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Friday, August 6, 2004

quizzes but make sure you read anything I write 2day
You are totally obsessed. Your friends may find it weird at times..but you don't care, they have no idea what there missing!

How much do U love johnny depp???( please rate my quiz!..AWESOME PICS!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are totally obbsessed with Orlando! He is you
shrine, your everything(like me). You love
Orlando so much, and he loves you too! You
probally kiss his picture good night when you
go to bed. Your walls are probally COVERED with
pictures!(like me) Keep up the good work, and
keep loving Orlando!

How much do you know about Orlando?(With pics, girls please)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Aragorn. You are big and strong- if even a
little bit full of yourself. However- you are a
good leader, and people actually seem to listen
to you. The opportunity to order people around
is one that you cannot let down.
Battle is a good opportunity for you to show off
your hard-core manliness and skill with a
Get a life.

LOTR - Which Helm's deep Soldier are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

your ideal mate is Frodo!

Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate?
brought to you by Quizilla

yeh my mom and dad

aragorn and arwen
Lord of the Rings couple

brought to you by Quizilla

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so I've just realized I'll be gone this weekend for three days because going to visit my parents since I won't be living w/ them for a while!! yeh so I get to go to a castle but that means I won't be on for three days but I will be back lata 2day!!
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GUESS WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey every one I have gr8 news and some downer news but more gr8!!!
I don't have to move I can stay here and just be princess for now but since my mom is going to let me stay here I still need a dutchess and I NEED to be really "perfect" like I can't goof off as much any more I g2 dress and be prettier, and I need to act more like a princess but other than that I DON'T HAVE TO MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thursday, August 5, 2004

well I have been asked what a dutchess would do well here is a list of things........ you would have to help me come up w/ rules for my country, you would help organize and make balls, dinners, dances, Royal parties, ext. You would also be concidered royalty thank ya'll (oops can't say ya'll any more since I need to be more "princess like" my mom says. so thank you all!! lol ttyl
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   shoot...................... :'(
I might have to move out of the USA where I love to go back to my home city because I might have to acually help my parents run our country!!! :'( seriously though I don't wanna move away??? plus THERE AREN'T COMPUTERS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well so hey no one has answered me about helping except one person (thnk you) and if anyone wants to be my dutchess thank you!! i g2g 4 now ttyl!!!

~~*~~*~~Princess Estansse~~*~~*~~


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Wednesday, August 4, 2004

This is for anyone who likes Kodocha!!
Sana sat on her couch crying over the rumors between her and nao "going out". ~I don't know what to do I can't even think straight~ "Sana are you in there??" cried out Rei. "yes Rei what is it??" "well you've been locked in this room all day is something wrong?" ~how can i tell him that I love Akito and that all my friends believed those dumb articles' lies.~ "Well Rei, I have just had a tough day coming back to school after being gone so much I'm just overwhelmed that's all." " ok Sana I'll talk with you later then if you want." *ring ring* "I'll get it Sana"

"Sana it Naozumi on the phone."

*grabs phone*

"Hello Nao." "hey Sana I talked to Akito today and he told me......................"


*b continued 2morrow*

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ok, everyone hello this Estansse princess of the realm of Gondor. I must unform you all that not very many are coming to this site so if you can please tell your friends about it that would be wonderful. because I might have to become Queen and I won't have much time for the computer so if no one comes I might have to leave but I don't want that so please help!!!!! well hey so how is every one though??? * walks over to lembas bread and eats some* sorry ya'll I was hungry!!! well hey so tell others to help me as well thank you all


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Tuesday, August 3, 2004

ok ya'll I will try to explain th princess queen thing tommorow so hope ya'll check!!
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Hey ya'll
It's Raining........................................... Special Edition Return of the King comes out in 3 months and 7 days!!! Well hey if anyone wants to be my dutchess and help me run my land it would be great!! so hey if ya'll want to help me run my country but not be my dutchess you may still help me thank you so much!! well ya'll pleasee help me~~~ gracias!!!
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   Hey ya'll
srry I haven't been on latly I have been having princess issues I need to right all these decrees and I need to have all these lessons because I might have to become a full queen.............. eeek that will be hard....... so what is new with you guys... my brothers are being losers.... well yeh so I g2g 4 a while I'll be back.....
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