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• 1991-10-13
Member Since
• 2006-06-06
Real Name
• Rigaletto Mikhail Shaw... Most call me Mikhail...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
Hey. . .
Well, I'm sorry I havn't been on, but mom got told and because of that got mad. . . So, I'm kind of grounded agaied. . . I'm not even supposed to be on now. . . I'll be on when I can, but I had to let people know why I havn't been 'round. . .
Well, thanks for your patience I know I get grounded alot now a days. . . I'll get ungrounded when I can. . . . |

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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
I have to apologize for being gone so long... We had soo much trouble getting home... It was a rather nice vacation, though... I finally had time to talk to dad... I never get to anymore... It was really, really nice to get away for so long... but I missed people here all too much... T_T SO, know that I am back, and I'll get around to all of you if I can...
Hope all are fairing well... |

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Monday, July 31, 2006
*BIG flashy wavy flag!!*
Hello beautiful people... This is an FYI... I will be leaving for mississippi 'till monday... When I get back I'll be happy to get on every moment I can, but 'till then, no net access.... T_T Let's hope I can survive so long without the internet...
Well, I hope everyone's okay... I'll ttyl... |

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Saturday, July 29, 2006
*sparkley eyes*
Sorry, I know it's rediculous to post so late, but I couldn't help it... I figured I'll get questions about the "pink" site if I didn't...
The theme is Shinya, a drummer in a J-rock band called Dir En Grey... I'm a big fan of him, so I thought I'd either make my next theme him or Toshiya, the bass player... I didn't expect it to be pink, but it somehow came out that way... and I'm not so sure I'll be able to fully change the colors and all, but hopefully I will...
Well, it's been a hectic few days reciently.... Seems everytime someone I know gets out of the hospital, someone else submitts themself.... -_-;; Not the greatest....
Well, to spice up the post I thought I'd post this, too...
No offence to Saske fans... but this does describe him a bit...
and this one's too funny to pass up, too...
Welp, hope you guys are all alright... |

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Thursday, July 27, 2006
... I'm really sorry I havn't been around.... My mother's gone insane.... I'm trying to get on more, but ever sense her new fiance stepped in, she's gone stupid, and she doesn't trust me anymore, either....
... Hopefully I'll get around today.... Well, 'till next time.... |

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Friday, July 21, 2006
.... Ungluck....
Hey, sorry folks.... I've been having a lot of.... family troubles lately.... I can't apologize enough for not being able to get on.... Mom even changed the internet password so I couldn't.... I've been having to slave over extra chours lately, along with alot of stuff I'd rather not mention.... Anyway, I can't really be on this weekend.... but when I get back monday, I'll be back on daily, like usual.... Again, I'm terribly sorry.... |

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Thursday, July 13, 2006
"OH SH!T!!! LOOK OUT!!!"
Yep, that up there was aaaall yesterday...
Well, starting from the beginning it was when my elder brother Brett came over with his, eventually to be, wife, and his friend David...
Now, first of, Brett's twenty-three, and not once in his life, ever been very smart... Christi ((his g/f)) is very intelligent, yet because of the way she speaks is described as a red neck ((poor Christi)), and David.... David's just an absolute hill billy idiot.... and they're all DRUNK...
So, at first the night is peaceful, as we all sit and play Halo2, blowing each other up... ((of course David's calling the squirpions SUVs and the banshees "come fly me what a ma things"))...
((forgive my poor spelling))
But when they got -really- drunk, we all go out side to blow off some fireworks... Now, usually fireworks for home are just these lame little ones that don't last long... but Brett had gotten ahold of a bag load of those ones that are supposed to shoot way up in the air and make a big explosion...
So, they cut out pipes to load them in, and at first all is well, they go up, explode, it's sparkley... but then they kept getting duds, which they left in the pipe...
Now, here's the fun part... David, being the drunken idiot that he was, took one of them and loaded it upside down... Warning Brett to back up ((they had two go at a time, Brett and David where out there blowing them off))... When that mofo went off, I swear, all of the duds did, too!!
They were exploding on the ground, two feet in the air, just everywhere!! It was crazy... The first time that happened, David ran for cover and Brett toppled over and wet himself...
Of course, the whole time, Christi and I are yelling, "OH SH!T, GET OUT OF THERE!!! RUN FOR IT!!"
Ahh... I havn't laughed that hard in forever... I d@mn near busted a gut!! It was awesome... and I'm glad I finally have something to post about, too... ^_^b
Welp, that's all for today... Hope all is well for everyone... and I'll try and come back soon, but I gotta log off and do a sh!t load of chours.... Bleh.... Anyway, I'll talk to you guys later... |

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Saturday, July 8, 2006
... I broke down crying when I read this....
Do you love someone this much?
Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl : *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl: Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe
Girl: I love you too, please just slow down now! Please...
(in the paper the next day):
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 had survived.
~Catch my tears of happiness, but when I cry of pain, just let them fall~ Layla_Marie

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Friday, July 7, 2006
No real reason for posting this...

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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Sorry guys, not much is happening... I hope everybody had a good day, whether or not you celebrated...
*gives everyone a slice of apple pie* |

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