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myOtaku.com: equivelentxchange

Friday, September 23, 2005

   Ah I finally got my music fixed. :D
It wasn't morking, but it's up again! Check it out! ^.^

We're supposed to be having this big band meeting today and it's getting all screwed. x) We were all supposed to go over my friend Laura's house and play there. Amy wanted to do this, and she won't even bring her bass guitar...C'mon, Amy, that guitar was a complete splurge! At least pick it up once in a while; it's a fun instrument! Anyway, now Laura's sister is hogging the basement for no apparent reason, and we can't do anything over there...I don't think this band thing is gonna work well...I have no room to do anything at my house, so these little meetings will probably never be at my house, same with Stef...and Laura has to share her basement with her sisters! Amy house is kinda crazy, so I dunno what we're supposed to do! This is sad, and now I'm kinda angry...maybe we can do something tomorrow...-sigh- Maybe I'll post later.


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