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Work, net, writing, drawing, & my kitsune!
Real Name
Not telling. Sorry. ^_^ Equus, Okami Gin-iro, Insanity, take your pick.
Well, let's see... *Driving me insane.* Yep! *>.>*
Anime Fan Since
Um...freshman year of college!
Favorite Anime
(edited) Gundam Wing! Bleach! Rurouni Kenshin! Fruits Basket! *Do you have to exclaim all of them?* Yep!
To read the Book of Mormon in Arabic, learn Chinese and Japanese, get my stories and artwork published. And to marry my Kitsunekun.
Writing, drawing, reading, anime....really, did I need to add that one? ^.~
Taking over the world! Uh, I mean, world peace? *Peace, pieces, what's the diff?* Maybe I should lock my muse in a box and send her to Abudabi. Anyway, talents...driving people crazy! *Equus can draw and write. Come on, Equus, put on your straightjacket.*
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior, the Messiah, the Redeemer of the world.
This is all true. Have faith. Love.
1 Nephi 20:17
17 And thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I have sent him, the Lord thy God who teacheth thee to profit, who leadeth thee by the way thou shouldst go, hath done it.
2 Nephi 2:26
And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.
Hi, peeps! Well, Mom took Blue to the vet's today. Mudpie and I went with them. Blue has a sore on his hind paw that got infected. Thankfully, that seems to be all it is. Either way, we'll get through this. But it's not bothering him--again, thankfully.
*He was a wuss about it.*
Well, I don't like doctors' visits either. But the vet is nice, and you can't explain to a dog the same way as a human. Though you can make the vet's office a not scarey place to be. ^.^
*Yep. And he's fine, now.*
I haven't been feeling so well a couple times.
*That's because you don't eat well.*
^/^ So true. Uh-oh. Do you think Sano thinks I look fat? o.o
-o.O Um...-
*Don't worry. Sano likes you for your mind, not your looks. That's a good thing. Well, except in this're not exactly all there....*
*Just joking. ^^; Really.*
-Pocket hugs to all, and have a good day.-
Bye-bye, and love! ^_^
"While the Book of Mormon speaks with power to the issues that affect our modern society, the great and stirring burden of its message is a testimony, vibrant and true, that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah."
~ President Gordon B. Hinckley
from 'A Testimony Vibrant and True', Liahona and Ensign, Aug. 2005
Scripture of the day
Mormon 8
35 Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.
37 For behold, ye do love money, and your substance, and your fine apparel, and the adorning of your churches, more than ye love the poor and the needy, the sick and the afflicted.
38 O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy church of God? Why are ye ashamed to take upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that greater is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of the praise of the world?
39 Why do ye adorn yourselves with that which hath no life, and yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, and the naked, and the sick and the afflicted to pass by you, and notice them not?
40 Yea, why do ye build up your secret abominations to get gain, and cause that widows should mourn before the Lord, and also orphans to mourn before the Lord, and also the blood of their fathers and their husbands to cry unto the Lord from the ground, for vengeance upon your heads?
--I must say, I am guilty of pride and lack of charity. But I can change! We all can. :-) That's the beauty of God's having us come here. Love and praise and thanks to God, our Father in Heaven, and Jesus Christ, our Brother.--
Fact of the day:
Basically, Arabian horses have or should have black skin, no matter what color their hair. Black skin protects them from the sun.
2 Nephi 2:24-30
But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things.
Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.
Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.
And now, my sons, I would that ye should look to the great Mediator, and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit;
And not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the evil which is therein, which giveth the spirit of the devil power to captivate, to bring you down to hell, that he may reign over you in his own kingdom.
I have spoken these few words unto you all, my sons, in the last days of my probation; and I have chosen the good part, according to the words of the prophet. And I have none other object save it be the everlasting welfare of your souls. Amen.
LOVE to everyone! ^_^ (L and hugs)
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Iiiiiiiii'm back! I had a really good experience at the bookstore today. That is my current, but almost finished, employment--our university's bookstore.
*And Equus is't always very sociable, so it really isn't the best job for her. For other reasons, too. But onward, to the story.*
Well, I was helping one customer figure out what was going on with the books for his class. And another customer, a young man, asked for a Spanish 101 book. They're actually these big packets that we booksellers know. They weren't in for a long time, and then we got lots. Anyway, so I said I'd check in the back, since there actually weren't any on the shelf, and I wasn't sure we had any more. He didn't seem thrilled.
*You can understand that, Equus.*
Yes, I can. But still...okay, you're right. So I went back, found lots of bozes of books, and took two boxes out. He said something, I think, about me not needing to bring out a box. (Well, I did for for the shelf, but it was still very nice.) And he carried one of the boxes a few feet for me, and helped cut it open, and helped put the books on the shelf.
*That made Equus very happy for a good bit of the rest of the afternoon.*
*Aren't you afraid Sano will be jealous?*
Well, it's not like I'll see him again. And Sano never comes to the bookstore.
*That's cause he's not real, Equus.*
Oh...right. ^/^ Reality.
From a copy I was given of one of my favorite painting of the Savior.
"As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we add our witness to the solumn testimonies of millions from the past and present that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of the living God, the Redeemer and Savior of the human race, the Eternal Judge of all people, the Chosen and Anointed of the Father--the Christ."
The most important part of the Church's name--Jesus Christ. We are Christians, and we bear record of His mission and Atonement, along with all other believer in Christ. In His holy name. Amen.
2 Nephi 2
4 And thou hast beheld in thy youth his [Jesus's] glory; wherefore, thou art blessed even as they unto whom he shall minister in the flesh; for the Spirit is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. And the way is prepared from the fall of man, and salvation is free.
5 And men are instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil. And the law is given unto men. And by the law no flesh is justified; or, by the law men are cut off. Yea, by the temporal law they were cut off; and also, by the spiritual law they perish from that which is good, and become miserable forever.
6 Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.
7 Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.
8 Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.
9 Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God, inasmuch as he shall make intercession for all the children of men; and they that believe in him shall be saved.
10 And because of the intercession for all, all men come unto God; wherefore, they stand in the presence of him, to be judged of him according to the truth and holiness which is in him. Wherefore, the ends of the law which the Holy One hath given, unto the inflicting of the punishment which is affixed, which punishment that is affixed is in opposition to that of the happiness which is affixed, to answer the ends of the atonement—
11 For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility.
12 Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice of God.
13 And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon; wherefore, all things must have vanished away.
14 And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon.
Fact of the day: Nocturnal means nighttime, crepuscular means dawn- and dusk-time, and diurnal means daytime.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
I hope you guys liked the last few posts. Thanks for your comments, racoongirl, Refi, and Alex. If any has questions or comments, please let me know, and I can even post them! (Please, nothing mean.)
So, how are you all doing? I took the dogs on a walk this evening. The sun was shining, but it wasn't too much or anything. The sun and wind, with the green fields and the trees...beautiful. And I thought of a quote from a movie, which I'd like to paraphrase. "God's love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I feel it all around me." And the hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth".
For the beauty of the earth,
For the beauty of the skies...
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.
For the joy of human love...
And it was beautiful. Wonderful.
And the dogs had fun, too. They swam in our neighbors little, circular, stone watering tank. (Don't worried, they're allowed to. ^_^) And I took a toy we have that lets us throw the ball farther. (It's especially nice since I can't throw very far at all.) And the Border collies are so much fun to watch, and so pretty. They enjoyed it. At least, they had some fun. I hope. XD Yep.
Bye-bye! Take care in the world, real and computer, have fun, and here are pocket hugs for you all! Bye!
D&C 76:119
And to God and the Lamb be glory, and honor, and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
I deleted the wrong post! Sorry that the post before this is missing. :(
Scriptural or religious quotes of the day:
"[...]Those people need to have a little private time and ask themselves what they really want in life. Is it entertainment? Is it wealth? Is it fame? They need to decide what they really want to accomplish. [...] Many people, in and out of the Church, have not really framed their objectives, what they want to accomplish more than anything else. But once they have made the decision to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, to emulate His example, to live according to His precepts, then their commitment is secure. That has to be done individually. No leader can do it for anyone else."
"[...]In the scriptures the Savior says, “Come unto me.” What does this invitation mean? How do we come unto Him?
"[...]“Come unto me,” the Savior said, “all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). So you come unto Christ to be yoked with Him and with His power, so that you’re not pulling life’s load alone. You’re pulling life’s load yoked with the Savior and Redeemer of the world, and suddenly your problems, no matter how serious they are, become lighter. That’s what we mean by coming unto Christ, being yoked to Him."
"[...]Many of our Saints don’t understand what repentance really is. Repentance is more than just undoing the wrongs you’ve done. It’s a whole change of your outlook on life. You want to think like the Lord. You want to talk like the Lord. You want to act like the Lord. You want to believe, you want to pray, you want to love the way the Lord does. And then you’re converted. Often you see people whose first interest is somewhere else. They will have conflicts, because as they try to serve the Lord they have one foot in the stirrup and one foot dragging on the ground."
"[...]As I go around to visit the members of the Church in stake conferences and regional conferences, often I ask them what they know about the life of the Savior. How can you describe what you know about the Savior in a word or two? And maybe I don’t phrase the question very well, but quite often their answers are rather nebulous. I’ve learned that generally people in the world do not understand who the Lord is, what His mission was, or what His ministry meant. The Lord’s mission in mortality was to accomplish the Atonement, which is a gift of immortality to every individual who has ever lived. That is an incredible gift. Part of that mission was to make eternal life a possibility for anyone who would qualify for it. That is a gift conditioned upon obedience to the laws and temple ordinances and covenants. What was His ministry? His ministry was everything else that He did—His miracles, His teachings, His love, His focus on ordinances, His teaching us how to pray. His mission—the Atonement—was uniquely His. Only one was required to do that. He did it once for all. On the other hand, His ministry was to be an example for us. There is no limit to the number of people who can learn to love as He loved, to serve, obey, pray, and endure to the end as He did. We can all emulate that example. We need to make a clear distinction between the things we can do that the Lord did and the things we need not worry about that the Lord did once for all. If we can understand that, then we can really emulate the Lord in our own lives and follow the example He set for us."
"[...]Is there anything else you would like to say to the members of the Church?
"[...]Just to bear my testimony that this is the work of the Lord. We are engaged in His holy service. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, as is the New Testament, as is the Old Testament. But the Book of Mormon is a very special document that teaches us more about the life, the mission, and the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ than any other book. I’m so grateful for the Book of Mormon. And I’m very grateful to be led by a living prophet. To have a prophet at the helm of this Church is a wonderful privilege. It is my testimony that we are engaged in the work of the living God in His living Church, the only true and living church upon the face of the earth. And I leave that testimony with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
from “The Mission and Ministry of the Savior: A Discussion with Elder Russell M. Nelson,” Ensign, June 2005, p 16 (emphasis added)
Hope you're enjoying the thoughts. While I think these are all good, the first one especially is what I need right now. The second one is a comfort. And the one about the Savior's ministry and mission is a comfort--and also really neat. Hugs and love to all.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
An invite...
I'm inviting everyone to visit my new link. It's the picture of Christ, and it's a link to the official website of the church I belong to, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
*And have a very good day, everyone.*
-(monotone) Here are your pocket hugs. Have a nice day.-
*Come on, K-C, put a little life into it.*
-(grits teeth)-
Kyo-clone, what's wrong?
"While the Book of Mormon speaks with power to the issues that affect our modern society, the great and stirring burden of its message is a testimony, vibrant and true, that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah."
~ President Gordon B. Hinckley
from 'A Testimony Vibrant and True', Liahona and Ensign, Aug. 2005
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Monday, August 1, 2005
I know I haven't been on much. But here I am. I've gotten a hold of some friends from school, who I haven't talked to since school ended. Yeah!
*Yes, she has a cell phone and is hoarding phone numbers. And she's starting a forum. Please visit Green Princess's forum.*
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Okay, so someone mentioned in my guestbook that they really liked my page--
*So humble, Equus.*
^//^ Heh heh...Um, but, oh, that's right, they didn't get my name. So here's an explanation. Equus is the species...or genus, I think that's it, for horses, zebras, etc. I learned this word because my mom and sister really love horses, and my mom gets (or used to get) a magazine called Equus. So that's the reason for my name.
*That's probably also part of the reason I took a horse form. That, and I then based myself off of Equus's sister's horse. ^.^ "The horse laughs at the trumpets. Ha! ha!" I've heard something like that...somewhere.*
Love, pocket hugs, and prayers for those who are in need, pain, or sorrow...especially those hurt by terrorist attacks. Love and may God bless us all, loving us even more than we love each other. We just can't always see the full tapestry, as God can.
Please visit Alex's (destinyssweetman) site.
A really cool scripture story goes with this verse. Just follow the link if you're interested. ^.^
2 Kgs. 7: 6
6 For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host: and they said one to another, Lo, the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to come upon us.
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Monday, June 27, 2005
(pictures at the end, provided by one of the other rescue runners)
*We are here to let you know about something called, at least locally, rescue runs. These rescue runs involve the cooperative effort of multiple people to move animals to a safer environment. In our limited experience, it's been all dogs, I think, going to New England, where they have stricter laws on spaying and neutering than they do in our state.*
I did a rescue run on Saturday, an emergency situation where multiple people came together to save five puppies who were in an abandoned house and in desperate need of a safer home.
*If you are interested, PM Equus. Please participate if you can. These runs remove animals from kill shelters and poor situations, like these puppies, to a safer habitat, like these puppies' temporary home of a rescue shelter. Some situations are more desperate than others--these puppies wouldn't have lasted another week, probably, despite the lady who was feeding them but couldn't keep them.*
She already has fifteen dogs, though. Heh.
*The rescue runs are a voluntary effort. With the help of a coordinator, there is a line-up of people, each who transports the animals along one part of the route to get them to the next person. It's like a relay, and this way no one has to drive the whole distance. One person may have (one way) a trip from over one hour to over four or five, depending. It is a wonderful thing to help with, and you get to meet some great animals. Though you might want to wash your hands afterwards. Not all of them have been able to get to a vet before they're rescued.*
--Why are you rescuing just dogs? What about cats, huh?--
Because dogs are what were being rescued when I helped.
*Calm down, K-c. Otherwise you're gonna turn into a cat yourself.*
~Yeah, and who wants a cat, anyway? They're stuck-up brats.~
*Sano, I thought you were a rooster all this time, and you're really a cat?*
Xihuitl, be nice. Sano isn't a cat or a rooster.
*(lays back ears and glares)*
And cats are nice. You get dogs that act more like the stereotype of a cat, and vice versa. So stop arguing.
~>.< Fine.~
--You're just gonna give in, huh? Chicken.--
K-c, stop it. That's not nice.
*K-c's never nice.*
That's not true!
`We're going to leave this argument now, since it doesn't look like it will be resolved soon. We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you that Equus will probably apologize next time, and try to make everyone else apologize, too. Love to all, hope you have a good day, take care, and now and future hugs for you all. Bye.`

`This is the one Equus would have chosen first, but she couldn't keep any of them home. At least not this time!`

`Roly-Poly, as Equus called him.`

`A Border collie/spanielly-looking cutie, and Equus's second choice. You'd never guess these are all from the same litter, huh? They may be only half-siblings, though. We know nothing about the parents or how they ended up where they were.`
 
`And another cutie. So sweet.`

`There's the fifth one, in the back. More of a yellow Labrador coat type. A finer muzzle, though.`
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
Just saying hi!
Hello. I am alive. I just...haven't been on much. ^^;
*She's been avoiding Otaku.*
I have not! At least, not that
*No, Equus isn't mad or upset at anyone. She's just taking a break from something and hasn't come to Otaku much during that time. Nobody's fault.*
And I still want to say hi! I'm still here, li'l ol' me--
*So, yeah, hi, people. Equus spent much/most of two hours outside, with other people and two cowdogs (the Border collies) trying to get four calves in with the rest of the cattle, without the cattle getting out. Thanks be to Heavenly Father, her brother got there and they were able to get all the calves in. That way they didn't have to just leave the calves for the night, or to figure their own way across.*
Which was another way to do it, which Heavenly Father inspired me to remember. It was a good back-up. I need to make something to take the the people who helped, my neighbors (most of the family!). And I'm making dinner for my brother's family sometime anyway, so that works out as his thank-you, so he and his won't be at home tomorrow.
*Bye, love, and hugs.*
Matthew 5:9
John 3:16-17
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
How's everybody doing?
*We're alive, though Equus is vastly behind on her work hours.*
^/^ I don't have a job, and right now I'm working forty hours a week around home, house and farm.
*She's supposed to be working forty hours. She's currently, including this week... 51.5 hours behind.*
Oh. That is bad.
*You better believe it, sister.*
Heh heh. Well, love to you all. Remember that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost love you all, too.
-(muttering) Here are your pocket hugs. Have a good day.-
*K-c's still depressed.*
And a hug from me! Oh, poor Kyo-clone, what's wrong?
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