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Student of Middle School
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hmm... I won the 3rd place in drawing "The Traditional culture of Indonesia"
Anime Fan Since
don't remember but i like manga n anime since there is Sailor moon n.n''
Favorite Anime
hmm... For now i think FullMetal Alchemist, Saiyuki, D.Gray-Man n .Hack//G.U or Roots, Black Cat, Kingdom Hearts, Matantei Loki Ragnarok, Tactics, Chrno Crusade, etc^^
To draw more and become better!!!! ^^
drawing, singing, sight seeing, reading comics, many else
my friends and parents say that I have talents in drawing and singing...
| Erie Machista
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Today My contest has ended!!! Thx for all you guys who have hoined my contest^^ I really Appreciate it!!! Thx again!!!!!!!!!!
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Almost The END of September
Ok Guys.....It's going to be the end of September and it means.... My contest will end Soon!!!!!! Remember it, ok?^^
Ok then... Nothing much today but I'm REALLY HAPPY!!!! XD Now I got an added name!!!!! It's ALLEN!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I can added my name because I'm an catholic (I don't know if it spells right...) And in Catholic to be deeper in God we got this Crisma thing and we can add our name!!! The name has to be related with saint's name!!! I choose Allen, like I said before...
So I'm really happy!!!! YAY!!! XD
Ok..... hehehe..... i don't know what to say anymore.... so.....
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
I was tagged by Winry^^''
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged
ummm ok here's my 8 random facts:
1. I've got lots of HOMEWORKS to do!
2. I love to draw manga
3. I got 2 dogs...but one of them is still a puppy
4. I love D.GRAY-MAN!!!! (now i'm being addicted to it...AGAIN!)
5. The colour of my hair is black
6. I have penpals... Lutaru and Winry
7. I've 1 Lutaru's drawing hanging on the wall in my room^^
8. I love to read COMICS!!!!!!!!
now i tag :
Lee Shanma
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
I don't think many people join this......
I'm making a contest which you must draw My oc, YURIA With my other ocs (you can choose one of them ).....She is the main character to be drawn so don't forget to draw her!!!! If you want to draw Yuria Alone it's alright though....(choose one from the categories below to be drawn with Yuria ( Doesn't need all of them to be drawn...))

with : (You can choose one or more, you don't have take them 1 from each categories, just choose the other characters that you like most^^)
1. The spirits

2. The Spirits of Through The Time

From left to right : Hana, Umi, Hikari, Uruhi, and Takaru (For their body just search it in my portfolio, sry if it's disturbing or anything...)
3. And After The time
Faired :

Because mink2 didn't give me the colour of his clothes so it's up to you all! And for his hair it's Brown (Kinda bright), and his eyes are green
Voytia :

Renard :

And because i'm not going to be online often give your submitted pic a tag : YuriaVeinheit.
As I wrote before, choose your most fav character and draw it with Yuria!!! It's up to you... Just make any pose you want!!
This contest start from now and end on the End of September...
Sry if this is not clear...i'm not good at explaining....
The Prizes :
1st winner : get 3 wishes (anything but related with otaku...plz...)
2nd winner : get 2 wishes (same like above)
3rd winner get 1 wish (same like above)
If this is not clear you can PM me..... and thx for your attention^^ Enjoy....
Mariozeldakirby's :
 Erie Machista Contest Hosted By
ChokolateAlkemist :
 Erie Machista Contest Hosted By
Although It's not the same like I want I'll still excepeted for this one^^ :
 Erie-chan's Contest Entry Hosted By
I love the Watery EFFECT Very much!!! XD
Flaky and Fun :
 Contest! Hosted By
I love the Bg! It's the forest of my dream!!!! XD
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
The photos..
I have proimised you guys to put up my photo and my friends right? Sry it took so long and i guess i'm just going to give 2 photos....

This is me, Mink2 and Lee Shanma.... can you guess who is who????

This is after the Sumo Taikai (The paper sumo match) Can you find Mink2, Lee and me??? ^^
I think that's all...
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Long time no post...Just for announcement...
Well..You see my dad won't allow me to open internet again until next month so i guess i won't be on until next month..
Sry for all of you that haven't got reply of your PMs.. I can't reply it now... Coz i don't have much time to do it and i just can open this now for very short time, just to add this post... so I'm very very sorry for it.
Well, See you next month Everybody! Have Nice day! I'll miss YOU ALL!!! T^T
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
I'm going for 3 days...
I have to go for 3 days to somewhere..-_- so i'm not gonna be on for that long, i'm sry if i couldn't reply ur PMs....And for some other people that haven't got a reply from me i really really sorry for it! I kinda busy and lazy so yeah sry again.......
Ok then just some announcement^^''
See ya, HAVE NICE DAY!!!
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Many Quizzes for So many Long time!!!
Greed: | Medium
| | Gluttony: | Medium
| | Wrath: | Medium
| | Sloth: | High
| | Envy: | Medium
| | Lust: | Medium
| | Pride: | Medium
| |
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
Hahaha, my result is quite like ChocolateAlchemist's result^^
 How evil are you?
O0o..I'm neutral...
Which Of The 7 Deadly Sins Are You Most Guilty Of? (with anime pics, of course)
It's Sloth well i got the same result like ChocolateAlchemist
Which Elemental Goddess Are You? (yes, it has anime pictures)
 You are the Goddess of Water.-You are an easygoing spirit, and love being around people. You have strong emotions when provoked, but are a generally happy person. You are non-confrontational, preferring to go with the flow. Take this quiz!

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Oh.. is a noce pic.. But i don't know if it's right..^^''
What color represents your soul? (anime pics included ^.^)
 -WhiteYou are responsible, intelligent, and wise far beyond your years. You are troubled by human nature, and try to help people as much as you can. However, your serious demeanor tends to drive people away rather than bringing them closer to you. Take this quiz!

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Hmm.. am i that kind of thing???? I don't know maybe it's true and maybe it's not...^^''
Which Emotion Are You? (anime pics ^.^)
 You are Happiness!-For you, life is good and you're loving it. You are carefree and relaxed most of the time. Of course, you have a few not-so-great days, but face it- your life is pretty awesome. Take this quiz!

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Oh i'm happiness!!! Yay!!! Does that sounds right?
hmm.. maybe that's all.... Oh, and we are going to put our Photos as soon as possible^^
Thx for reading this!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Hi hi
Long time no post???
well my post is quite like mink2's post ...
BOTH OF US CUT OUR HAIR ON THE SAME DAY!!!! XD My new haircut is short too^^ and I love this better that before! YAY!! XD
And coz many of u that said it's better for us to post our photo maybe we will post it in the next post but i don't know when......exactly.....
ok then maybe that's enough... i don't have much to say^^
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
I've just watch 1 Liter of Tears T^T
It's a japanese drama, it's about a girl named Aya that sick, her body will be weaker, her body couldn't be control, couldn't move and speak again slowly..... The Movie is so SAD!!! VERY SAD and it's a true story. Aya has died, she was born on July 29th 1963 and died on May 1988 Poor her...... I cried a lot for watching that movie!
And there is a bad news!!!
It's MATH (which i hate most), INDONESIAN LANGUAGE (Although just read a poem), GEOGRAPHY (With many pages), AND ART! (which is a little annying).. *sigh* I'm gonna try my best to do that all... T^T
Oh well that's the news today!!!
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