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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
the BEST part of believe is the LIE
hey everybody.
I've been lied to yet again. Which sucks.
But the worst thing is, I was lied to by my brother.
I'm so pissed off, I'm not going to type it out. I might later.
But, he lied about stopping smoking.
He PROMISED me...but I guess promised were made to be broken.
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Monday, May 22, 2006
me...happy? WOAH
I'm actually happy right now. You have no idea. I just found out that I would only have to start boarding school, in highschool.
I have atleast one more year to straighten up my act.
And believe me, I will.
I feel like skipping in a circle. Literally.
I can't wait for summer, so I can have people over to swim and secretly gawk at the sexy skater guys who live down the street. O.o
I saw that Dee wrote that I was depressing her (is depressing a verb?) by writing these sad blogs. So, I'll cheer her up...WHILE THESE FLIPPING ANTS ARE CRAWLING ALL FREAKING OVER ME!
((Dee is going to Asia. Psh, heck yes.))
Dee is the peanut butter to my jelly.
Dee is the polka to my dot.
Dee is everything. (Shut up. Even though I'm in love with her, I'm not a lesbian. Its platonic bitches..)
And she can read my mind too. Which is rad/uber cool/hardcore. Plus we are emo.
xoxo Erin
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I feel sick. Again.
I was crying on the car ride home, but nobody noticed. That shows how much they care about me.
One of my friends told me that I was lucky to be able to go to boarding school. She's right and wrong. If I leave, everyone will forget me. I know they will.
I hate my life sometimes.
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hey yall, i'm tired
hey, its 6:55 in the morning. So a short post.
I've been punished for the rest of my life. Seriously. Thats what my mom said. pssh, then my dad changed it to two weeks. I haven't been out in forever. I think its been like 7 weeks not including the bazaar, concert, or NY. Which is school stuff (cept for the concert).
my life really sucks sometimes. not including punishment.
I don't really care about punishment anymore.
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
life sucks. instead of trying to send me to a 5 day a week boarding school, they're trying to send me to a 7 day a week one. I would barely ever get to see my friends.
i think my biggest fear of leaving bms is that my friends would forget about me, I think even my enemies would. i've tried everything for them to stop looking at schools, i threatened to purposfully fail, and i've threatened to not eat.
but its not working. i would WANT to go to boarding school to get away from my mom if only my friends were going too.
i feel sick.
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Friday, May 19, 2006
new york
was good.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
I'm so sick of all the shit people post on myspace. Some of it made me physically sick. I don't want to see still life pictures of those horribly disgusting 'crush videos'. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you don't want to.
I don't understand why someone would do something like that, its pure evil is what it is. But, what makes it worse, is that that bitch is getting fame for being an evil whore. There is no excuse for actions like that. Please, if you have a myspace, don't repost that shit. I'm so sick of it.
Don't make her feel good about what she did, don't pass her evilness on.
Also, while I'm on the topic of myspace, stop reposting shit about like TOMA SOTA BALCU, and the girl that was raped and skinned alive. They AREN'T true, and how would they know if you reposted it or not. They wouldn't. And why would they kill people if they had been brutally murdered themselves, they would want people to be safe from being murdered.
All I'm saying is that I'm completely sick of all this myspace shit, and all the lies people send out. Don't do it anymore please?
xoxo erin
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Monday, May 8, 2006
hey all, its my first post. Oh joy. Today there were some issues, with friends. Which totally sucks. I really want it to work out in the end, but I dunno if it will. I always say that wishes will always fail. I don't know why. I don't even know why I'm on this site. I smell poser.
Do you? It sorta smells like paper, pen ink, blood, tears, and broken hearts.
I'm not in the best of moods right now, because I have to do all this homework shiat. Boo. A motto of mine? Bullshit has 8 letters. So does homework.
well, ta ta for now
xoxo erin
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