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• 1990-07-00
• a containment pod on a martian spaceship. if i'm lucky, they remember to feed me that delicious burnt gruel and moldy bread
Member Since
• 2003-10-28
• annoying my the martians. when they jump into space w/ the garbage they actually look kinda cute!
Real Name
• lisa i think (its been awhile on the spaceship) but the martians call me glorkpod the insignificant and weak!
• spelling bee; almost went to nationals; kinda pathetic. i know.don't tell me. made 15 martians jump out w/ the garbage when they heard that their choices were that or guard duty on my containment pod. teeheehee. first chair flute!
Anime Fan Since
• a couple years; one or two, maybe three.
Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha, Case Closed, Rurouni Kenshin, Yuyu Hakusho, Wolf's Rain, .Hack//Sign, Code Lyoko, Teen Titans, Xiaolin Showdown (does that count?) and Witch Hunter Robin. i also like (not anime)Darkwing Duck, Tail Spin, Quack Pack, and Alvin and the Chipmunks
• escape from the ship in a mini ship and then plant explosives in the heart of the big ship, blowing it to kingdom come!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
• clay, reading, drawing, flute, and crafty stuff
• clay, flute, spelling, drawing (if i do say so myself) and being annoying, but not 2 u of course. heeheeheeheehee. that's what THEY think. i mean, uh, bye! and annoying the maritians with myh endless senseless chatter
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Friday, April 9, 2004
Random Quote:
159 hits
#890 out of 6,683 active profiles
i have been wanting to go bike-riding lately and 2day i finally got to go. it was fun but i got really tired out. but it WAS fun. nyway i still want to go again and maybe i will get to go 2morrow.......................himmmmmmmmmmmmmm............i mean hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........i keep doing that lately. i wonder why................oh well..........i seem to be saying oh well a lot too..........................oh well! hehehe.............nyway that's about all....................TOODLES!
=' . '=
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Thursday, April 8, 2004
Random Quote:
151 hits
#924 out of 6,664 active profiles
i have 2day and 2morrow and monday off of skool!!! YAY!! it kinda stinks tho cuz everyone else had spring break last week........................oh well..........we didn't use to even have any spring break at all! i am in the middle of a YYH fanart of Koto, the 1st referee at the Dark Tournament, ya know, before Juri.............but i am gonna do fanart of her soon as i get time............i might even submit some new pics this weekend!!!!!! i realize that no one else on the entire otaku has only 1 pic up so i feel kinda embarrased...............*laughs*...................ohhh weeeeeeeeeeeellllll.................................................trailing off a lot aren't we? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............who cares? u do don't u? i went on a mini trail ride 2day not on my horse but on someone else's. it was fun but it wasn't very long................................darn! >:( hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........what to say now? i had a dream last night that there was this group of boys who weren't nice and they chased me. and i ended up somehow on my back in my neighbor's yard. then i calmly told the mean boys that they were really lucky i was wearing a skirt (it was the same skirt i had worn the previous day) and they were really lucky....i woulda hurt them, at the least a couple bruises. i have a feeling this was a wishful thinking/ happy fantasy dream. u see, i always loved playing chase with the boys when i was little, and i was always the very best at it, i never got caught and if i did it was never for very long at all, and i never grew out of it. but now all the boys ar too 'cool' to do anything fun like that............*HUGE sigh*........................i really wish i could do that again.............if i could go to Fantasy Island that would be my fantasy for sure!!!!!! Mr. Rourke: "Welcome to Fan-tasy Island." another HUGE sigh*.........................................if only............................... that reminds me of the song from the movie 'Holes"
*sings sadly*
If only, if only,
The woodpecker sighed,
The bark on the trees
Were as soft as the skies
so true.................but wishing and if-only-ing doesn't do anything..........another reason life isn't fair..........................................*a third HUGE sigh*................................well..........sorry but i felt like i needed to tell someone about this soon or i would burst. now ur all gonna think i'm weird and crazy and not wanna be my friend nymore.........*cry*........well *sniff* i don't need u nyway *starts bawling*WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
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Monday, April 5, 2004
Random Quote:
149 hits
i can't believe i didn't tell u guys already! *smacks herself on the forehead* at least, i don't think i told u *tilts head and thinks* nyway, my horse (Glacier) gave birth to a beautiful baby boy horse (Star) 9 days ago at around noon. he and his mother r both black and white paints, or they have a mix of black and white on them. he is teething and loves to chew ppl's jackets and fingers and shoes! its very cute but when he gets real teeth we don't want him to do that so we have to tell him no when he does sad...........oh well
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Random Quote:
141 posts (see this is why i prefer to stay away for long periods of time)
its the end of a long weekend. we had wednesday as half a day of skool and thursday and friday were off! WHOOPEE!!!!!!! ((cushion)) most of u prob won't get the connection. oh well. its really not that funny.
toodles!!!!!! @___@ thats a swirly eyed person like they got hit on teh head or something............. bye for real this time
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Random Quote: "Considering this geezer's your big brother, he's pretty cool."-Dojima (hope i spelled that rite); Witch Hunter Robin
141 posts
yesterday my horse gave birth to a beautiful baby colt (male). His name is Star and he is pretty healthy except that his mother, Glacier, doesn't want to hold still long enough for him to nurse.
Also, he didn't pass the test that the vet gave him. He didn't have enough antibodies, the thingies that eat the evil germs, and i'm not sure if that got fixed or not. See, he gets the antibodies thru his mother's milk, but only in the first 24 hrs. That time is up, and i'm not sure now.........BUT HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's just so tiny and he looks just like his mommy! he's especially cute when he nurses. the few times Glacier will let him! grrrrrrrrr........anyway..........he was born at around noon yesterday (no one knows for sure exactly when) in the pouring rain. when we pulled up to the gate, we saw this dripping wet little foal following around this other horse. OH! it's our horse! YIPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! now he and his mommy are in a special stall away from all the other horses.
annoying thing: my sister and her friend (she was with us) can't accept the fact that all creatures (including Star) don't fall in love with them and ask to be petted! they kept chasing the poor guy around trying to pet him. it was like they were 4 yrs. old (they're about 11)! u know how 4-yr.-olds will chase after dogs when they want to pet them. how annoying!
and now, on to a totally different subject!
witch hunter robin has had a lot of interesting plot twists lately. i really missed Amon while he was missing or hiding or gone or wutever..........there's that whole 'Maria looks like Robin' issue............anyway i'll shut up now. ur prob all wondering what i'm babbling about, huh?
oh yeah! can someone tell me how to pronounce 'chibi'? is it 'CHEE-bee' or 'CHIH-bee' or something else entirely? plz tell me!
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
   " border="0" />
hmmmmmm...........stars falling on flowers that are falling on another flower that is twirling..............interesting...........anyway i haven't posted lately b/c i have been busy. and by lately i mean in like a month.........i think they're taking yuyu hakusho off air again. i think i'll write an angry letter to them..................anyway i hope you are all doing all right.........i think i like logging in every 3 weeks. i always have more than 20 hits on my site.....oh! that reminds me.....i am going to tell you all how many hits i have every day that i post! i know u r all very happy about this NOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!! hahahaha.................nyway..........seeya! =' . '=
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
Another Random Quote: "It's a trap!"- Masked Fighter(no spoilers here!); Yuyu Hakusho
i am going to flashback a little bit. to last week, to be specific. on wednesday, this guy came and talked to us about trapping animals. it was pretty cool b/c he brought a bunch of furs. he had raccoon, coyote, red and gray fox, mink, beaver, otter, opossum, & muskrat. it was a lot of fun. i have a fur hat that my grandfather got me from Latvia, a country over by Russia. He said that it was prob sable cuz that's what u get from Russia. he didn't actually see the hat tho. so i don't know how accurate that was.
next thing. on thursday we had a serious talk in advisory(kinda like homeroom) about bullying. it was cool cuz we mostly just goof off all day and this made me really think ya know? nyway i'll shut up now K? K! i will shut up really soon. any second now. reallly. why don't u look like u believe me? *gets beaten into silence* (groans) fine. now i really will shut up...............forever....................uhhhhhh.........................................................................................................................................................................................................
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Random Quote:"I'm gonna waste you!"-Koga;Inuyasha

| Disorder | Rating | Paranoid: | Low | Schizoid: | Moderate | Schizotypal: | High | Antisocial: | Low | Borderline: | Low | Histrionic: | Moderate | Narcissistic: | Moderate | Avoidant: | Low | Dependent: | Low | Obsessive-Compulsive: | Low | -- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! -- | " border="0" />l
hmmmmmmm......................i wonder what schizotypal is? anyone out there know? oh yeah. does anyone know if they r making new episodes of inuyasha in Tokyo or wherever? r there any new ones in USA? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeez respond..............if u don't i might have to call upon the power of THE SACRED WHISKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha............that would show them.......hahahahaha!
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Monday, March 1, 2004
Random Quote: "We ain't lovers."- Inuyasha; Inuyasha
 " border="0" />
i luv Bugs Bunny. i should really watch some more Bugs cartoons. oh well. i stayed home from school 2day. i took a whole bunch of quizzes and put some of the results in my quiz manager. i dragged a lot of REALLY pretty pics to my desktop. i wanna use them for avatars but i'll wait cuz i only put up my current avatar yesterday. toodles u__u
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Sunday, February 29, 2004
Random Quote: "I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the ingrown toenail on the foot of crime! I am Darkwing Duck!"-Darkwing Duck, in case u couldn't tell; Darkwing Duck (technically its not anime, but i still like this show n__n
i have a sore throat & i will prob stay home from skool 2morrow (like anyone cares except Shade Griffin) u know u should really tell me ur email addy so i can email u the MADD thing, no matter who u r, u should stilll sign it! oh well, no one even cares about others who r dying...........the human race will definitely be destroyed by their own tools of hate and war.......that reminds me of a quote........................................................ "Mankind must destroy war, or war will destroy mankind."-John F. Kennedy, former president of the US. (historical note: he was assassinated; he was one of the youngest presidents)
nyway i guess i should prob go now.
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