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Student of Middle School
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hmm... I won the 3rd place in drawing "The Traditional culture of Indonesia"
Anime Fan Since
don't remember but i like manga n anime since there is Sailor moon n.n''
Favorite Anime
hmm... For now i think FullMetal Alchemist, Saiyuki, D.Gray-Man n .Hack//G.U or Roots, Black Cat, Kingdom Hearts, Matantei Loki Ragnarok, Tactics, Chrno Crusade, etc^^
To draw more and become better!!!! ^^
drawing, singing, sight seeing, reading comics, many else
my friends and parents say that I have talents in drawing and singing...
| Erie Machista
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Yesterday lee wnet to my house to make physics project, mink2 couldn't come though T^T
Well, it hasns't finished yet but instead of making that project we went to a mall with my course's sensei (teacherS, i didn't mean just one sensei..) we looked at concept (a name of magazine cover) contest at that mall, one of my sensei is the one who make it too! Although he didin't win... but it's alright, we could see many magazine arts design.
After that we went for eating!!!! We ate doughnuts^^ YUM!
Then we go to a book store (not really a book store though)it's called Kinokuniya (or maybe kinokunia..i kinda forgot how to spell it^^'') We looked at many comics originally from japan!
But we couldn't buy one.....It's so expensive... though the originally price from japan is 390 yen or 590 yen but they make twice expensive from the original one!!!! We could just looked at the comics T^T How sad..It's fun n make us feel good though^^
We came home at 9:00 pm! OMG it's so late!! We haven't take a bath and many else!!! XD
It's very fun and i enjoy it very much^^
Your Birthdate: March 2

You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense.
You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends.
Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone.
Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive.
Your strength: Your universal compassion
Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings
Your power color: Mauve
Your power symbol: Butterfly
Your power month: February
I got exactly the same as PurpleRainFall!!! I don't know why though...
So, does everyone have a nice day too???~~
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