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Rigaletto Mikhail Shaw... Most call me Mikhail...
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Monday, July 3, 2006
Gomen, gomen, gomen!!
Konichi wa, my apologease for not having posted in so long... I've been having alot of family trouble....
*stomach growls*
0.o 'Scuse me, I must go feed the beast...
*grabs some cereal*
Now, as I was saying... What do you think you'd do if neither of your parents wanted you at home...? I had to sneak in while my dad was asleep to find some shelter last Saterday night.... My brothers were already staying there, so they let me in... -_-;;
It's not as if I'd done anything wrong, either.... Mom just kept going on and on about how she was too busy for me and my brothers so that's why she sent us away ((me and Katheryne to Granny's and my brothers to my Dad's house....))
So, I decided to call dad and see if he could come get me and Katheryne and he didn't even want to come to the phone.... My little brother picked up and even told dad that it was me, and he was just like, "Dad's said what do you want?"
I just said forget it.... I would have just crawled under a dumpster, but Katheryne was with me so I walked with her, through the ghetto, at night, to dad's house.... She was scared some ganster posers would try and get us, but some fourth of July stuff was happening at the park ((originally why we were there and needed to find out where to go)) so no one was in the neighborhood....
Sorry, I just rambled on and on, huh...? Well, I'm off to get to sites and stuff... Hope you guys are doing better than me...
Arigato for stopping by... |

Comments (4) |
Friday, June 30, 2006
Guten Morgen!!
Guess what, guess what!? My sister's coming home!! *Looks and sees today's Friday* Today!! XD
Apon her arival we shall be swept away to granny's house, where we will finally be able to laugh and smile and be retarded together again!! YaY!! ^____^
If you can't tell we're very close....
Oh, thank you all so, so much!! The comments you left me made me feel so loved!! T^T *sniff*sniff* and I'm actually feeling much, much better... I think, in fact, that I'm cured!! I'm weird like that when it comes to illness...
Well, I'll be on and off... See ya!!
((P.S Pucca is like Pocky, only inside out, and in the shape of goldfish... You can look online for pics...)) |

Comments (3) |
Thursday, June 29, 2006
... So, I wake up feeling really terrible, and mom tells me to do chours.... I'm like fine, if I throw up, it'll be outside.... ((cause I had to move animals and water 'em))... and guess what....? Call it ironic.... I vomitted right after the goat winked at me.... -_-;;
I'm really, really sick.... So, if I don't get to sites today, forgive me.... I'll do it tomorrow.... *faints* |

Comments (4) |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Sorry that I havn't posted so much... I've been trying to get around to sites either way... I've been getting really sick lately, is all... I think it's either that I don't eat for a couple days, or that what I did eat is making my stomache turn... Bleh, humans and their organs.... XP
Well, I havn't gotten to doing more stories... I drew a $hit load of pictures and was going to either post them or add them to my fan art, but the scanner didn't work!! >X(
Oh well... I'll make more exciting posts when more happens... Again, sorry!!
*hands out Pucca to everyone* |

Comments (5) |
Friday, June 23, 2006
Well, I changed things a bit... The background's still Johnny Depp, just not as Captain Jack... Thist time he's Edward Scissorhands.... *evil laugh*... I loved that movie...
Anyway, yeah, a couple things changed... I'm still getting it together, though... I'm trying to change my post pic to something else, maybe my splash... *shrugs*... We'll see...
Just so people know, I won't be here Saterday.... I don't think.... If I do I'll be on much later than usual, cause I have to go out of town tomorrow... Well, I hope everybody's alright... I'll be on and off... |

Comments (4) |
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I Just Want To Keep You Forever...
by Mikhail ((Esruc)) Shaw
To my first Love. . . .
To my sweet sister Katheryne. . .
Dear Diary,
It's October 13th, 1995. I just turned four years old! I was really happy to get this diary. I got something else, too. Do you want to know what it was? I got my first kitten! He is mostly white, and he has light grey ears. He has a few grey paws, too. One of his eyes are even light grey! His other eye is light blue. I really like his eyes. His nose is pink.
I think I already love him. He's so cute and fluffy!! I think he loves me, too! His name is CloudBurst. He's white and grey and fluffy like a cloud. I think it fits him real well. He always stays in my room, too. He has his food there, his water, a poop box, and even little toys!! I am going to go play with him now.
Bye bye,
((Year 2019))
"Hey Beautiful, I'm home!" said a young woman in her late twenties, wearing rather gothic attire, with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She stepped in out of the rain, happy to be home again, attempting to dry herself a bit. "Juugatsu? Where are you?"
"**Gogatsu," Juugatsu whispered inaudibley. He walked down the hall to greet her. He was now twenty-eight, and about 5'11'' tall, also in rather gothic attire. From birth he'd always had dark brown, wavy hair, and how it had grown out to almost his shoulders. Broad and strong, he had married to Gogatsu, his high school love.
"Juugatsu!! YaY!!" Gogatsu ran up to hug and kiss him. They lived in a small home for two in the country, and very hapilly. Juugatsu had been through alot of anguish in his lifetime, but so had Gogatsu, and she accepted every bit of him. After many years of phsyciatrists and thearopists, Juugatsu was annouced mentally stable, and off of medications and without any in or out patient programs at Shoal Creek, a temporary hospital for mentally ill patients, he decided he could finally love Gogatsu for all her faults, as well.
Chuckling, Juugatsu held her high in the air in a big, yet gentle hug. "I love you," he said in her ear quietly.
"As I you, Juugatsu," she said, kissing him again.
Dear Diary,
Now it's October 15th. Mom says I need to let CloudBurst out of my room more often, so that way he can run around and play. I don't want to, though. I want him to stay with me all the time. I'm always alone in my room, and now I have someone else so that I'm not lonely! Why wouldn't mom want that?
Bye for now,
((Year 20019))
Setting Gogatsu down gently, Juugatsu took her hand and led her to the living room to a romantic dinner by the chimney fire. He had cooked a fancy meal, put on his lover's favorite music, and at all this, Gogatsu looked very pleased.
Squealing she glomped him, merrily saying, "Oh, Juugatsu!! You're the best!!"
"It's nothing. . . I love you more than. . . life itself," Juugatsu said softly, though his voice was deep and rough. Slowly , they approched their dinners, Juugatsu seating his love before himself.
Dear Diary,
It's October the 18th today. Mommy made me really angry. I went shopping with daddy, and she took CloudBurst out of my room. She let him run around and now I have to close my door at night, so that he stays. He crys during the day now if I don't let him out. I don't understand. He used to love me, alot. Now he won't stop crying. It's like he wants to get away from me. This is all mommy's fault. I hate her. She took away my kitty from me.
Katta-Juugatsu. . .
((Year 2019))
Gogatsu was seated patiently listening to music in the living room, while Juugatsu finished hand washing the dishes. After drying his hands, he returned to the living room for her.
Sighing, Gogatsu gazed up at him lovingly. When Juugatsu reached out his hand for hers, giving her and equally loving gaze, she rose slowly walking towards him.
"Tired. . . ?" Juugatsu asked her, his voice still quiet and kind, as always. After Gogatsu responded with a nodd, emplying a "yes," they walked hand in hand down the hall to their room.
Dear Diary,
Today is October 25th. Mommy made me even more angry today!! She said that the only reason CloudBurst had liked me so much was because he didn't know that there were other people in the house. She said that that's why he doesn't like me as much anymore. I hate her. She makes me so angry, I want to scream and cry!! I want CloudBurst back. This isn't fair. I want to hurt mommy, too!! I don't like mommy anymore. . .
Katta-Juugatsu. . .
((Year 2019))
Cuddling closely, Juugatsu and Gogatsu whispered constantly, "I love you," between slow, romantic kisses. Holding each other tightly, Gogatsu the only warmth that Juugatsu could still feel, he whispered in her ear once more, before she drifted to sleep, "I love you. . . I love you more than anything. . . More than life itself. . ."
Dear Diary,
This is October 28th. Mommy got really upset at me. I think I hurt CloudBurst. One time, even at night he scratched at the door to get out, and I couldn't take it!! I wanted him to be mine. I thought we loved each other. Like pets and their owners should.
I didn't understand, so I hugged him really tight. At first, he got louder, but soon he stopped. I thought he just fell asleep, or didn't want to go anymore. I went to bed and he stayed with me, but in the morning he didn't get up. Mommy came in later and asked where he was. I showed her were he was sleeping on the floor. She picked him up really slow and gentle and looked at him. Then she started screaming and crying, and when she left, she slammed the door and locked it so I can't get out!! I don't know why mommy doesn't like me. . . She's so mad.
I just wanted CloudBurst to stay with me forever and ever. . .
Katta-Juugatsu. . .
October 13, 2019.
Dear Diary,
I know it's been years. . . but I have a confession I need to make. . . Last night. . . I think I. . . I think I murdered my beloved. . .
She had drifted to sleep, cuddled close with me, after an evening meal. . . I just. . . I just started thinking back on things. . . I remembered something. . . I remembered this diary, hidden in the wooden floor. . . and when I took it out, and read through it, I remembered alot of my childhood that I'd forgotten. . .
I remembered CloudBurst. . . My first kitten. . . I think. . . I think I killed him. . . It was only an accident. . . and mother had me sent away for it. . . That was my first visit with a shrink. . . My first mental hospital stay. . .
Remembering it. . . I remembered why I killed CloudBurst, too. . . Mother had said. . . that he would have not loved me if he wasn't so cooped up in my room. . . and I got so angry with her. . . I began hatign her that day. . .
I remembered why that upset me so much. . . Even at the young age of four, I had. . . I had endured alot. . . I had even started self harm. . . I wrote here, December 25th, 1995;
"I don't think I'm Christian anymore. I must not be because today doesn't feel like Christmas, anymore. I'm not happy, like I always am on Christmas, no matter what. I decided awhile ago that the God my parents believed in wasn't real.That must be it.
"See, the world can't hold anything holy. It's not good enough. I think mommy uses the word pure. It's not pure enough. I'm not pure enough. Even if that God existed, he couldn't love me. It can't happen. I'm not pure.
"So, I decided that blades were my God. They exist here. They're always there when other's never are. They ease my hurt. I think my God is my blade. Everyone has a God. It's just, not everybody knows it yet. That's what I decided."
When mother said that CloudBurst didn't love me. . . I had broken down. . . He was all I felt I had. . . I killed him October 28th, 1995. . . I was four years old. . . and desperate. . .
I think. . . That that must be why. . . I killed my beloved. . . I killed Gogatsu. . . .
. . . Katta-Juugatsu. . . .
Dear Diary,
It's Holloween already. October 31st. Mommy sent me to a strange place. It looks like a hospital and a jail at the same time. They said they'd help me. I don't know what I need help with. I havn't written in so long because they took my diary. I think they read it. I don't like that. . .
Mommy said when she gave me the diary that no one else is supposed to read it. It makes me mad that someone might have read it. I really don't like it. . .
I learned the name of where I am just now. It's called **Shoal Creek Hospital. A man in all white said it when he walked by just now. He was saying something to one of the other kids here. I like some of the kids here, but some of them scare me. . .
I hope I can leave soon. I want to go home now. . .
Bye bye,
((Year 2009))
*News reporter on the television*
"It's your local NBNews at nine, I'm Ann Rice, and today, the first of November, 2009, many reports are being called into police stations about family cats being found mutalated on the streets. Many families have been left heart-broken, but no one seems to have seen any suspects or witnessed anything, at all. When questioning local policeman, they responded saying that this crime will not go unseen, and that their hearts go out to all the families whose Holloween was ruined with such a catastrophy. Anyone with any information is asked to call. . ."
A rough sounding man in his eighteenth year of life sits in the darkness of an apartment, chuckling at the television broadcast, and sipping more of a beer. Cleaning off a long blade, his thoughts wonder through the previous night. . . Writting it all down in his diary. . .
((Year 2019))
"What day is it Juugatsu?" asked a man with big black glasses, few grey hairs, and an all white attire.
"Today. . . Today is October 19th. . . 2019. . ," Juugatsu said softly, his head down, wearing a straight jacket and mussle. "Please, sir. . . Gogatsu. . . The bugs. . . They were trying to eat her flesh. . ."
"There was a fly. One fly. In your mental condition, I assume you thought you heard many. Mrs. ***Supuringu, Gogatsu, is at the local morge. Now, tell me Juugatsu, why did you murder her? Your lover?" asked the only other man in the room. A shirnk at Madison Center, a premanante home for many mental pacients.
"So long as they don't eat her. . ," Juugatsu said quietly, a thoughtful, anguished look apon his face. "I just. . . I wanted for Gogatsu. . . to stay with me. . . Forever and ever. . . I wanted to be with my love for the rest of my miserable existance. . . Without her feeling my pain. . . Sir. . . Havn't you ever loved someone. . . so much. . . . that you just wanted to kill them, and keep their corpse, forever. . . ?"
* Katta-Juugatsu is October cutter in Japanese. . . Juugatsu being October, and Katta- before a word meaning cutter. . .
** Gogatsu is May in Japanese. . .
***Supuringu is Spring in Japanese. . .
Perhaps the names make sense now. . . I couldn't just type October cutter for Juugatsu. . . and if he had a Japanese name, I figured Gogatsu would, too. . .
'Sides. . . I like Japanese names. . .

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I've been thinkin' and perhaps it's time I changed my site theme... I've come to two receint ideas and I wanted to ask opinions....
Little Nemo in Slumberland;
((I could get an avi for it, maybe more))
Fear of Clows/ IT;
((I can get avis, backgrounds, whatever I need))
OR both....
((Which would be mixed like I got it now))
Also, if there's anything else that you think about this site, that I should change or keep something, go ahead and comment on that, too... Welp, hope everybody's doin' alright... I'll be on and off throughout the day... Ta ta!! |

Comments (7) |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
by Mikhial Shaw ((AKA Esruc))
This is for to all the children who don't know what a family really is...
Standing in the middle of a battlefield, the physical syrum of life apon his face in crimson gleam, his closest companions sprawled apon the grounds of war in bits and peices, and a sunset disfigured with clouds of smoke and ash were some of the bodies had already started to burn, there stood one man with relivance. One man that had finally come to understand everything around him. At that, he became enragged. Brutally slaughtering any in his way, he'd turned 'round to face the woman who had forced the suicide of Love itself, and destroyed anything and everything with meaning from the face of the earth.
The song of a content little bird is fluttering around about outside, and no one seems to notice at all. None, save a young boy of age ten, name of Esruc. The birds are the only thing which can wake him, the boy with unusual blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Born into a life of misery, without the bird's songful bliss every morning, he would not allow himself to rest breathing at night. This morning is the same as all others to him. Yawning half-heartedly, he would rise, and ready himself for the day ahead, along with every other child, male and female, who were forced to live in the same pile of wood that they'd call shelter.
Hearing the gaurds blow the horn, everyone knew to exit their shelters and find their work stations, which each child faced along with nine other childrem from a shelter of different people than those they had risen right next to. Work stations of ten children were sprawled everywhere among a fort. In these days, there were no countries, states, cities, towns, not even neighborhoods or indevidual houses. There were not even families, for most humans died at age thirteen, and were never taught what a family was.
"Stories have been told in the past of families; of love. . ."
Wars were constantly being thrown between forts, or armies of children, and if any were to hear the sound of the drum beat, they would ready themselves for battle or seige. Just as everyone lived together, so they died. Male and female alike fought endless battles. If you were lucky enough to live to the age of twenty, you were made a general of whichever section of the army that you chose. Not many were that lucky. Even so, everyone in this fort, sense before recollection, had been under the command of one woman; Ezraph.
"If you are that revolved around such fantasy, wake up, as you do every morning. . ."
Her age was unknown, as was the reason she'd been made to command the army that this small boy had been born into, whether or not he enjoyed it. Every fort had one supreame leader, all of them stricken with hate. Ezraph was of no acception. If anyone dared get in her way, they were immidiately thrown into a furnace. Why did they not all revolt against her? She was the key to their survival. For all their ignorant minds could imagine, she was their mother. She was the only one who knew how to keep organization in their fort, and without it, they would all surely parish. War would come with or without her knowledge of how to attack.
"And see that Ezraph, supreame ruler of Adonis, is all the whole hearted family you'll ever have; all the fantasy filled love you'll ever know. . ."
They were taught that that's what a family really ment. Her; Ezraph. She was all they'd ever need. She was all they'd ever know. Ezraph was the only "family", the only "mother" that any of them had. All of them loved her. It was known, without any understanding. Esruc, however, intended to find out exactly what it was to have a family, like those he'd read about in books. In fairy-tales.
"Hail her 'till the end of days. . ."
"~A message from supreame cousel."
"Esruc, you maggot!!" Esruc turned his head only to be swatted across the face with a whip. "What do you think you're doing? We don't daydream here, we work!! Get your ass moving!!" he'd heard his general, General Switch say, as everyone knew she'd say to Esruc about four more times that day.
Getting up slowly, he didn't reply. He got back to working as fast as he could. He even scolded himself in his mind. He worked what everyone had considered an easy job. He and his ten worked making clothes. The others of General Switch's troup worked near by, making shoes, belts, weaving together the wool in which most of these items were made, and so forth. Though she was a fat, mean woman in everyone's eyes, they all knew they were lucky.
Under General Grantnet's troup, they would have to grow food in small rows, not fit for vegitation, seperate the plants, clean them, cook them, and serve everything at the end of the day. After all, everyone only got one meal, and if they didn't like it, they didn't like General Grantet's troup. Besides that, he was even more cruel to his troup than General Switch. Seeing as how often Esruc daydreamed to himself, he'd surely be dead on the third day under General Grantnet's command.
Regardless of that, by the time the sun was setting everyone was allowed to return to their shelters or lounge about in the open plaza. Food was served from the very center, and after the open plaza was everyone's shelters. After that, were the many work stations. Then, at last were the walls of the fort, said to be a foot thick of nothing but sarpened logs, and nearly fifteen feet high. The fort, as all others, was a humongous circle. This fort, however, was named Adonis. As such, everyone in this army had the name printed on the top left of thier sholders.
"Esruc, hey, over here!" Esruc turned towards his friend, Soulphy. She had been one of his best friends sense the day they met. He loved seeing her get all excited over seeing him. She'd bounce up and down, her long, straight, brown hair bouncing with her, as her deep brown eyes gleamed with joy. Most everyone had dark hair and eyes in every fort now a days, but she was different. Her hair wasn't frizzy and wild like the others, it was neat and shinning. Her eyes, unlike the shit brown he saw in everyone else's eyes, were darker. He saw more depth to them, as if they saw more than everybody else's.
Reading books about these fairy-tale families, he couldn't say he loved her as a wife. It didn't fit. More, he looked up to her, sometimes. They were always there for each other. That was different than the husband and wife situations of these days. . . He didn't understand how, but he had loved her.
He almost thought he felt the same love for Porteris. A small boy, about four years old, with short, wavy brown hair and greenish/blue eyes, who always stuck with Soulphy and him. Being so young, he made alot of mistakes, and didn't understand much, but Esruc and Soulphy, just as they took care of each other, took care of Porteris, too. Because of this, Esruc decided that love had to still exist. He decided that love was something that you just know, without any understanding of it. He decided. . . that, if a god existed, not even god could comprehend something so great and powerful as love.
After all, everyone said that love was the greatest fairy-tale of all. . .
"Did she smack you again?" asked Soulphy, interupting Esruc's train of thought, again.
"Well, uhm, I'd beem daydreaming," Esruc said, trying to sound as if he hadn't gone off daydreaming on her, too.
"Well, that's one thing about you that she'll never be able to change. She just needs to accept it," Soulphy responded, not mentioning, for Esruc's benifit, that she had infact noticed his daydreaming out on her. She really didn't mind. She was one to accept people for whoever they were. Not trying to change a thing about them, yet somehow getting along with everyone. That was one thing Esruc looked up to her for. . .
"Can I have some more?" Porteris asked, tugging on Esruc's shirt.
As Esruc was about to respond, Soulphy spoke out before him saying, "Porteris, what do you say?"
Thinking only a split second, a moment of realization hit the little boy before he realized he'd forgot to say please, but as he was about to finish his sentence to Esruc, Esruc went ahead and poured some of his ration of food into Porteris's bowl.
"It's okay Soulphy, you can teach him manners with others, but I'm not anything special. He can slack off around me. I mean, if not me, then who else?" Esruc shrugged it off as he spoke to Soulphy.
"Well. . . Just you, then," Soulphy said, realizing that Esruc was right. If Porteris used familiar words with any of the superieors, they'd cross him with a whip. "No. . . He shouldn't have to use manners with me, either, then. . ."
Patting Soulphy on the head playfully, Esruc tired to cheer her saying, "Com'on, now. Don't look so glum! This is our time off, remember? Let's just relax. Don't trouble yourslef with my words."
Soulphy looked at Porteris's face, and couldn't help but giggle realizing he had his food plaster all over his face, 'round his mouth. At her giggling, the fact was brought to both Porteris's and Esruc's attention, as well, and soon enough they were all laughing at each other. This was all that they'd ever had in life, but they had contently made the best of it. And to them, each other was more than they could ever really ask for.
After five years passed, Esruc, Porteris, and Soulphy all stood by each other in line of war. The years had brought many a battle, giving each of them imperishable scars, but this was war between Adonis and Zelphoris. Zelphoris was a huge and powerful army, and after much planning, their supreame leader, Opious had decided that he would rule every fort that existed. Either whipping out those that wouldn't join him, or enslaving them for his own selfish bidding. Ezraph wouldn't have it, and she decided to wage war against Zelphoris, even if it were the last of her.
By this time, Porteris was nine, and though still young, he had more bravery than Esruc had when he was ten. His hair didn't quite reach his shoulders, but it was still as wavy and soft as ever. Soulphy was now sixteen, and she bore the most of their scars. To live to such an older age was almost unheard of, but because of her teamwork with Esruc, he was now fifteen. Taking care of each other, in labor, battle, and war, they'd all managed to keep smiling, and each still possesed their own indevidual selves. Soulphy was still kind and accepting, and Esruc was still wise and full of daydream.
Knowing that this would more than likely be the end of it all, Esruc had woke that morning early, with Soulphy and Porteris, and they enjoyed one last moment of peace before everyone woke to the sound of the horn. Hugging and wishing each other the best, promising to stay near to each other in the war. They stepped outside the fort walls, joining many thousands of their friends, companions, and all prepared for death. The only thing they heard now was the sound of the drums.
Marching in line and in place, the beat was steady. Everyone bore a cold, emotionless face, wearing what armor they had, and holding what weapons they specialized in. Some bore arrows and bows, others swords and sheilds, few of them flails and axes, and a good number of them bearing long swords and two blades. Some even held herbs in the pockets of their belts which, if handled properly, would explode on contact or give their foe nasty rashes. Some herbs could even blind them instantly. Whereas they had much to protect themselves, they knew that the Zelphoris army was a great one, and had many the same weaponry.
In any usual battle and even in some wars, Ezraph would stay behind and rather have some few of the Adonis army stay behind, as well, to dote apon her. This war, however, was much more relivant. She sat atop a charriot, being carried by four of the strongest gaurds, in the back of the army of Adonis. Esruc, Soulphy, and Porteris were only a few lines of soldiers in front of her, Porteris being a flail and axe handler, Soulphy an archeress, and Esruc a double blademan, with a long sword attached to some leather straps on his back. Porteris held the most of the herbs between them, seeing as Soulphy and Esruc agreed that he, being closer to the expected death age, should be more at risk and should bear more protection.
Esruc was never as sure that Ezraph was like a mother to them, like all the other soldiers in Adonis. He'd always felt bad about it, but he couldn't help it. He turned his head now, to look at her. She held a hatful look apon her face, as if she knew that this war was futile and that the Adonis army would fall without effort. Heavying Esruc's heart, he noticed a small, sudden voice. As Ezraph turned her head ever slightly and sent her gaze into the crowd of her army, Esruc noticed that their was a boy, Luxcerious, who he'd known only by a few friendly conversations, now staning near Ezraph's thrown.
"Ezraph, you are like a mother to us, why are we being sent into a war so hopeless?" Luxcerious had asked her, a pathetic look of fear on his face. Luxcerious had never looked affraid in battle, untill now. A scornfull look took Ezraph's face.
"Why are you bothering me with such useless flattery? A mother? Tch! I am your executioner as much as the Zelphoris army!! Get back in line before I have you thrown to first rank, so you must face Opious's beasts with the first rank General, General Toughnethorn!!" Ezraph shouted, pointing at him suggestively. Taking the hint, General Grantnet swatted the boy with a whip. Esruc wondered how Soulphy and Porteris had managed to join him in General Switch's troup, but then graspped something deeper than that.
He noticed soon that it was true. Not only had Opious chained a line of fierce beasts to be his first troup, but the Adonis's first troup, General Toughnethorn's, would surely all become nothing but a mauled heap as soon as the beasts were close enough.
Then, Esruc realized that he couldn't daydream his way out of this. He realized the reason he daydreamed so often, was because he wanted to escape something. He couldn't now, however. This was war, his last war. This was his last glance at his brother and sister, Porteris and Soulphy, before the war, before they would either watch him die, or he would watch them.
"Wait. . ." realizing what he'd just thought. . . Esruc noticed that there was more to the books he'd read about families. There wasn't just husband and wife. There were brothers. There were sisters. How had he forgotten? It was something he'd read about in only one book. Only one book had held that much information, out of the countless amounts he'd read.
It was this day, at this moment, that Esruc realized what his family was. It wasn't blood relation. He and everyone who'd written those books was a fool to say that it was. Family consisted of those that he loved, and he knew as a fact, without understanding. Family was all that he'd ever had. It had stared him in the face the whole time. Porteris and Soulphy loved him enough to die for him. That's what they were all about to do for each other. They never considered backing out on one another. Not once.
Then he realized that it had no limit. Esruc and his brother and sister didn't back out, not only because of each other, but for their army. Their family. Adonis had been their home. Calling it a shelter had blinded Esruc for all this time. It was more than that. He loved it, not because it housed him. It housed everyone who took care of him, no matter the abuse they had to suffer daily to do so. All these people didn't stay in Adonis because they truely believed that they had no other choice. They did it because each and every one of them was a part of a family. All they had was each other. They would work and fight not because they hated their rival army, but because they loved theirs.
Adonis was what they were born to fight for and it was their family that they were now to die for. Esruc finally understood family. They loved eachother knowingly, without understanding; he'd known for a very long time. No, not even a god could comprehend love. It was futile to try to understand love as a human. He was now so content that he knew what a family was that he didn't even care.
But the drums wouldn't allow him to enjoy the moment like he should have. He had something to say that Luxcerious couldn't. The first troups of each army had already begun to attack each other, gore filling the center of the feilds they were fighting in. The fight rolled forth, and Esruc and his family were now in the very middle of the war, fighting with all they had.
There now, the physical syrum of life apon his face in crimson gleam, his closest companions sprawled apon the grounds of war in bits and peices, and a sunset disfigured with clouds of smoke and ash were some of the bodies had already started to burn, there stood Esruc. The one that had finally come to understand everything around him. At that, he became enragged. Brutally slaughtering any in his way, he'd turned 'round to face the woman who had forced the suicide of Love itself, and destroyed anything and everything with meaning from the face of the earth.
Attacking one of Ezraph's gaurds, her charriot fell to the ground.
"Augh!! You maggot!! What do you think you're doing!?!" Ezraph shouted as she grabbed the sword of one of her still standing gaurds and lept from her thrown to battle Esruc.
"Look at them, mother!! Look at their faces!!" Esruc shouted back, his eyes overflowing with tears, now flowing down his face. He had his weapon lowered, and he opened his arms towards her, walking slowly closer. "They love you!! Watch them, they're calling your name as they die, bleeding for you, dieing away slowly!! Look at Adonis, mother!! Look at us!! For generations you've ruled, and for generations, we've been proving our love to you, whether or not we've even realized it!!"
Esruc began frantically ripping his armor off, bearing scars and blood, "Look at this!! We all bare it for you, mother!!"
"Stop it!!" Ezraph screamed. She'd lowered her weapon, as well, and as he'd slowly advanced towards her, she slowly backed away.
"No, we won't!! We'd never stop for you!! If it means the end of our entire being, the Adonis army will perish!! We will make sure that they books hold your name, mother!! They will tell the tale of your hatred for yourself!!They will tell the tale of a tourtured nation that forgave you, anyway!! A nation that loved you when you beat us, a nation that loved you when you betrayed us, a nation that loved you when you had us convinced that Love itself commited suicide long ago. . . One nation left on earth, that because of a hard life, remembered one more time what love is, what family is. . ."
As the war proceeded on all sides of them, Esruc drew closer, and eventually, Ezraph no longer took steps back. As she stood completely still, he advanced, slower and slower each step.
"Prove to me that it was worth it, and that family still exists. Even at the end of the world. Prove to god, whether or not one exists, that Love still prevails."
Zelphoris fought for thirteen days against Adonis. In the end, Opious had whipped out the first nation on his way to enslaving the earth. His intention was to go out and to search for the body of Ezraph, and when it was found he wanted to know. He wanted to be the one to take her head and mount it to his thrown, showing his mercy for killing her, instead of prolonging the war against Adonis any further.
"Sir, Sir Opious!!" a soldier of the Zelphoris army called out, bowing before his supreame leader.
"You've found her?" Opious asked, beginning to stand so that he could follow his soldier. He was more than eagar in doing so. . .
"Yes, Sir Opious, you may follow me this way." stated the soldier. At seeing how eagar Opious had been, he wasted no time at all. Trodding over many bodies, they reached the center of the battle feild. This is where the soldier stopped.
"Well, keep going! Did she not flee as her men were falling? I would assume that, as I, she held up in the back of the rank," Opious sneered as he gazed 'round.
"No, sir. . . We didn't have to track her down in the near forests, as you said we might. . ." the soldeir said, lowering his head.
"What? Where is she?" Opious asked. But he didn't need an asnwer. Following the soldier's gaze, there was Ezraph. She was sprawled out on the ground, her innards beside her. Her hair was no longer neat and orderly. Some of it had been cut off during battle, and what remained was full of blood, and dirt. Her makeup was smeared, as well as blood all across her face. Several of her teeth were missing. Her eyes remained opened, and as she lay on her back, it seemed as if she were gazing towards something. Her arm was out streched in the direction that her gaze had been before she died. . .
By her hand lay three children, all huddled together in a tight hug. A blonde boy, with little armor to gaurd him on the left, a brunette girl, with a bow strapped to her back on the right, and a small boy, with wavy brown hair in the middle. They all had their eyes closed, angelic looks apon their faces. . . If their bodies weren't so pale, so mangled. . . you might have thought that they were simpley asleep.

Comments (4) |
Monday, June 19, 2006
I am so sorry I havn't been updating... I've been trying to get to sites, either way, but I've still been kind of sick lately.... Well, sick as a dog to be honest.... BUT I've had a lethal dose of Rock Star Energy, so I'm good for now... *big sloppy girn*
Well, here are some lovely pictures I've been chuckling at for awhile now...
^.^b Ohhh, yesh!! Well, I'm off to check sites... See ya!! |

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Friday, June 16, 2006
... Sorry if I missed a few people's sites the other day.... I've been feeling pretty ill, as of late.... I may not be on much today.... If I am I'll try to stop by if you update.... |

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