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Friday, September 23, 2005
Ah I finally got my music fixed. :D
It wasn't morking, but it's up again! Check it out! ^.^
We're supposed to be having this big band meeting today and it's getting all screwed. x) We were all supposed to go over my friend Laura's house and play there. Amy wanted to do this, and she won't even bring her bass guitar...C'mon, Amy, that guitar was a complete splurge! At least pick it up once in a while; it's a fun instrument! Anyway, now Laura's sister is hogging the basement for no apparent reason, and we can't do anything over there...I don't think this band thing is gonna work well...I have no room to do anything at my house, so these little meetings will probably never be at my house, same with Stef...and Laura has to share her basement with her sisters! Amy house is kinda crazy, so I dunno what we're supposed to do! This is sad, and now I'm kinda angry...maybe we can do something tomorrow...-sigh- Maybe I'll post later.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
What's up with this...? xD Thank you, EdwardElricthe2nd, for this important announcement.
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Azumanga Daioh
Short Summary: -sigh- How to describe Azumanga Daioh...? It's a story...(of a man named Brady! lol where'd that come from?) It's a story about pretty much nothing...Well, for starters, there are mainly high school girls Chiyo, Tomo, Yomi, Osaka (her real name is Ayuma), Kaorin, and Sakaki. Then there are two teachers, the language teacher and the gym teacher. The thing is...Chiyo is a ten-year-old prodigy, Tomo is abnormally energetic, Yomi is surrounded by weirdos, Osaka is thoughtful, but you can't really say she's very bright, and Koarin has a crush on Sakaki, a cool but shy girl ho secretly has a thing for cats (if an obsession can be considered a "thing"). The language teacher and the gym teacher have been rivals since THEY went to high school, and the language teacher, Miss Yukari, acts as if she's still IN high school! There's another teacher...umm...but I would rather not talk about him. o__o;
Animation: 8
Drawings: 9
Script: 9.5 (very cute and funny. ^_^)
Writing: 9.5 (the same can be said here)
Price: 10
Overall Rating: GREAT
Why I like it: IT'S SO...WEIRD!! I don't know...the randomness never really gets old with me...and it kind of reminds me of MY school (I'd say I'm a Chiyo...). I really reccomend this. I'd say once again this is mostly shoujo, but there are a few elements that guys would like -cough- >__>;; So, buy Azumanga Daioh and make ADV ten dollars richer! xD
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WHOOPS! I need to put up a review! Heh...
Time for Azumanga Daioh! :D I'm doing requests now, so please feel free to submit any manga/anime/movie (under R, I don't want the little kids on this site reading stuffs ^_^;) and I'll do a review! :D Also, you can comment on my reviews, I'd actaully prefer you did that...I'll post the Azumanga Daioh review next. Byes! ^__^
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Woot! New stuff!
I changed everything about my layout except the music, which I'm gonna change soon anyway. xD THANKS shiori hana and maiden of life for all the help! Much appreciated!
Hehe, made my own everything. :3 Except the music, once again. How do you make the music? I don't get it. -__-
New reviews are on the way, so come back soon! I do a better job than the reviews on this site! BUY MY PRODUCT! (going insane from lack of visits) But I really do work hard on my reviews. D: Soon I'll be doing CD and normal movie reviews, so WATCH OUT! -grabs butcher knife-
Sorry about the length of my last post. It's funny, but if you're lazy -cough like me- then you probably didn't read it...:(
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Fullmetal Alchemist...PART TWO!! It has begun. o_o
YES, I know, I'm two days late. T_T I've been having technical difficulties, so here it is, Teacher, spoilers and commentary by me and elrics girl...Enjoy. -_-
(Parental Advisory thing comes up on the screen)
(Amy runs in and does a back-flippy thing onto the couch)
(Al runs into the room looking terrified. Izumi, their teacher, is here)
Liz: yayayayayayayayay
Amy: I know, shut up, I wanna hear.
(Izumi meets Al and kicks his butt)
Liz: Awww. D=
(Izumi starts yelling at Ed and Al. Ed spazzes behind Winry)(Amy cracks up)(opening starts)
Liz: It's the same ending? But...why?
Amy: They don't change opening themes on Cartoon Network.
Liz: Oh. They suck!! (starts crying for no reason)
(Amy cries too)
Liz: It's BACK! :D
Amy: -sniff- Yay!
(Mustang is playing chess with an old guy)
Liz: Hot! x3
Amy: Which one?
Liz: (roars) Ohh, the old guy is like...the man.
Amy: Ha. Yeah, right. Heh. He's nice.
Liz: Watch him die in two episodes.
Amy. Ha. Yeah, right?
Liz: Stop saying that.
(Mustang goes away)
Liz: Aww. :(
(Ed Al and Winry are in a train car. Ed and Al are tied together)
Amy: Yay! Hah!
(They're all talking about Izumi, and then there's a flashback)
Amy: Aww, so CUTE!
Liz: It's Aaron Dismuke! I mean...AL...He there's no echo! ... That's WEIRD!
Amy: Ha. Yeah, right? Hey...there's no echo!
Liz: I just said that.
Amy: Yeah, but I just realized it.
Liz: Grr...(Ed and Al ditch Winry)
Amy: They treated Winry like that? Oh...with the end of the movie, that's so sad when you know what happens at the end of the movie!
Liz: Don't tell me what happens. Don't tell me.
Amy: But, I'm keeping my emotions bottled up! Waaah! (Ed is talking about human transmutation) No, no, Ed! Don't do it!
Liz: But he will...BWAHA!
(Ed and Al are helping out other people by using alchemy, and it didn't work)
Liz: Ha. The mud looks like pudding!
Amy: What?
Liz: Nothing. (Izumi comes in and uses alchemy)
(Some dude: Who are you?
Izumi: Oh, just a couple passing by! (she pauses and then throws up blood)
Liz: Woah! Chibi gore!
Amy: Ha. Yeah, right?
Liz: Cut that out!!
Amy: Sorry. (Ed and Al visit Izumi in the hospital. Izumi asks if their parents gave them permission, and they look down sadly)
Amy: (in a really weird voice) We...don't have...any parents...
Liz: Amy, you're cruel. (they're on a train leaving to train with Izumi)
Amy + I at the same time: Training on a train! Training on a train! Hahaha! (Izumi starts yelling at them again about the military)(Amy and I laugh)
(flashback ends and Ed and Al try to escape, but Izumi catches them)
Amy: Ha, Ed's unconscious.
(commercial comes on)
(comes back on)
Both: YEAH!!
(Mustang is assigning subordinates to Central. Fallman really wants to go)
Liz: Aww, poor Fallman. Fallman Boy! We're going down down!
Amy: ...Yay he gets to go!
Liz: -starts crying again-(scene changes back to Izumi and friends) Dublin? In Ireland?
Amy: DubLITH
Liz: Ohhh...KITTY! (little girl is talking to Izumi about her cat, Chico, who is going to have kittens)(they're all having dinner, and Winry asks Izumi if she has a child. This seems to strike a nerve with one of Izumi's friends, and he changes the subject to Ed and Al's alchemy)
(a bunch of boys run up to Izumi and they want her to fix their train. Izumi refuses to use alchemy to fix it and tells the boys to be more careful with their toys next time)
Amy: WOAH, that little kid sounded like a forty-three-year-old man!
Liz: Actually he kinda sounded like a kid in my class...(the little girl runs up to Izumi and is upset about her cat, Chico. Al chases away the dog barking at Chico -actually he just kind of stands there and freaks the dog out- Chico is on the roof of the house. She's had kittens, and Ed climbs up to get her down. She's bleeding a lot. One of her kits falls off the roof, but Ed uses alchemy to catch it.)
Amy: Woah, did you see that?
Liz: What?
Amy: The kitten changes color! When it was on the roof it was tan, but when Ed caught it, it was gray!
Liz: Haha, the coloring people for this probably saw that and were like, "Aww, crap!!"
Amy: Ha. Yeah, right?
Liz: Okay, now you're doing that on purpose.
Amy: Doing what?
Liz: -gasp- Chico!! (the girl is holding a lifeless Chico. She asks Izumi if "she's broken somewhere")
Amy: Nina said that!
Liz: -starts crying again- Stop setting me off!
Amy: Sorry! (Izumi is trying to explain to the little girl that all things die, and now Chico is gone forever.
Little kid: But...but she was just here!)
Liz: WAAAAHHHHH!!! ;__;
Amy: -starts crying, too- (they have a funeral for Chico, and afterwards Ed asks Izumi who she would pick to bring back to life if she could. She gets all mad and then yet another flashback happens. Ed and Al are sparring with Izumi and get their butts kicked. She lectures them, and then the flashback ends -note that the book Izumi was reading was called "Easy Cooking" and the research done on the Philosopher's Stone were written in the form of recipes- Izumi says she knows that Al's armor is empty and Ed's arm and leg are automail. They explain about the transmutation, and Izumi beats them up again -she just can't stop!- and then she hugs them.)
Liz: It's not over it's not over it's so not over!! (ending theme comes on) IT'S OVER??!
Amy: But it'll be on in anoter week!
Liz: But...I can't wait that long! I---feel JIPPED!
Amy: I taped it, let's watch it again!
Liz: Yay!
We ended up watching it about five times that night. Okay, so maybe that was the worst summary ever written, but you liked the commentary, right? C'mon...NOD!
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Time for some strange pictures!
LMAO! I have no idea who did these...but thank you for the laughs. XD

Again, I am not claiming to be responsible for any of these (especially not the pic of crossdressing Armstrong!!) but I give credit to pyro_alchemist on for posting all these. xD THANKS.
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
Pita-Ten Review
Short Summary: Kotarou isn't the luckiest kid around. He's having problems in school, but only because he's pretty much on his own at home until his father gets there. Good thing he has an angel living next door! Or, is that a good thing? His neighbor, Misha, always claims to be an angel, but she doesn't act like one at all. Sure, she's sweet and caring and just wants Kotarou to succeed and be happy, but she's hyper-active, she can't cook, and she won't leave him alone! Besides, she doesn't seem to know anything about Earth. Kotarou's friend, Uematsu, has had a crush on Kotarou for a good portion of her life, and she'd do anything to get Misha away from him. Kotarou is also a little jealous of his friend, nicknamed Ten-chan, because so many girls like him and he seems to ace every test without even trying. Then, to top it all off, Misha takes a strange girl named Shia in. There's something eerie about this Shia, and for a while, Kotarou and Misha can't stand to be around her because they get painful headaches! There's something more to her than meets the eye. And...what's the deal with her cat?
Drawings: 8.5
Writing: 8
Price: 10
Overall Rating: GOOD
Why I Liked It: OMG, it's so cute. ^__^ The characters are very unique, and I like the style.
I don't really think guys would like this one, but eh, you never really know. Well, over and out for now, su!
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Friday, September 16, 2005
Inuyasha Review
Short Summary: Kagome Higurashi is a normal teenage girl until she is dragged into a well by a horrible monster! She comes out of the other side of the well alive, but she's suddenly in medieval Japan! She is saved by a half-dog-demon Inuyasha, who only comes along with her because she has a hold over him. The hanyou is looking for the Shikon Jewel, a powerful stone which would take away his human side and make him a full demon. But Kagome shatters that same jewel into many pieces when fighting off a crow demon! (bad coincidence) She seems to be the only person Inuyasha can rely on to find the shards because she also seems to be the only one who can see where they're hidden. Kagome relies on Inuyasha for protection. There's a steadily growing bond between the two of them and their friends, Miroku, Sanga, Shippo, and Kilala. But what reason will Kagome have to stay there once they find every shard?
Animation: 7-9.5 (it changes as the series progresses)
Drawings: 8
Writing: 9
Script: 9
Voiceovers: 9.5
Price: 5.5
Overall Rating: Excellent
Why I Liked It: It's very funny and also a good action anime. Good for both genders. The price is pretty much the only thing that gets me down! I don't like paying $30 for DVDs, not even for my favorites (well, MAYBE for FMA...:D') I generally like it though, and it's a good start on an anime/manga collection.
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Girl Got Game! Review
Short Summary: Aizawa loves playing basketball. She even applied to a special high school for it! But, there's just one problem: she's gotten into the BOY'S division of this high school! At first she wonders how she got into this kind of mess and WHY she was mailed a boy's school uniform instead of a girl's. Then her father steps up and admits that HE was the one to blame! He wants Aizawa to live his dream: to become the best boy's basketball player in that high school! Her dad has lost it, but she agrees to cut her hair and pose as a man until things get straightened out. Otherwise, her dad's in BIG trouble for fraud. When she gets there, she meets her roommate, who doesn't take to her so keenly. Things look rough for poor Aizawa, but she's confident that she can get through it for now. But how much longer can she keep it up?
Drawings: 8.6
Writing: 9.2
Overall Rating: GREAT
Why I liked it: This manga has it all: comedy, romance, drama, high school students...and cross-dressing! It's pretty cute and I think it's pretty under-appreciated. I really reccommend it!
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