Birthday 1991-09-01 Gender
Male Location Florida Member Since 2006-05-30 Occupation student, servant Real Name Gir
Achievements god made me live again Anime Fan Since i was 6 Favorite Anime Love Hina/ Miyazaki vids. Naruto!!!!! Goals to be a oceanographer Hobbies martial arts Talents i can make you laugh Epocolypse Seer
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Trigun's Beer Tribute
To go with the new theme of the site heres' this Amv and thanks to Greenday2747 for teaching me how to well do stuff for the site and no longer feeling like a retard.. Her site still kicks' my site's ass but atleast its better then My last sites were...
My emotions in an AMV
The pirates that don't do anything:
PLEAS WATCH IT if you feel like shit you definatly have to watch it you'll feel so much better (you know who you are!!!!!) Comments (1) |
Sunday, June 25, 2006
I ARE SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SO DEPPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i havn't been able to talk to my (best freind) ALL WEEKEND AND ITS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I IS SO SAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*deep sigh*
IM SO DEPPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I MISS MY BEST FREIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comments (2) |
Saturday, June 24, 2006
me and my sister are finally re3d belts!!!!!!!!!!!
i love it!!!!! finaly!!! were highbelts!!!!!!!!
i love it!!!!!!!! this so rocks!!!!
but the bad side is that i feel like my flesh is being torn apart from the inside on my back!!!
its hurts really bad.......well i'll live!^-^
yeah im pretty happy now...
ok so lately ive ben training and stuff for my upcoming testing for my Red belt in my Martial arts class..( just in case anyone is interested what style i study its Shim-Shin DO) yeah its relitivley young compared to the other stlyes of martial arts out there. so ive been training and so to reflect my mood. im ganna post these vids of people doing cool Martial arts stuff.
this guy is a MODERN Ninja!!! seriously.. so far if saw in this videos stuff that would be taught in Tai Kick-Boxing, Wushu(not shure if i spelled right and some stuff that are taught in the Xiaolin Temples... and accademys.. so check these guys out:
and lastly here's some guys doing some stuff i think there at a demo!!
well here you go!: