arrived at the house just to see how it would look. Now my hair does this "fountain bun" thing out of the back of my head. Oh! I now have bangs! Like, real ones. Not just strands of hair I catch flying loose. Very cool stuff.
I'm quite happy with it. Have a look:

This is my hair loose. Neat little layers and oh my goodness, it flows like silk...

This is my hair tied up. Can you see the sprouty-thing it's doing there? I look like a sea creature warding off preadtors... *laughs*
[Note: You can also see my new necklace in those pics too. It's sharp and made of bone. I thought it looked pretty...
...pretty dangerous. Hahah.]
I suppose that's all for now. Today (Wednesday), lil sis and my mom are shopping. I'm hoping to get some cash before they go so I can wander off in my own direction and perhaps do some shopping myself..
..wait. Scratch that.. I need my fucking kimchi.
...and shopping too. Augh! Decisions...
Alright, the parents like kimchi too. Maybe I can convince them to buy it on their own. Yesss. Good plan.
Have a great day, everyone!
- enin -
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