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myOtaku.com: Equus

Monday, October 3, 2005

Fact of the day: White light is all the colors of the rainbow--light form--combined. But in pigments, it's opposite. All the colors combined make brown or black. Something like that.

I suspect it's because of this. When we see something as a certain color, it is because the object absorbs some light wavelenghts and reflects others. The ones it reflects are or combine to create the color we see. (The combination effect can be seen in the coloring of Sunday comics. Or at least the old ones.)

However, when you mix opposite pigments, you're getting opposite colors all mixed up. (The Sunday comics.) If the pigments mix more perfectly together...or something...all of the waves are being absorbed, due to the different pigments.

Please tell me if any of the second and third paragraph are correct. They are a combination of fact and theory.
I won't be friends with the pink-haired guy. (PLEASE KEEP READING!) I prayed about it, and it didn't feel right.

Heavenly Father doesn't arbitrarily makes us leave friends. There is a reason, even if I don't know it. It may be for Brandon's sake, or mine, or both. Heavenly Father isn't abandoning Brandon for me. We are all children of our Heavenly Father and just as important to Him and Jesus Christ. They love us all and want the best for us. They are watching over Brandon and me.

And it gets easier to accept. I don't know Brandon well enough to really miss him--I haven't even seen him, I don't think, since my last post. And we barely ever work the same hours. I prayed that, even though I wanted to see him, he wouldn't work Saturday when I did--and he didn't.

I cannot give up Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and an eternity of joy for a potential, mortal friendship Brandon. I have otehr friends and other people to befriend. Maybe he needs to be friends with someone else right now. And besides, this way, if we both make it to eternal salvation, we can be friends there. If it is possible and right, I will try to be friends with him in eternity.

It really is helpful that I never got so involved that I had to break ties. We had barely talked.

John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

So don't worry about me. I'll pray for Brandon and for all of you. It is better for us to be saved separately--for while we are here to help God to bring His children to salvation, different people are the correct servants of God to help different people.

Love and hugs. Take care. Be strong in faith in Heavenly Father. He knows what's best for us.
I was blowing bubbles for my 3-year-old nephew this evening. I could see the bubbles I blew--pretty much all of them. He couldn't always, though, unless I was able to get his attention and direct him to look where they were.

Sound familiar?

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us all. Strive to be worthy to obey the Holy Ghost, which will bring us to Them, through faith and obedience and repentance.

Trust me, I need to work on it, too.

Love, hugs, and take care. Be strong, friends. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us, too. Remember that, and strive to be near Them and Their Spirit. Love.

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