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myOtaku.com: Estansse Elessar

Friday, August 6, 2004

srry didn't do the Kodocha yesterday it will be longer 2day
*= an action
~= their thinking that
"= speaking
%=which person's talking

%sana%" NAO....???WHERE'D YOU GO HELLO HELLO???????"

%rei% "Sana is everthing all right?"
"No Rei Naozumi got cut off the line, and he sounded like something bad happened to Akito."
%rei% ~well when is akito not bad~
"so what r u going to do?"
"Rei leave me I'm going to think for a while."
~why did naozumi talk to akito they never really got along?? I wonder what happened to akito why was nao so shocked~ * off in distance Sana can hear sierens* ~i wonder who those are for I think I'll find out then I'll go talk to Akito~ %sana% " Mom I'm going out for a walk be back soon" *Sana runs out side and follows sierens* ~I hope this has nothing to do with Akito~ *sana reaches the scene where sierens are* "WHAT?? no it can't be" *sana starts to cry*

2 b countinued 2morrow

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