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myOtaku.com: Equus

Monday, June 27, 2005

(pictures at the end, provided by one of the other rescue runners)

*We are here to let you know about something called, at least locally, rescue runs. These rescue runs involve the cooperative effort of multiple people to move animals to a safer environment. In our limited experience, it's been all dogs, I think, going to New England, where they have stricter laws on spaying and neutering than they do in our state.*

I did a rescue run on Saturday, an emergency situation where multiple people came together to save five puppies who were in an abandoned house and in desperate need of a safer home.

*If you are interested, PM Equus. Please participate if you can. These runs remove animals from kill shelters and poor situations, like these puppies, to a safer habitat, like these puppies' temporary home of a rescue shelter. Some situations are more desperate than others--these puppies wouldn't have lasted another week, probably, despite the lady who was feeding them but couldn't keep them.*

She already has fifteen dogs, though. Heh.

*The rescue runs are a voluntary effort. With the help of a coordinator, there is a line-up of people, each who transports the animals along one part of the route to get them to the next person. It's like a relay, and this way no one has to drive the whole distance. One person may have (one way) a trip from over one hour to over four or five, depending. It is a wonderful thing to help with, and you get to meet some great animals. Though you might want to wash your hands afterwards. Not all of them have been able to get to a vet before they're rescued.*

--Why are you rescuing just dogs? What about cats, huh?--

Because dogs are what were being rescued when I helped.

*Calm down, K-c. Otherwise you're gonna turn into a cat yourself.*

~Yeah, and who wants a cat, anyway? They're stuck-up brats.~

*Sano, I thought you were a rooster all this time, and you're really a cat?*

Xihuitl, be nice. Sano isn't a cat or a rooster.


*(lays back ears and glares)*

And cats are nice. You get dogs that act more like the stereotype of a cat, and vice versa. So stop arguing.

~>.< Fine.~

--You're just gonna give in, huh? Chicken.--

K-c, stop it. That's not nice.

*K-c's never nice.*

That's not true!

`We're going to leave this argument now, since it doesn't look like it will be resolved soon. We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you that Equus will probably apologize next time, and try to make everyone else apologize, too. Love to all, hope you have a good day, take care, and now and future hugs for you all. Bye.`

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`This is the one Equus would have chosen first, but she couldn't keep any of them home. At least not this time!`

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`Roly-Poly, as Equus called him.`

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`A Border collie/spanielly-looking cutie, and Equus's second choice. You'd never guess these are all from the same litter, huh? They may be only half-siblings, though. We know nothing about the parents or how they ended up where they were.`

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`And another cutie. So sweet.`

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`There's the fifth one, in the back. More of a yellow Labrador coat type. A finer muzzle, though.`

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