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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

   New version of Pirate is up!
Here's the inked version:
hope you likey, coloured version is soon up!

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   New DA submission...
Forgot to update here again... I've submitted a drawing on DA:
and it's for a competition in a magazine... read more about that on the page... inked version is soon up...

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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Uploaded a new pic on DA today it's of Ren Tao and Yoh Asakura from Shaman King it's called

Stargazing ^^

and even if it's just a quick uncoloured scetch... I like it...^^ and it's going to becoloured...

oh yeah and now I'm the owner of Marit's "Hidden Place" and it's even more beautiful than it seems on the net...^_________^ I'm happy... it cost me 350 NOK (Norwegian kroner) = ca 25-30 US Dollar ... but it was worth it...^^

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Saturday, June 11, 2005

I am painfully aware of the fact that I haven't submitted much art/fiction/or anything for that matter, exams etc are over, but it'll take me awhile to redjust to the 'normal life', do more stuff and therefore post more...
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Sunday, June 5, 2005

   Fucking school computers...
Yeah, that's right! Our school computers won't log me in on this site so I'm behind with my updating (again)... *grumbles*...

Oh well, nuthin' to do with it, here's my latest updates... (links to my pages is to be found on the top of this page):

On Deviantart:

1. Fuma vs. Kamui
Kamui and Fuma from X/1999 fighting with their respective swords... includes wings... (wings...!!!!)

2. Minoruchan
Minoru Kokobunji from Chobits.. ya know that adorable little boy who always looks so sad...

3. Siblings love...
Da noogie of doom... In Colours

4. Gift - Conan to my little bro
Conan from Case closed/meitantei Konan/Detective Conan made for my "little bro" In Colours

5. Kurama ni Hiei
Warning: shounen ai! Kurama and Hiei about to kiss ^^

6. Yamcha ni Tenshinhan
Two of my favourites from the DB series...^^

7. Swimming
Me trying to draw something from a different angle... didn't go too bad if you ask me! In Colours

On Fanfiction.net:

1. Why did you save me
Genre: Anime - Ranma 1/2.
Pairing:Ranma/Ryoga. Warning:yaoi/shounen ai.
Summary: "Ranma and Ryoga are strong opponents but is their enemity really because of Akane? Read and find out."
Chapter 3 is up!

2. Kogane no Hitomi
Genre: Anime - Inuyasha.
Pairing: Sesshomaru/Inuyasha. Warning: yaoi and incest.
Summary: "What happens if Sess and Inu starts to long back to a time where friendship and love existed... TITLE'S CHANGED TO KOGANE NO HITOMI FROM GOLDEN EYES!"
Chapter 3 is up!

3. Bloody Love
Genre: Anime - Beyblade.
Pairing: Kai/Rei
Warning: Yaoi, Darkfic.
Summary: "AU story. Kai is a vampire in the streets of Tokyo, a drugtaking vampire, to be more specific. What happens when he runs into our little neko-jin, Rei?"
First chapter is up!

OMG!!!!!!!!!! I updated on Fanfiction.net... the world's comin to an end.., nah just kidding... I'm not banned there anymore (yay) and I ditched my beta reader for this time (in other words... the new chappies is not beta-read... ^^;) Anyway, hope you likey...^^

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Friday, May 20, 2005

   5 new pics...
Okay, should have written this sooner, but the damn school computers wouldn't load this damn site... *grumbles*

Neway, I uploaded 5 new pics on deviantart (see link on the top of the page) this wednesday:

1. Cutest murder evah...
Title explains itself...

2. Omae no korosu

3. Stuff to do... nr. 1
1st tip about what to do to make your life more interesting...

4. What they're doing
What the Naruto gang are doing when they're not filming an episode... ^^

5. Sankyuu
A little thank you to those who have helped me getting 500 hits on my deviant page...

I still hope that people will enjoy my pics... have fun!!!!!!

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Sunday, May 8, 2005

   3 pics
I added three pics to my page on deviantart today... they were of:

1. Kakyo from X/1999
2. Ren Tao from Shaman King and
3. A manga drawing of my best friend Kichan

I hope people will go and take a look at them...

P.S. I'll try to be better at updating this page to tell you when I'm updating...

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   Cleaning up!
I've finally gotten my lazy arse to do some cleanup on this page, it has been messed up for months with nothing else than quiz-results from my playing around on the net... ^^;

I think I need some congratulations because of that... *yawns* I'll never let this page become messy again, I promise *hand on the wallet*

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   long time no er.. update...(?)
I just realised that it has been really long time since last time I updated, I need a good beating for this...

oh anyway... short summary of what's happened:

I'm finally finished with my Sesshomaru quiz on quizilla (about time, eh?) hurray!

and I've managed to be banned (!) on fanfiction.net because of chatting(!) in one of my stories (which now are deleted from that page) but... but... I HAD NO CHATTING IN IT!!!!!! *wails*

hmm... I think deviantart are the only page where I'm updating on a regular basis for the time being seeing as I'm not banned there and that I'm always drawing... please have a look...

okay 'nough chatting, gotta go..^.~

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Monday, February 21, 2005

   I won I won I won!!!!!!

I actually won!!!!!

I participated in a local competition today (called ukm) with four of my artworks and I won with one of them, so now I'm going to the next level in the competition^^ the region gathering...

I can't believe that I made it...

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